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Everything posted by Wanda

  1. I'll just repost this here in case it can help anyone. Abyssal:
  2. Any hard evidence that Laegjarn is the TT reward or is it just conjecture?
  3. Infernal, Askr units and Masked Marth (not F2P i.e. lots of SI)
  4. Book II, Chapters 9 & 10 on Lunatic. Deathless, infantry-only: NB: this is not instructional.
  5. Paralogues 19 & 20, Lunatic / deathless (infantry-only): Squad Assault 11: (Book II, Story 9 & 10 Lunatic/deathless is in the works, got a work deadline to meet hence the brisk pace of these vids...)
  6. Infernal, F2P (Askr) units only: Units: Fjorm Anna Sharena Alfonse Ally supports: Fjorm × Anna (S-rank) Sharena × Alfonse (A-rank) SI: Reposition & Atk Ploy 3 on Anna Hone Atk 3 on Sharena Seals: Drive Atk 2 Drive Def 1 Quick Riposte 3 Atk +3
  7. Infernal, infantry-only: This was fun! I'm thinking unmerged Adult Tiki, Nino and any brave bow archer could work in place of my merged units.
  8. Infernal, F2P units only: (Valter, Gerome, Legendary Ike and Masked Marth)
  9. I've got nothing left to do... so I'm going back and re-clearing all the Infernals with F2P units.
  10. Infernal, F2P-units only: (if you have Legendary Ike, he's even better than Masked Marth, as long as you give him QR2)
  11. Infernal: Decided to have a bit of fun with this one.
  12. Am I the only one who wants Infernal Squad Assaults against stronger enemies?
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