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Posts posted by cyron

  1. lol

    I knew this when I was like 5. Congrats classmate.

    same, this reminds me of when we had this one kids who just flat out refused to believe king tut and Tutankhamen where the same person, it took us half an hour to explain that they where alternate names, or katherine who just couldn't/wouldn't believe that her lungs arent in her stomach

    also samias are you in middle school, high school, or college

  2. shiharam looks sort of constipated

    However, there is one thing. If Petrine was going to be related to the Crimean royal family in any way, wouldn't such a thing need to be a huge cover-up regardless of said relation? I mean, imagine a group of Daien sympathizers finding out about Petrine and trying to support her accession to the throne of Crimea over Elincia.

    that would actually have been really cool or ashnard could have used her to legitimize his right to the throne via marriage

  3. The games themselves remain encrypted, yes. There is one fully-understood exploit allowing custom code to be ran on the system's RAM, which is enough to modify some of the hardware's software. Technically any further RAM modification is potentially possible via this method, as is intercepting data and loading custom stuff. Any permanent changes to the game file itself, however, is not possible as far as I've seen.

    ok, so just to be clear we can change things but the changes have to be reloaded every time

  4. "Do your homework."

    yes this is a big one

    "It's late, go to bed."

    i've been told this many times, and i always wish i'd followed the advice

    No matter how bad it gets, at least you have the mental capacity to figure out a way to make it better.

    <Grandfather, 1921-2007>

    that is wise

    I dunno, pretty much everything my parents say is wise.

    yeah, it feels that way in retrospect

    When I was trying to decided between two things, my dad would always tell me "Flip a coin. If you want to flip again, you probably actually want the other one."

    He's said more profound things, but I really like that one.

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