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Posts posted by Samias

  1. 10 hours ago, Anacybele said:


    It actually sounds neat, imo. I hope E3 won't focus too much on it though, because I still feel there are better things it could be showing us, like FE Warriors, FE Switch, an HD Zelda: Skyward Sword for Switch (I don't think it really NEEDS this, but since TP was remade and I didn't think it needed the HD treatment, why not? Plus, Skyward Sword with Amiibo compatibility and on a console you can also play anywhere would be awesome), more on Super Mario Odyssey, a Switch Luigi's Mansion game, etc.

    I'm guessing Nintendo will focus on Splatoon the most (ARMs will be out by then), and then Mario Odyssey. Rabbid's Kingdom Battle will probably have split attention between Nintendo and Ubisoft's conferences, but I don't think it will take up too much of the presentation's time. FE Warriors might have more character trailers to show although I don't know if we'll see anything new for FE Switch yet. Instead we'll likely see what's been going on with the titles that were announced at the Switch's launch like Skyrim or Project Octopath Traveller. We might also see some new things to do with Animal Crossing as the mobile game has been hush hush ever since it was announced, but some new merch has been unveiled for Japanese audiences.

  2. While I hate that Ike leaves, I think there is an argument that Ike caring for his family means he can no longer be with them.

    1. Ike was blessed with godly power and struck the final blow against the goddess, which could be seen as blasphemous  to the common people of Begnion. At the very least, the greatest beorc nation in the world no longer has its old Senate and its religion is shaken to the core due to the actions of Ike's army.

    2. After seeing how miserable Lehran has been all these years carrying the legacy of the gods, Ike decides he has to leave to prevent himself from being an influence on what's to come. He is a hero for a new age but he has no desire to be a leader of the people.

    3. While he was gaining strength to surpass the Black Knight, what started as a simple desire to protect his friends has become a lust for battle that peace cannot sate. As noted, Ike is not really that different from Ashnard or Zelgius when he's in the heat of the moment. While there's no concern of going berserk like Gawain, his level of power is "too much" relative to his remaining peers.

    Ike can only stand the attention of people outside of a close-knit network of friends for so long. His accomplishment was so great that he will never find a moment to himself ever again. He's seen what has happened to people like him, and although the world has fundamentally changed, Ike is a singularity of power and fame. As much as the ending of "he leaves forever" sucks, he would never enjoy a life leading the Greil Mercenaries now that they are undeniably the group that brought back the goddess to her true self. Rather than become the spiritual successor to Altina, his choice is to leave.

    Edit: And although most of the lands beyond Tellius were sunk beneath the sea as far as anyone knows, canonically it seems he found an Outrealm gate I guess. Maybe Ike wasn't planning on going anywhere specific, he just needed to be where no one would know who the Hero of Blue Flame was so he would not be exploited.

  3. On 3/19/2017 at 7:50 PM, Extrasolar said:

    Yup...which is weird, because all of the other kidlets aren't that much older than Rolf to begin with. Sothe, Mist and Tormod are the youngest people in the army barring Rolf; Sothe and Mist are still only 14, while Tormod is 13. Not much focus is made on their youth and their being soldiers...

    I do think people actually make a big deal about Sothe, Mist and Tormod's age. Just Mist was incredibly stubborn and had just lost her father, Sothe was a stowaway, and Tormod is just as stubborn as Mist, just with Muarim as a bodyguard of sorts. Notably, Rolf is the only orphaned child who still have his living biological mother, but his brothers worry about his well-being as RD shows his mother never showed him much love.

    To answer the above poll, I do love Oscar the most. He's one of the most responsible members of the Mercs, and a likely candidate to take over for Titania's second-in-command role.

  4. We don't see the lowest of lows for Almedha but at the same time, you can tell she's still a broken person by the way she obsesses over Pelleas's wellbeing. Even then, I think she always has a feeling that Pelleas is not really her son from the onset. She latches to him because she, like many others, mistakes his spirit charmer mark as a Branded, while others think the opposite of Soren.

    It's kind of a shame the extended ending for Almedha and Soren is locked away behind so many requirements. Even though it doesn't change things in any meaningful way for Soren (no one tells him the truth), it's good closure for Almedha to see her true son doing well on his own despite everything.

  5. I do often wish that Lucia and Bastian were both better units, because their characters are so great. I always really liked that moment in PoR when Elincia finally reunites with the people she's known all her life and her spirits are lifted by their survival. Even though she learns to trust in Ike and the mercenaries, she's still on edge about appeasing Begnion until she finally sees the people she grew up with. But by the time RD rolls around though, Elincia has been taught by Ike, Lucia and Bastian that she is a capable leader of Crimea and is resolved to make sacrifices to protect the values of her country. Actually Geoffrey is perhaps an anomaly in all of this. He's devoted to Elincia over the needs of Crimea, so I kinda wish we got to see more of his reaction too. He has no mind for politics, and is a hell of a lot more emotional than Lucia and Bastian are. Hmmm.

    That said I really do love Part 2 of RD. The Crimean Civil Uprising was really the grey area this game really needed to prevent it from making Crimea the perfect goody two shoes country.

  6. 1 hour ago, fangpoint333 said:

    From Lyre's profile "not fit to be on the battlefield"- That's believable lol

    I wasn't aware that Kyza was supposed to be the feminine type. That's something that I'd be fine with simply because it makes him more memorable.

    Well, they scrubbed out a lot of Kyza's femininity in the English version, but mostly because it was a potentially offensive stereotype. Although I think the implication that Kyza is gay is actually still in the English script, but he expresses his loyalty to Ranulf as extreme bureaucracy and brown-nosing. I actually think Kyza's unique personality comes out pretty well in the very few scenes he has dialogue in compared to others, but since he only has roughly 2 base conversations and no main story presense I don't anything could really pull him out of "doomed to obscurity" territory.

    And yes, it's completely believable that Lyre should not be on the battlefield. If I were Ranulf, I'd definitely put Kyza in charge over her any day of the week.

  7. 1 hour ago, Soul~! said:

    Why are people so literal. It's obvious they meant he's just femenine or might even be a homosexual. I'm rooting for the former, since it's possible to be femenine without being homosexual.

    In this case, as has been stated many times, Kyza is a stereotypical feminine man in Japan, which strongly implies homosexuality especially with how he fights over Lyre for Ranulf's attention. He's just a bit more like the bara archetype. Japan doesn't really delicately deal with gender identity in most things, instead playing it up for comedy.

  8. On 3/7/2017 at 8:58 AM, Extrasolar said:

    Yeah, IIRC the Tellius Recollection says that Dragon Branded tend to live roughly 185 years, Lion Branded 94 years, and Tigers 65 years (not like that's an amazingly long time, but I guess for the time...) Wow... Soren would have a lot of time without Ike after about 60 or so years... That's kind of a sad thought. I'm not sure Soren could handle losing Ike that way...

    Dheginsea has to be over 1000. He was already a fully-grown, huge dragon during the war with Yune, which was roughly 1000 years before POR. I believe that dragon lifespans are said to be somewhere in the neighborhood of 2000 years? Kurth is the youngest dragon at 100 in Radiant Dawn, and in the Recollection he's supposed to look 17, so I imagine that middle age looking Dheginsea is at least 1500 - 1700 or so.

    Micaiah was never a part of Begnion theocracy in her youth; the furthest back we get of her backstory, she was a fortune-teller in Daein and met Sothe in Nevassa, so I assume that she was born and raised in Daein, or was taken there very early on in her life.. She didn't learn of her connection to Sanaki and Misha until Radiant Dawn.

    The thing is, since Micaiah and Sanaki are siblings it would be strange for their mother to just take off to Daein. Sephiran has conversations remarking how things would be different had he known Micaiah still lived, implying he knew she was born and then put into a dire situation, such as being stolen away by someone in the chaos of Misaha's assassination with the intent to leave her to die. The senators also seem to know Micaiah is the real heir, as they know Sanaki does not hear the voice of the goddess.

    If Micaiah was just a baby at the time, it would be reasonable that she wouldn't remember anything about Begnion.

  9. On 3/5/2017 at 11:52 PM, The Geek said:

    No, Elice and Ylisse are not related at all.

    In Japanese Ylisse is called "Iris"

    The country is romanized as Iris, but in Japanese it's written out as イーリス, which sounds more like "Ee-risu". It actually sounds closer to how English speakers would say "Elice" compared to the flower Iris (aye-ris). Since Elice is derived from Eris, you could conceivably think of Iris of a further corruption. That is totally just speculation on my part, but we did get the country romanized as "Ylisse" because it sounds more like how the developers intended "Iris" to sound. That said, Elice barely has any presense within the game until she's back with the Alm staff, but she's back so late so I'd say it's hard to rate her above Maria in terms of plot importance.

    That said I think Lena is the most prominent cleric, having an archetype of her very own. She also has a surprisingly large amount of backstory in a game where characters typically have little-to-none.

  10. I think Micaiah is somewhere in her early-to-mid 20s. She's older than the events of the Serenes Massacre (Sephiran believed she had been killed) but wasn't really old enough to recall being a part of the Begnion theocracy.

    Without knowing when Almehda and Ashnard met, it's hard to say how old Soren is. He seems to have aged more quickly than Micaiah, as it seems no one has noticed his aging. Either that, or he aged similarly to a beorc up until very recently, then halted, as no one in the Greil Mercs have remarked on him over the several years he's been around them.

  11. I pay for FFXIV, which is a subscription MMO, and I think the payment is justified for the maintenance of servers. I think payment for online services is a sham if the server connectivity isn't good though. A lot of games don't run dedicated servers so it's like paying for a bit of voice chat. At least PSN and XBox Live Gold offer free games every month now, but forcing people to pay for peer to peer connections is pretty silly. For Honor's bad netcode even for peer to peer is unacceptable when people are paying $80 CAD (yes it's that expensive here), with a microtransaction system tacked on.

  12. Yes, guides on Gamefaqs can be just as bad if not worse. I mean, there is the infamous GBA Fire Emblem power ranking that is just totally bonkers, although the official guide isn't much better. I'm just saying print guides are not infallible and later discussion of a game can also yield some more reliable strategies or alternative routes. Especially for the more popular games.

    I'd say that Prima is probably one of the worst official guide makers out there when it comes to info, yet they are one of the ones used the most by game publishers to make an official guide. They are there for collector's value because at least they have maps and artwork and nice print quality. However they don't really have great editors. Also on certain games like Pokemon, their first guide released barely covers anything and you need to track down the secondary guides that come out much later, well after Bulbapedia and Serebii have covered the locations of everything in the game, all movesets and evolutions of Pokemon on day 1.

  13. I'll echo that having easy access to various indexes and maps is the best reason to own a guide. However I find the internet actually tends to have better advice for boss strategies and other shortcuts you can find in a game, since guides tend to be written on strict deadlines. I've seen many typos throughout guides because you can't correct typos or bad tables when they go to print.

  14. From what your end stats look like, it seems like Vika on a long term sense is potentially the worst unit, from bases that don't hold up from such a long absence that she can never catch up again. That said she gets free utility use in part 1 so an efficiency player will value her for that. Lyre's still also not too great, though she did eventually overtake Sothe in some areas... it just took ages. On the other hand everyone else seemed fairly workable, just inefficient to start.


    At least this game has BEXP and guaranteed 1 stat levels to lessen RNG screwage. I always liked that.

  15. 2 hours ago, Radiant head said:

    edward is bad for the same reason sothe is considered extremely good imo.  by the time his growths lead him to being a decent unit, he's not really needed.  the dawn brigade chapters just don't lend to units who rely on evasion and player phase combat.  that's not to say he can't be useful, especially with specific set-ups like wrath + wind edge, but it'll never make him more than mediocre. 


    Edward has a 60% growth in strength and speed, and 65% in skill. He's got 7 base strength and 12 base speed. Sure, it could be better, but considering he's with you from chapter 1 you have some uncontested deployment to get Edward rolling. He even gets a free "silver" that comes with added +8 luck and 40 uses! He's only barely worse than Zihark in the long run, as Zihark has a big res lead that Edward never really bridges without a large amount of BEXP favouritism. And once Edward gets rolling, which is really just "he promotes by 1-E", he's far above mediocre. The only knock against him is that the DBs can only really afford to train 2-3 1st tiers and that midway through part 1. And as much as a tier list assumes you give everyone their fair shake, a smart player would invest in Jill, your only available flier for part 3 in myriad swamp and mountain chapters. After that, Edward pretty much dukes it out with Nolan and maybe Aran for the rest of the BEXP and other odds and ends. The only reason Edward looks like a "worse" choice is because he doubles up roles with Zihark, but in reality Edward is going to prefer having the Caladbolg in hand for its absurd MT that Zihark can't match for a long time.

  16. I'm pretty sure the argument for giving Haar/Jill Celerity boils down to insane achievement of objectives thanks to flight. 2 tiles is a big deal no matter who has Celerity on. For Gatrie, it makes him slightly better than his peers so he can simply keep up. For Haar, it helps him exceed his limits and have a legendary EP no one else could do. Not to mention he can simply share the movement with anyone via rescuedrops.

    However I don't feel like anyone is particularly entitled to Celerity. You can do so many things with it and since you can shuffle it around for your needs, no one *has* to have it while Adept is at least a skill that has to be taken from a unit who has good availability already just to give it to someone who might use it better. Whereas Tormod is gone the whole damn game so you might as *well* peel Celerity off of him if only because he isn't around to use it.

    Also Edward is a good unit. Not a 9/10 or anything like that, but his strength growth is super high and his accuracy woes not *that* bad. Wind edges suck but Edward can make it work. I'd say he's better than Aran slightly mostly from getting the equivalent of a free silver forge, and slightly worse than Zihark because Zihark has the same role, but I don't see Zihark's existence as a reason to completely drop Edward. Since Edward is so instrumental in early chapters for reasonable clears even if you have to hope for a few speed level ups, I don't think it's really that unreliable. Once Edward gets going, he snowballs the rest of his stats quite nicely and swordmasters are a nice endgame class from having such high speed and evasion.

  17. 8 hours ago, Tangerine said:

    These are cool!

    Haurchefant :'(.

    Looking forward to Stormblood?

    I got my preorder for Stormblood off of Amazon already! Although sadly SE priced the CE waaaay out of my price range this time ($400~ CAD...)

  18. Still, there hasn't been some sudden revelation of new strats that incorporate a trained Meg into the equation. Personally I don't see Aran as being particularly good either, but at least he has nearly uncontested lance access, high hit, and high defense when those are things the DB team is lacking. Meg has... Luck. She joins early enough that you can try training her, but her hit rate and strength is like watching her try to poke her way out of a wet paper bag to start out. She is an investment who doesn't pay out for nearly the entire game because her offense lags behind with weak weapons and an inability to double.

    Saying Meg is statistically the best armor knight is also a straight up lie. Gatrie is just as good, if not better since he gets to SS rank in lances and gets more secondary weapon ranks for free. Meg gets an pointless extra point of speed cap that still doesn't meet the doubling threshold for the fastest spirits. Meanwhile Gatrie basically always has at least 2 attack over Meg.

    If you want to use a good armor knight on the DBs, Tauroneo doesn't even need training...

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