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Breezy Kanzaki

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Status Updates posted by Breezy Kanzaki

  1. Glae lives? O.o Hiya!

    1. Glaedyr


      Dusk killed me /shot

      Aye I've been awfully busy recently but I'm sorta-kinda-back-ish so HI! :D

    2. Breezy Kanzaki

      Breezy Kanzaki


      Oh yeah I think you were the one to talk to me about League of Legends.

      My IRL friend got me into the game XD

  2. Am I destined to feel empty on the inside?

  3. Happy birthday Essbee!

  4. Happy Birthday Xinnidoof!

    1. Xinnidy


      Thanks breezydoof!

  5. Although I feel the end, it's coming closer unto me

  6. A lost soul, on the search for something. What? I don't know.

  7. Hypocrites. Everywhere.

  8. Where do I belong now?



      Not dead. That's the farthest from correct.

      Shoot me a Skype message when you can, aight bro?

    2. Breezy Kanzaki

      Breezy Kanzaki

      On Spring Break, and my phone screen is kinda broken, so give me until Sunday.

  9. Who gives a shit about me anymore?

  10. I feel so left out. Do my "friends" even still want me?

    1. Sorin


      Yes. This "friend" still does.

    2. Breezy Kanzaki

      Breezy Kanzaki

      Not enough apparently if you leave me out

  11. Lol no one cares about me

  12. I'm allergic to writing memoirs.

  13. All the tears she couldn't cry were suspended in the air between her and I in the words I dreaded to hear.

  14. The One Sumire Fanboy. And Proud.

  15. The One Sakura Wars Fanboy

  16. I'm sorry for trying to do the right thing.... Won't happen ever again..

  17. Gone from here except for PMs

  18. Of course that's the reason. It's always the fucking reason.

  19. Perhaps it is for the best....

  20. And still, the thought creeps in my head. Maybe it's right, who knows?

  21. I'm a Sakura Wars Fanboy. What else is new?

  22. The heaviest of sighs

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