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  1. Hi I would like some Pairing advice for conquest. I got some pairings sorted out and I would like u guys to suggest how to match the rest based on stats while taking into account their support conversations if possible Done pairings (feel free to comment on them too): Mu x Flora Xander x Charlotte Leo x Nyx Benny x Beruka (these two are my most disliked characters so I throw them together cuz I can) Odin x Elise Niles x Camilla (like their support) So I'm left with Silas, Jakob, Kaze, Keaton, Arthur and Laslow Azura, Effie , Felicia, Mozu, Peri, Selena I have a really hard time thinking of who would be good pair for kaze both ingame and postgame. Same with felicia, I don't understand how to make her a good mother. Give me some ideas there are too many combinations. I like silas x selena and laslow x mozu/felicia but I'm not sure if either of them are good also really unsure as to what to do with effie since I think she is great but I can't decide where to put her since I like her in so many places. Also jakob is a dick so it's really hard to find nice supports for him that work on the conversation level. edit: also to get a good understanding of what kind of mothers each character make could you guys list like 3 children that they give the best genes to in conquest. I'm making this from the mothers' POV cuz I imagine if we do it from the fathers POV a lot of the same mothers would repeat I imagine for example nyx would be leo, odin, nina Elise would probably be odin, nina and avatar or kaze??
  2. Okay so I pussied out on the lunatic run since I'm a little bitch(I'm postponing it, gonna do a hard run now). I found the insight really useful and once again will ask a couple questions(this time more precise). I got no problems with hard(its a little too easy wish they added like a mania mode between luna and hard) So gonna grind the late game, wont use children during main story, will try to employ a lot of people just to make it harder(no 3 pairs facerolling whole game). Problem is not sure if to do man or female. I care about the children AND the supports so obviously I'm limiting myself but yea... Chrom x Sumia/Femu (not sure which one is better I like both supports. I'll prolly do a male MU if I'm going with sumiaxchrom. would also like to ask how good this pair is in lunatic) MaMu x Anna (problem is I dislike a lot of the mamu supports... any good non-children MaMu supports aside lucina??) Sumia x Henry/Fred(if I do Femu... problem is where does henry/Fred go then? I would like him to be a father. Nowi x Vaike ( I honestly hate most of nowis supports. I like the buddy thing they have going with vaike but I dislike using vaike? Any decent supports? If not then I guess I'll go with Vaike) Panne x Stahl(this is the only pairing I 100% insist on doing. I love it) Sully x Donnel/Fred??? (I really want to use sully but getting her a decent male is so hard since I dislike using donnel and gaius. Fred would be cool but doesnt give kjelle much. I was kinda thinking about using her as a Pavise/aegis since its a fun combo) Tharja x Gaius is what I'm thinking, good supports good children. Maybe Henry. Lissa X libra Dont see any problem with this. Only problem would be getting henry a woman. Miriel X ricken. I dislike both of these characters so I will pair them together and forget about their existence!!!(not really but I'd like the 2 rejects to stay together) Maribelle x Virion is good. Not sure what else to give her Maybe henry(I know its my 3rd time saying this sorry...) Olivia x uhh.... I guess Henry and her could work... right guys? aaand last but definitely not least. Its either GregorxCherche/LonquxCordelia or GregorCordelia/LonquexCherche. Edit: forgot to add that dont assume that lonqu is gonna be a wyvern, he will stay as a myrm because of personal experience(I KNOW IT MEANS NOTHING BUT IM SALTY) Which one do you guys think is better. I really like awakening but I wish the story/characterization/supports were better but hey at least we got a game!
  3. Hello people of serenes. I decided to restart my lunatic run since I really disliked how some of my units turned out to be (mainly my draco lon'qu who was the epitome of uselesness). I post this to get some help with the pairings. I have some pairings I'd really like to not change. This is mainly for ingame(story) but I plan on grinding post game so hopefully none of the pairings are completely garbo. It's gonna be standard lunatic aaaand well here I go: I plan on using like 10 first gen characters and have the rest fairly untrained(for postgame) so hopefully we can match the ingame characters together. One thing I've been doing is keeping sumia and fred paired up until A for the early game and then making them switch pairings since cynthia doenst like fred as a father which leaves fred fairly lonely for a pair. Also one thing which I'm not sure about is: how good is sully in lunatic? Will probably use: FeMu x Chrom (Lets turn it into easy mode) Panne x Stahl (Love these supports) Sumia x Henry (Not sure how viable it is to train sumia into a dark peg and then just have her be supported by henry starting chapt 12) Cordelia x Lon'qu (I'm not sure what to pair with cordelia. This pair will not have much damage so I'm not sure if this is good)(Draco Lon'qu was horrible for me so dont think ill do that) Nowi x I was thinking of just slapping Vaike here. Honestly I got little idea who to pair with her (I refuse to use gregor/Lonqu I'm sorry for making this hard ;_; Plan is to get him to lvl 10 and insta promote to hero) Sully x Don't think I'll train her since I dont know how good sully is in lunatic so I'm was considering just a post game pair with donnel Cherche x Gregor Not sure how good these guys are together or if I'm gonna train them but yea I slapped them together Olivia x Frederick I was thinking of where fred should go if her and sumia break up after henry's arrival and I was thinking he could just ferry olivia around edit: also forgot to add that I won't grind until I complete story Tharja x ?????? Prolly wont use tharja but please dont say ricken Lissa x Libra is what I'm thinking just to have a powerful healer for when there is space in da party Maribelle x ??? Virion I suppose? Miriel x no idea maybe rickent. I dislike miriel/laurent so this pairing has the least priority.
  4. So I decided on my pairings. only thing im not convinced is 2 pairings. could someone be so kind to tell me pros and cons of these pairings Libra X Miriel and Ricken XLissa or Ricken x Miriel and Libra x Lissa (also kellam is free so if those 2 would want him over ricken/libra do tell)
  5. Okay need some pairing help. Im not fully optimizing pairings but i dont want them to suck complete ass. The ones I will almost most defintely not change are: Chrom x FeMu Cordelia x Lonqu Cherche x Gregor Panne x Stahl then are the ones that im not sure about/can change/got no idea about: Olivia x Fred Lissa x Ricken??? Maribelle x ?????? Sully?? Miriel x uhh Ricken marries too people (?) Tharja x Gaius? Nowi x Donny? These last ones i got about no idea. Id like them not to be absolutely garbage without fucking up my main pairings. the single men that are looking to mingle are: fred(if not paired with olivia) virion vaike kellam ricken gaius donny libra 1 of them will stay single and not ready to mingle(id pref the free one to be vaike but his passings are so amazing it prolly wont happen) so yeah opinions please
  6. Im sorry for reviving this thread but something happened to me when i was playing this hack and I dont know if its a bug/intentional or wtf is happening. So basically my pairings are fucked up. I just recruited ayra in chap 1 and I noticed that azel, noish AND cuan are in love with ethlyn. aideen already loves midir and he loves her back and.... ARDAN IS IN LOVE WITH SIGURD?? lol. I suspect this to be a bug(maybe the ardan one was not). I had some cheat codes on so i deactivated them. azel no longer loves ethlyn. noish and cuan still do, help please
  7. So im in a situation where I own an european 3DS and I was thinking about ordering fire emblem awakening. My question is if fire emblem awakening(na) is region locked to Na and even if i buy it from ie. amazon today would it limit my playing in any way? would i still be able to access all of the dlc's? will i be able to play it on my 3ds? sorry if this has been asked before but i really wanna know
  8. I was thinking about skills and skill combinations and wanted opinions. Obviously lightning speed and life absorb are som awesome skills but what would be the skills that pair well with for example lightning pseed. Another interest of mine is how could you optimize the skill counter. I really want to find a future way to use it. Also what do you is the best skill combination for a cry unit. The most obvious and probably best would be love+rainbow+speed and the rest being more crys or whatever...post your favorites. Also it would be so awesome if life absorb worked with vantage ;____;. But yeah they dont have to be tested, theories are allright. Also is it me or is vengeance better than luna. Also off topic but is there a rune sword or a weapon that shares nosferatus effect. Let the discussion believe....hopefully :DDD
  9. So im stupid and I opened the avareages document..... it said sariya as a black mage and that.....but how do I change classes/characters. Do I have to download or how does this work?
  10. They're great thank you enex. Didnt know you posted in serenes, though
  11. I am finnish, and I have never EVER heard a person who's name marketta. Its probablY A really old name, its not used anymore. Or someone made it up
  12. Are astra or other skills that were limited by weapon type/mount or not still limitied. I mean if a mounted unit or a lance user can use astra? Edit: also can you use astra with magic or ranged attacks?
  13. Why did you promote MU in level 15, and could you take some pics (or just write) how the characters from NM ended/are right now. And is Luna a good ability, Im not sure how much the halved defense/res will matter in this game
  14. So main story+ gaidens and a few skirmishes, on what level will your chars be about, in total I mean.
  15. I repeat because this is a question I would like answered, is there a max level in total, I dont mean the 20/20, I mean do the change proofs stop working at some point bbecause a maximum level total has been achieved?, or can you just change level loop until you have max stats
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