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Batter the Beast

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Everything posted by Batter the Beast

  1. FE4 takes a bit to get used to but it really isn't bad at all, especially if you are abusing holy weapons and arguably the best character in the series. FE5 blind (if you plan on doing it) is one of the most rage inducing things ever, even more so if you don't plan on warpskipping some of the more ridiculous chapters (ch 22 comes to mind). If you know what you are doing and what each chapter has in store, it isn't all that bad. Also why aren't FE12 Lunatic/Reverse Lunatic even considered for hardest FE?
  2. A lot of games probably were my "gateway game" but the one I can remember the most was Kirby's Adventure. How the hell do I have difficulty with the boss rush in that game now when I could do it so well as a kid.
  3. Because OFF is a fantastic RPG maker game that everyone should play and this is one of the two scenes where the character in question shows any sort of emotion
  4. Okay but this motherfucker right here has sunglasses underneath his sunglasses... visor thing That definitely earns him some cool points
  5. lol I haven't posted anything here in a while http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oi1nIezqtdI Best song from Castlevania 3
  6. You don't have to jump to go up blocks of 1 height anymore Best. Update. Ever. Also rope is pretty fantastic
  7. Best: FE4 Master Knight because mounted A staves and hell, A everything with those stat bonuses shouldn't exist HMs: Most Paladins, FE2 Bow Knights, Most Promoted Fliers Worst: FE4 Generals, crappy mobility in a game with huge maps, crappy stats, what exactly were they thinking with this class again? DHMs: Most Generals, Most Snipers Nominate: Best/Worst Promotion Gains
  8. Best: Sigurd HMs: Caeda, Barst, Catria, Python, Silk, FE3!Marth, Seliph, FE5!Finn, Pahn, Hector, Isadora, Mordecai, FE10!Ike, Naesala, Chrom Worst: Elice DHMs: Rickard, Samson, Midia, Sharlow, Ronan, Colm
  9. Fortner, that is easily my favorite song in the whole Sonic series On that note, I'm super hyped for Guilty Gear Xrd
  10. One of the best final boss themes I have heard in a while
  11. Mario Party 2: Face Lift Me and a friend both got 100 on it and tied. The next time we got it, I lost to him since he got 100 and I got 99. How does this even happen
  12. Your avatar/sig is pretty cool btw (I prefer Koizumi tho)

    1. ZemZem


      Koizumi's pretty awesome. And thanks dude.

  13. FF5 all the way, and this one is by far the best GBA remake of the bunch
  14. Best: Ties of Friendship Worst: Treasured Memories
  15. Gameplay wise, units with either a butt ton of utility like Anna or are utter combat badasses from the get go like Frederick and Cordelia and whatnot are good characters Personality wise... someone with more depth than "here's my personality quirk" I guess, which fits a good amount of characters in this game
  16. I wish I had several thousand dollars to donate to this thing. Unfortunately, being a college student really diminishes my funds. Oh well, I can spare some money for this
  17. Best: Duessel HMs: Athos, Moulder, Tauroneo Worst: Dorcas
  18. Just got this game and I have a very hard time putting it down.
  19. Chrono Trigger. I think I played that when I was like 5 or something. Good thing it's relatively easy :v
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