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Batter the Beast

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Everything posted by Batter the Beast

  1. Zealot is a second Marcus. Who the hell doesn't want a second Marcus? I know it's been said a butt ton already, but Wendy is just awful. Lyre is also awful and, unlike Wendy, she can't chuck javelins for like 3 chip damage or something. (and by chipping i mean missing entirely)
  2. The only problem I see with postgame being considered more at this point in the game is that a lot of the other ratings were done without postgame in mind as far as I know. Like, someone who is on the bottom of the list like Brady does almost nothing in an efficient playthrough, but he can get skills like Galeforce, Luna and Lifetaker which make him good in postgame, definitely more than a score of ~1 warrants. Meanwhile, Inigo's day happens and he gets 10s from a ton of people when he does nothing, possibly less than Brady, in an efficient playthrough. It's just inconsistent more than anything else.
  3. Okay I made this rating not considering postgame but, screw it, that's what I've been doing so far and changing now would jack things up. Anywho, Inigo is Olivia's son, and thats all that needs to be said about that. Olivia's terrible stats and a useless skill to pass down, Luck +4, make her the single worst parent. At least Brady can get Demoiselle or maybe even Rally Resistance from Maribelle, and he can still use staves to not make him completely and utterly useless like Mr. Sword Locked Footie With No Stats here. Of course, this is assuming that you only used Olivia as a dancer, which is how she is used in any efficient playthrough. His paralogue is also one of the most difficult in the game, a similar problem with Brady, the other worst unit in the game, so he won't be recruited for a very long time, meaning his crap stats/skills are even more damaging to him. Having a father with good stats can make him not useless, but why would you waste a good father to make Inigo mediocre when you can stick a good father on someone else and make them a decent unit? His one redeeming fact is that he can promote to Hero, get axes and Sol, but he starts with E rank axes at a time when E rank weapons are unacceptable so hes still a sword locked footie essentially. 0/10, terrible during the game and probably shouldn't be gotten with postgame in mind until Olivia has Galeforce
  4. Noire has a magic based mother but she starts as a physical class, so she will have to reclass to not be held back by Tharja's crappy str. Honestly, many of the children characters should reclass, but Noire basically has to, making her options quite limited. She should reclass into Dark Mage in order to abuse Nosferatu when she hits D tomes. Not counting what her father gives, Noire's other class option is Knight, which is bad alone, but even worse on Noire. Noire should have a magic based father, which there are not many of. Tharja won't really pass down anything that important to Noire assuming shes a Dark Mage, but a father passing down Discipline can help alleviate the route to D tomes, but she doesn't need it as much as other kids do. 4/10, Dark Mage is good but she needs to reclass and start with E tomes.
  5. Mostly its the fact that he has good specials like Super Jump, which makes certain bosses a joke when mastered, good equips throughout the game, you can pump a certain stat from level 1, and other stuff like that. Hes forced though so tiering him is a little silly. Geno is high because Geno Boost and Geno Whirl are too powerful to pass up, one being the only buff special in the game and the other making certain encounters extremely easy. Peach's Group hug makes some bosses possible, Mallow is good overall due to his specials, and Bowser is good early because Terrify and his early damage are good. They can all be important at different parts in the game, whereas Mario is forced and Geno should be taken at all times, which is why they are Low and generally hard to place in a specific order. Anyway, on topic, my Super Mario 2 Tier List is basically Toad being high and everyone else is in the situational tier.
  6. For Mario RPG: God Tier Mario High Tier Geno Low Tier Mallow Peach Bowser The order of Low Tier is very debatable but all that matters is that you have Geno in the party
  7. Nah can get some good bases from Nowi if Nowi is used, and having permanent 1-2 range with dragonstone/dragonstone + bonuses is always nice. Unlike many of the other kids, she doesn't need to class change to actually do stuff, so doesn't need to build a weapon rank from E, which is good compared to the vast amount of swordie kids. Nah will be a footie forever due to this, unless she wants to tradeoff a mount for an E rank. Nowi probably won't pass down any skills that aren't the crappy Manakete skills so its up to Nah's dad to give her a decent skill. 4/10, typical Manakete perks but comes later than Nowi
  8. Severa will get some good stats from her mother and hopefully good stats from her father, but she starts as a sword locked footie which hinders her. She can reclass into Pegasus Knight or promote to Hero no matter what, so that helps alleviate that, though she will start with E rank weapons which is bad for this point in the game, which will likely be later than ch 13 due to the fact that her paralogue is difficult. 5/10, starts as a swordlocked footie and she wants to reclass badly but will have to start with E rank weapons without guaranteed Discipline
  9. Best: FE5: it makes Brighton a god on a horse and Orsin a demigod not on a horse HM: FE4/FE9: Vantage/Wrath and Resolve/Wrath are hilarious Worst: FE10 JP: % activation on an already situational skill is dumb DHM: FE13: +20% crit sucks
  10. Panne is a badass mother and passes down some good stats to Yarne. She also has a good selection of fathers but she doesn't pass down Wyvern Rider, so Yarne gets a little screwed in the class department since his options are both footies. Someone with Cavalier makes a great father so Yarne can get Discipline to help with his E rank in every weapon because he probably wants to reclass to actually get some 2 range. 4.5/10, Panne is a great mother but Yarne will want to reclass, which leaves him with E weapons without guaranteed Discipline.
  11. Ugh, there's not much good I can say about this guy other than the fact the he can fall back on staves so that his crap bases won't hold him back that much. Oh wait, he can only use up to Mend staves. Well, he can reclass/promote into a magic class and try to make something of himself, but Maribelle's crap stats hold him back and he has to start E tomes, and by the time you finish his hard as hell paralogue, you won't want someone with E tomes. 0.5/10, at least Donnel can end up doing stuff if given a few kills and he actually has time to do that
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=622y5sYcfrQ
  13. FF2's system was too convoluted and tedious to be enjoyable in my opinion. It is also the absolute easiest game in the series to break if you have any idea about what you are doing, and is really confusing when you don't know what you are doing. FF5 was extremely enjoyable and had the best implementation of the job system in the FF series to this day. The plot overall may be predictable but it's the least serious FF game and Gilgamesh is in top form here FF12 is amazing, but it's an acquired taste if you are used to other FF titles. I hated it at first, then I couldn't stop playing it.
  14. Cynthia will have silly speed passed down to her from Sumia, but Sumia kinda lacks a bit in the str/def departments, so Cynthia will as well. However, a decent portion of the fathers will have good stats in other areas besides speed, meaning that Cynthia is super fast, can hit kinda hard and can take a few more hits. She also starts as a flying class on top of her decent stats and her C lances. Sumia can't really pass down anything that Cynthia won't have by this point (assuming her Paralogue is done soon after ch 13), except for like Rally Speed/Movement or something. 6.5/10, good starting class and isn't as lopsided as Sumia while still retaining her ludicrous speed
  15. Miriel makes a good mother, hopefully passing down some good mag and speed down to Laurent. His durability won't be so hot, or it might be depending on the father, but he has access to Dark Mage no matter what, so nosferatu helps with the low durability thing. If nosferatanking doesn't suit your fancy, he can instapromote into Sage for okay staff usage though he will start with E staves, or dark knight for a horse. Good magic based fathers are in a surprisingly low quantity, so that kinda hurts him a little bit and they can't really provide any magic based classes that Laurent doesn't have access to anyway. 4/10, Miriel is an alright mother but the lack of magic daddies is not good for him
  16. Seriously, how do you pronounce that Sully is quite the badass mother, passing down some good stats to Kjelle. Having a badass father as well helps her stats, and most fathers are physical based, meaning that, assuming both parents are used, Kjelle will have good bases and growths as well. Starting as Knight kinda sucks, but she can promote to Great Knight to gain 2 mov or she can reclass to Cavalier and use her C Lances and eventually get to Paladin. Kjelle can also reclass into Wyvern Rider for flying, though she will start with E axes. Sully can pass down Discipline, which really helps with going the Wyvern Rider route, and none of the other skills that Sully can pass down matter as much as Discipline except maybe like Quick Burn or Carrier but she probably won't have those skills at this point. 6/10, Sully is a good mother and Kjelle can be recruited right after Lucina but she starts as a terrible class
  17. Owain starts as a myrmidon, so hes a sword locked footie from the start. To make matters worse, he has Lissa as his mother, meaning he will have crappy physical bases if not crappy bases in general. A physical based father can make him a mediocre physical unit or he can have a magic based father and have decent bases for a mage and he will have to reclass for that. At this point, Lissa has been a cleric, a sage, or troubador, which all pass down meh skills, though he starts with Vantage, which can kinda be useful I guess. 3/10, I seriously hope that Owain is kidding about the legendary blood in his veins considering that Lissa is his mother.
  18. Good bases and decent growths but is there for like 3 chapters, or more if we are counting SpotPass chapters. Has better combat than Basilio because she has a better speed stat and Sol, but she cannot be a rally bot for other people who are stronger than her by this point unlike Basilio. She still makes for a decent filler unit for all the extra slots that the last couple chapters give. Her reclass options are kinda meh except for maybe Warrior, but she doesn't really get any more skills that would be useful unless you really want her to have a Rally skill or something. 3/10, once again, she does more than people like Donnel or Ricken despite being around for ~20 chapters less, but she doesn't Rally
  19. Sniping Aversa is fun Basilio has some decent bases, especially in the HP and str departments. His growths are solid, but he joins at like chapter 23 so he doesn't really have much time to grow. He makes for a good filler unit with his bases and high weapon ranks, but this is Hard mode, so you don't really need him as much as you do on Lunatic and he will probably be worse than other trained units at this point. Oh well, he comes with Rally Strength and doesn't die easily, so he can be brought into a chapter for that. Counter is kinda meh so he can reclass right away and not care too much. Basilio can reclass into Hero and keep his axe usage, get a better speed stat, and get Sol eventually. Reclassing into Berserker achieves basically the same thing with slightly lower defenses and Axefaire instead of Sol, though good luck getting him to 15 before the game is over. Reclassing to Great Knight doesn't help his speed, but gives him 1 mov and eventually Luna, and General isn't the best idea out of his possible choices. 3/10, he does more than people like Donnel or Ricken, like using Rally Strength, despite being around for like 20 less chapters or so +1 bias because hes such a bro 4/10
  20. Tiki has some friggin rediculous bases when equipped with a dragonstone+, notably the highest base def/res in the game out of the gen 1 people. Add on basically permanent 1-2 range without giving a crap about weapon triangle and you have a solid unit. Unfortunately, 44 base HP isn't impressive at all and neither is that speed base at this point. Tiki's growths are good, but she comes as a lvl 20 Manakete which means that she doesn't have much room to grow unless you want to reclass. Tiki can support with Say'ri to help fix her mediocre speed and, if Lucina is a speed based class, Tiki can support with Lucina for similar results. Her skills are pretty bad and she doesn't really have time to work on other classes and get better skills by this point. Tiki can reclass into Wyvern Rider to fly though using E axes at this point isn't really the best option. Reclassing to Mage lets her keep her 1-2 range but she has to start E tomes and loses durability and 1 mov. All in all, reclassing is a bad idea for Tiki. 6/10, a 1-2 range foot tank that needs some help in the HP and spd departments and has crap skills
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