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Batter the Beast

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Posts posted by Batter the Beast

  1. In maingame, Avatar/Lissa, then Avatar/Miriel, then Avatar/Lon'qu, then Avatar/Waifu. So basically anyone and the Avatar do all the dirty work in my runs, almost always with a Sorc Avatar unless I'm feeling silly and go for Hero.

  2. FE1: lol most of the cast :v

    FE2: Atlas. Just Atlas.

    FE3: Read FE1 for both books

    FE4: Hannibal, hes bad but not lulzy like Arden

    FE5: I would say Miranda but I'll have to use her if I want to continue this PMU im doing :v

    FE6: WENDY. Also the other scrub armor knights and Sophia because they are practically unusable

    FE7: i have actually used everyone in this lol

    FE8: Syrene, so friggin late and weak

    FE9: Lucia and Bastian. Why do they even exist lol

    FE10: Lyre just because she can't do anything unless super duper trained, but who can't at that point?

    FE11: Read FE1/3

    FE12: Read FE1/3/11

    FE13: I have used everyone but in an efficient playthrough, Brady and Inigo for not being worth it after doing extremely difficult paralogues

  3. Nintendo Entertainment System (NES): Castlevania 3: Dracula's Curse

    Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES): Fire Emblem: Thracia 776

    Nintendo 64: Super Smash Bros.

    Nintendo Gamecube: Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker

    Nintendo Wii: Kirby's Return to Dreamland

    Gameboy/Gameboy Color: Pokemon Yellow

    Gameboy Advance: Mother 3

    Nintendo DS: Pokemon White

    Nintendo 3DS: Fire Emblem: Awakening

    Sega Genesis: Sonic 3 & Knuckles

    Sega Dreamcast: Sonic Adventure 2

    Playstation: Brave Fencer Musashi

    Playstation 2: Kingdom Hearts

    PSP/Go/Vita: Dissidia 012: Duodecim

    Xbox 360: Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition

    Arcade: Super Street Fighter 2 and all the other titles that come with it

    PC/Mac: League of Legends

  4. I have cried in Mother 3. Repeatedly. Every playthrough.

    The scene in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days where

    Xion dies

    really made me tear up, even with Roxas' somewhat awkward line

    Chapters 9 and 10 in FE:A make me cry pretty hard, and it was awkward when I got there during a road trip :/

  5. Why this isn't my favorite:

    • Pair up is a nice concept but its so imbalanced in this
    • Favors super grinding a few units over a sizable army due to wtf growths all around and exp gains having a minimum of 8 per kill
    • Rout and Defeat Commander only
    • On that note, the Shepards always win, there are no escape/arrive or defend chapters like in FE5 and Tellius where victory is not an option
    • Boring maps: We need more chokepoints and more long range shit like staves and ballistae
    • On that note, no status staves make me very sad :<

    Why Thracia is my favorite

    • Leaf actually fails quite often and does stupid shit aka hes not perfect like SO many other lords
    • So many kinds of objectives and different kinds of maps
    • Status staves really mix things up in the later chapters
    • Stats aren't all that important and the game's difficulty isn't purely dependent on enemy stats
    • I like games that have broken shit like Thracia's skills and Warp staves
  6. Maingame: Pretty good bases and his Xenologue isn't too difficult so he can be recruited relatively quickly. Too bad that he's locked to swords and only has an E rank in staves. He can reclass into anything he wants but he'll have to go into an unpromoted class immediately if he doesn't want to deal with swordlock or he'll have to wait until 10/15, which at that point, you don't want someone with E lances/axes. Also has no supports 6/10

    Postgame: Pretty good caps and the standard access to every class with no supports that like every dlc unit has 7/10

    Average: 6.5/10

    +1 bias because hes the most interesting and developed lord 7.5/10

  7. Maingame: Her bases are mediocre to bad but she can reclass into tactician, get Veteran, and still be able to use Nosferatu, which is pretty amazing since she doesn't have to spend time in the Dark Mage tree. The first few second seals might not be open for this plan, however. She has no supports which kinda hold her back but having broken dark magic kinda helps 5/10

    Postgame: Shadowgift lets her be a little more creative with tome using classes and she has decent caps. She also has access to every class and their skills including Galeforce and whatnot 8/10

    Average: 6.5/10

  8. Roy is crap in any game he is in

    Maingame: He has Dual Strike + which alleviates having no supports to work with by a tiny bit. Stat wise, he starts as a crappier Gregor, and Gregor is kinda crappy to begin with, but Roy can reclass into whatever he wants so he has a bit of an edge when it comes to usefulness, but he faces competition for the first seal or two. 4/10

    Postgame: Every class, no supports, meh caps 7/10

    Average: 5.5/10

  9. Maingame: Marth has actually usable bases unlike a certain other unit with Aptitude and his Xenologue is easy enough to do early on so he won't be far behind your other units. His growths, due to Aptitude, will be stellar and he will end up very strong. He does start as a swordlocked footie but he can reclass into anything he wants except Pegasus Knight so its not like it really matters. Also he has no supports but his fantastic growths that can actually be used more than make up for it 9/10

    Postgame: Every class makes for a ton of skills, meh caps and no supports 7/10

    Average: 8/10

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