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Batter the Beast

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Everything posted by Batter the Beast

  1. Roy is crap in any game he is in Maingame: He has Dual Strike + which alleviates having no supports to work with by a tiny bit. Stat wise, he starts as a crappier Gregor, and Gregor is kinda crappy to begin with, but Roy can reclass into whatever he wants so he has a bit of an edge when it comes to usefulness, but he faces competition for the first seal or two. 4/10 Postgame: Every class, no supports, meh caps 7/10 Average: 5.5/10
  2. Maingame: Marth has actually usable bases unlike a certain other unit with Aptitude and his Xenologue is easy enough to do early on so he won't be far behind your other units. His growths, due to Aptitude, will be stellar and he will end up very strong. He does start as a swordlocked footie but he can reclass into anything he wants except Pegasus Knight so its not like it really matters. Also he has no supports but his fantastic growths that can actually be used more than make up for it 9/10 Postgame: Every class makes for a ton of skills, meh caps and no supports 7/10 Average: 8/10
  3. Maingame: Why can you get this guy but not beat the game? He can help clear Endgame I suppose .5/10 Postgame: For some reason he has Sword/Lancebreaker without access to Wyvern Rider and Luna without access to Great Knight, which increases his potential by quite a bit. He can also tack on Swordfaire and Bowbreaker for some more good skill options. His physical caps are pretty good but he has very few support options 5/10 Average: 2.75/10
  4. Best: Gharnef because eclipse's reasoning Worst: Saphy, 0 def base and 3% growth woo
  5. Maingame: Flying Nosferatu can help with other paralogues if Aversa's is done before the other bonus characters. She is pretty darn fast and will double a lot of things. Her durability is questionable, but she can use Nosferatu, so who cares? Like any of the other bonus characters, lack of supports and availability hurt her. Oh yeah, she also comes with Galeforce 2.5/10 Postgame: Has Galeforce and can get Quick Burn, some breakers, and Lifetaker. However, her only activatable ability is Vengeance, which is kinda lackluster even though she can use Nosferatu/Aversa's Night which bumps up its usability quite a bit. Her caps are pretty good too, only taking a hit in a stat which doesn't matter at all postgame but she has a lack of supports which kinda hurt her 5/10 Average: 3.75/10
  6. Paired up with Galeforce, this skill is hilarious. It is still a good skill in its own right since it allows one to run into combat to heal themselves. Unfortunately, this only activates on player phase, so the character in question will be vulnerable while they are assaulted on enemy phase. Still puts a little ease on your staff users so they can heal others or rescue or whatever, but being a lvl 15 skill hurts its maingame usability. 6/10, one of the better skills out there, but there are better options
  7. Maingame: Has low defenses but basically doubles everything from this point on except possibly Priam's swordmasters (I'm not exactly sure how high their speed is on Hard). He can spam Amatsu if no one else is using it so he's a rare swordlocked footie with 1-2 range in this case. Having no supports and almost no availability still hurts him as much as any of the other bonus characters 1/10 Postgame: Pretty good caps and he can get several breaker skills but not much else that is notable. Blah blah no supports 3/10 Average: 2/10
  8. This skill would be amazing on a staff user or flying unit so they could help speed clear even better. Unfortunately, this skill is tacked on to a sword/bow locked class, people which shouldn't be running into the middle of the enemy ranks in the first place. Not to mention that it is a level 15 skill, so one has to spend a lot of time without 1-2 range. Even postgame, this skill doesn't do much at all and is generally a waste of a slot. This skill is one of those that are scary on enemy units but almost useless on player units .5/10, it's not the worst skill in the game
  9. Dangit I keep forgetting that bows exist in Fire Emblem half the time, my bad. I'm also counting the time they spend as an unpromoted unit like thief/myrm
  10. Brave Fencer Musashi for the PS1. One way I could describe it is a Zeldaish game with more emphasis on platforming and combat. One of the more unique systems is using the "Fusion" sword to absorb the powers of your enemies, whether it be shooting enemies with bullets or jumping on your sword. The plot is kinda bare bones and bland but the characters and the way they are dubbed more than make up for it. Also the game has an amazing soundtrack.
  11. Doesn't work on Apotheosis enemies what a shit skill Lethality is a niche skill that is extremely unreliable due to the crap activation rate. That and you have to spend several levels as a sword locked footie to get it, which I am not a huge fan of. Cheesing streetpass with braves and Lethality is pretty darn hilarious though, especially if you can toss Rightful King into the mix.
  12. Maingame: Emm is basically relegated to staffbot due to her mediocre bases in anything that isn't magic with no supports. She has a nice A rank so she can spam fortify for other paralogues if they are done but she doesn't contribute much at all .5/10 Postgame: Has decent caps and can be one of the best possible staff users. She could get Galeforce, Tomefaire and Lifetaker for some shenanigans, but she doesn't have any activated skills and she still has the problem of a relatively low amount of supports 4/10 Average: 2.75/10
  13. I actually like a lot of Cordelia's supports that don't involve Frederick I'm not a fan of Tharja's personality or anything about her really other than her recruitment convo I think the lords are rather bland, especially Chrom, but most lords are bland to begin with honestly I love the Valm arc I miss status staves (not sure if this one is unpopular) I love the Pair Up system even if the stat bonuses are a little unbalanced
  14. Project X Zone is so wonderful in so many ways http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01Gk4h7DoOE
  15. Maingame: badass bases and a badass 1-2 range weapon but he forgot how to skills and his one skill doesn't even matter. Has almost no time to do anything and reclassing him at this point probably hurts him more than anything. Also has no supports 2.5/10 Postgame: Has good skills and Conqueror, which lets him use all weapons and has arguably better caps than Great Knight and 1 more mov. His supports are extremely limited. Also for some reason he can't get Aegis or Prescience even though those are his only other skills on Hard 3/10 Average: 2.75/10 +1 bias because he is the best villain in this game 3.75/10
  16. X1 by far, even though X4 and X8 are up there.
  17. Maingame: Gangrel is able to double some of the slower enemies on the paralogues and Endgame and can wield a Levin Sword for some decent damage, but what really matters is that he can use rescue staves, has 7 mov and 26 magic, so he helps with speed clearing Endgame if he's recruited. His practically nonexistent availability and no supports at this point really hold him back. All in all, he's basically a second Anna Postgame: Still no supports unless you pair him with Avatar, but has decent caps for a magic user. Unfortunately, his class options kinda suck with regard to skills but he can use dark magic, so that's something i suppose. 2/10 Average: 1.5/10
  18. Fun Fact: Inafune meant for that ending to be the ending for the X series
  19. Maingame: Access to Veteran and any class that he/she wants, including Cavalier, Wyvern Rider, and Dark Mage. It helps if the other parent makes Morgan start as a class that doesn't exclusively use swords. Good bases passed down from the Avatar and hopefully good bases passed down from the other parent as well, comes a tad late but is a very welcome addition to the party 7/10 Postgame: Every class is available and practically guaranteed Galeforce along with most likely good caps that are customizable 10/10 Average: 8.5/10
  20. Maingame: Cherche is an alright mother and can pass down Carrier to Gerome so he can help clear the defeat commander chapters quickly. He's flying and has C axes so that's automatically better than most of the crap that other kids have to deal with but he comes kinda late and his speed might be mediocre 4.5/10 Postgame: He's a kid, so good caps are practically guaranteed especially in Str. He can't get Galeforce, however, which holds him back a tad. Sol, Aggressor, and all the breakers he can get make for great skills and he has access to fliers, which is always good 8.5/10 Average: 6.5/10
  21. Hey, at least these guys can make decent ballista meatshields and distractions because you don't get them anyway. That's a lot better than units that come with comparable/worse stats that you can keep.
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