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Striped Shirt

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Everything posted by Striped Shirt

  1. And that's why no one's ever consulted you on what to put on a cover. Just appreciate the delicious offering of scantily-clad caramel flesh like the rest of us good little boys and girls.
  2. That's also likely, considering how much effort she puts into it. I mean, looking at her chest in other classes, those must be a bitch to bind down.
  3. I'm going with this. It's cute to imagine that she's really quite bumbling.
  4. I don't know about you, but I'd rather have a class with a unique selection of weapons than a generic one just to fit one character that you can reclass to anything you want anyway.
  5. No way, who wants a boring old normal announcement? This is much more memorable. Now whenever we look at our copies of Kakusei we'll remember the day Reggie saved E3, and the hectic moments that brought us here.
  6. Opposite here. It would really irk me if there was such a large disconnect between their portrait and their model, so even though I don't actually like big poofy hats, if they lost them during reclass I probably wouldn't bother using them at all. This is also why Callum and Dezel are doomed to stay Generals, sadly.
  7. I'm not super interested in mapping out my characters in advance, since I'm definitely going to be doing several playthroughs before seriously attempting to form an endgame team. When the time comes though, the one thing that sticks out is to create a pink-haired MU to breed a pink-haired Assassin Noire. She'll be so cute that I won't allow her to make any S Supports. No one's good enough for my daughter. Actually, I might let her hook up with an equally well-bred Jerome. But no one else, I don't trust any of the other boys to treat her right. I hear ya, a lot of my excitement for the kids comes from customizing their appearance and histories. Sadly, this means I'll be stuck playing male MUs for most of my games, since female MUs can't pass down their customizable hair colour or give Mark a sibling outside of Lucina. Sucks, because I usually love making female characters in games, so much easier for me to roleplay than males for some reason.
  8. You're still eying another culture through tinted lens, just from the other side of the spectrum. And you seem really anal about semantics, I didn't mean to touch a nerve. I'll go back and edit my post so as not to trigger you. My experience with Japanese society has been quite the opposite, actually. Way I hear it it's the women who're reinforcing traditional gender roles and looking for husbands to take care of them, while most (sorry bunny) a lot of the men seem to want them to pull their own weight, especially with the raising costs of living. But then, most of my experience comes from bitter otaku on 2ch.
  9. I see where you're coming from, but isn't it a little presumptuous to condemn an entire culture as sexist because it doesn't match up to the sensibilities you were raised on? I'm sure there are legitimate misogynists out there, but there's no precedent of IS letting it seep into their games, so I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt. It was more an expression than a statement of fact. I'd have used 98% but I'd hate to look wishy-washy.
  10. But that just makes it more unintentional, as that would make it sexist only by western standards.
  11. Yes, it is coincidence, total coincidence. I honestly, 100%, do not think that the devs pondered the implications of the classes beyond what they brought to the game itself. They simply thought "Bride" made for an interesting and unique job. You can argue that that job is stupid, there are plenty of reasons to think that it's stupid, but to cry sexist is just being hyper-sensitive and ignoring the real issues. Any "sexism" in regards to the class is either unintentional or coincidental. What exactly am I missing? I like to think I've been pretty understanding on this subject, maybe a little too understanding as it's apparently made my personal opinion of the class a little hard to understand. Let me clear that up: This is the only legitimate problem I see in the class. It's not sexist, it's silly. It's out of place and it doesn't represent anything a class should, and while titles like Lord or Princess never did either, they were at least restricted to specific characters whose unique characteristics filled in the blanks. Bride reads like an exclusive class, but without the exclusivity nailing down it's role. That said, while it is nonsensical, I don't find it outright offensive, and I can appreciate what it brings to the game.
  12. I'm curious, would your opinion change at all if Bride ends up having access to swords, a good amount of physical strength and solid front-line potential? Would it change if they simply changed the name to some other reason to wear a fancy white dress? Because those would be some pretty superficial objections. Honestly, I feel the only legitimate problem here is how hard the outfit stretches ones suspension of disbelief. Any perceived social injustice at the title of bride or it not being some generic variation of a melee fighter is a result of your own personal biases and nothing more, I really doubt the designers were deliberately trying to segregate the sexes here. I would've thought that if you're taking the title bride literally enough to find objectionable, you'd have just as much of a problem with queen. They're both stupid, and at least all the female characters have the potential to be brides, while only one or two characters can be called a Queen by any meaning of the word. Except maybe Libera, of the drag variety. If you're going to argue changing the name, change it to something that all characters can fit comfortably into. Without changing the specs of the class, I would've liked if they went the "Maiden" route and toned down the dress from a fanciful wedding gown to an equally pretty but more earthy shrine maiden dealie. Actually, now that I think about it, that would've been a great class and I'm a little disappointed that it doesn't exist.
  13. There were plenty of complaints about Eirika's portrayal, though they usually begrudging admitted that the art itself was good.
  14. The issue isn't with the classes actual ability, it could be perfectly balanced and the most enjoyable class ever, but the problem would remain what some people feel it represents. Some think it gives off unfortunate implications, while others appreciate the class for what it is. There's really nothing to be done but state your case as best you can and hope the other side treats it with respect enough to accept it. Discussion is still discussion so long as people are being respectable, and there's not much else to talk about until the next DLC or spotpass batch or we all get the game ourselves, so telling people to "quit their bitching" at this point is kind of silly. We might as well all just stop posting and go outside, and I have springtime allergies so if everyone did that I'd be all alone. ;_; Though there's the buttmad twelve year-old's who think wearing a dress at all is irredeemably sexist, and that Eirika was much more respectable in her miniskirt and thigh high boots. Those guys should quit their bitching. Damn, you sure showed them. ; ]
  15. I'll agree with this. I would probably be a lot more up-in-arms about the class if it didn't debut with an absolutely beautiful and respectful representation of one of my favorite lords. It put me in the right mindset to appreciate the class I suppose, as I see it more as a celebration of femininity than sexist commentary on a woman's "role". Frankly, I think the the people so cynical to see it that way are giving off some pretty unfortunate implications.
  16. I just think it's a little ironic is all. I'm really not sure what point you're trying to make with that, but what's wrong with being easily pleased? If I was forced to choose between being someone who enjoys things and a sourpuss who gets mad at video games I'll take the former every time. Though preferably I'd like to be both. Pole dancing, belly dancing, it's all the same. You really don't think the Dancers have dabbled?
  17. Depends on what you'd consider a hissy fit; by my standards I've seen quite a few. At least the people with the valid complaints are open to discussion about it, rather than just comparing a wedding dress to lingerie and disregarding all contrary opinions. Semantics. She's wearing it to battle, it's a battle gown. We already have a Dancer, you don't think Olivia knows her way around a pole?
  18. You'd think someone with a pony avatar would be a little more open to an ironic appreciation. This, come on guys. It's the men who're being left out in the cold here, all they get is a silly wannabe ninja class while the ladies get to deck it out in a gorgeous battle gown. But seriously, I don't see the problem. As far as the class goes, it's interesting, it's original, what more could you possibly want? Shame on you for immediately fetishizing a pure bride. Who's the real sexist here?
  19. Obviously, the reason she and Ephraim are dimension-hopping in the first place is to find a world that will accept their love.
  20. Remember that the point of the new class is that all female characters can obtain it. Princess might've fit Eirika herself, but what about the other girls, what would they be Princesses of, besides our hearts?
  21. They're having fun with it. I hate to be the guy chiding others for taking stuff too seriously, since if everyone just gobbled up whatever crap they were given we'd never have nice things, but I honestly don't see why people get so up-in-arms over the character redesigns. Now, the crappy artwork I can agree with; Elincia's utter genericness and Micaiah's kawaii uguu derpface should never have been allowed past quality assurance, but getting mad that their class or outfit isn't perfectly analogous to their originals? Maybe it's just me, but I welcome new interpretations of characters I like, I'm not about to disown Eirika because she's not a battle maiden 24/7. In fact, seeing her in a fancy dress with a beautiful smile only makes me like her more as a character. Seeing characters in new situations or positions is exactly what DLC should be used for, and what's more, we get a whole new class to play around with. I'll be anal and argue that she was only a frontline fighter by necessity. There's nothing about her characterization or skill set that rules her out of a support role. In fact, her gentle personality lends itself perfectly well to that role, though I did like the contrast, representing the determination it took for someone like Eirika to pick up the sword. And that's assuming Bride doesn't get swords as well. It's weapon potential isn't listed, we're only going of one piece of art and one screenshot here.
  22. I'm surprised that only a couple people are threatening to storm IS for such a drastic change, considering how anal people have been about remaining faithful to the original games. I, on the other hand, am loving this. I'd much rather see an interesting redesign and re-imagining than a restrictively faithful adaptation, and Eirika looks positively radiant in her battle gown. I'm also really looking forward to putting Lucina in a wedding dress as well.
  23. Is Lightning Speed really that great a skill? It really doesn't seem like that big a deal. An extra turn sounds great at first, but an extra attack/kill is pretty insignificant when you're up against large numbers, and the extra movement doesn't seem terribly desirable either with how open the maps usually are and how it's preferable to keep your units together over letting one run ahead of the pack. I can see it being useful for support units though, to sneak in a kill before a cry or help them maneuver into place to heal someone. But a straightforward extra attack isn't really worth it when most of your kills take place during enemy rounds.
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