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Striped Shirt

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Everything posted by Striped Shirt

  1. Considering how often FE-land gets razed by dragons I wouldn't bother with courtship either.
  2. That's disgusting. You owe it to the game to make the most wildly inappropriate characters imaginable.
  3. Now that I think about it, Jerome would be dead sexy with some peach-colored hair. So that's five.
  4. I am particularly interested in using pink-haired versions of Wood, Noire, Cynthia and Serena. That's four play-throughs right there, dammit.
  5. Liz just shot up high on my list of ladies to woo. I love it when supports reveal little tidbits like that at the end that redefines characters relationship, rather than just letting them play off each others quirks for a couple of lines and calling it a day.
  6. Whoa, I figured Noire was cute, but she's actually triggering some sort of paternal instinct in me. Thanks much for this one.
  7. I don't mean to generalize, but the problem is that most female characters aren't particularly well-written. A lot of male writers still have trouble writing a uniquely female character, so she either ends up gender-neutral and missing a big chunk of potential characterization, or a stock archetype pandering to males. Fire Emblem is generally pretty good at averting this, but you can see shades of the second type in Kakusei. It's pretty clear that the female characters were based off popular archetypes and designed with the marriage mechanic in mind, while the males are slightly less cut-and-dry.
  8. Oh yeah, forgot about that. Still no reason to take our your anger on her though, she's doing the best she can to please. ;_;
  9. Good point, but I still maintain that the hate comes from the awkward appearance.
  10. Sorry, I'll pay more attention to semantics next time. My point was that the archetype is popular because it's cute, not because it's indicative of reality.
  11. No, that's what they wish a lot of Japanese girls were like. In reality, most Japanese girls are like Farina.
  12. I don't really see the problem people have with Neph. I mean, I always felt Sentinel's in RD were just non-crappy speedier Generals anyway, it's really not that far off. Admit it, you're mostly just upset because her armor makes her look fat.
  13. Donny's problem is that his unique class doesn't actually give him anything unique or useful. Two skills that become less useful as you level up, and completely useless once you hit cap, are not worth trading in a whole other class tree. If Villager worked like the FE8 Trainees and could actually promote into something he'd be fine, but in practice he just has less potential than just about any other character. Hell, he's better off passing down something male-specific like Counter to a daughter than his own exclusive skills.
  14. Speaking of, is there any known script or recording or whatever of anything featuring Degel? She's one of the only characters I've seen jack all of. I know nobody likes the the weird space marine armor, but that's no reason to ostracize the poor girl. ;_; [spoiler=Off topic]I apologize if I made anyone uncomfortable, I honestly didn't expect to be taken seriously and I guess a reality check was warranted, but still... This was a very inappropriate response, even if I was being serious. You shouldn't have to resort to name-calling just because someone rubs you the wrong way.
  15. And then he names his daughter Mark. Those kids just got no luck. That reminds me, when Sumia lands Krom do you think Tiamo goes to their wedding? Think she cries? Do you think she's angry that, for all her hard work, the bumbling girl snatches her man away? Do you think that she spends the rest of the game depressed? Do you think that MU catches her crying to herself one night, and they start spending some time together? Do you think she starts to get feelings for him, and just when they're about to reach S support, he goes and marries something else? Because for some reason, making Tiamo a loveless spinster is kind of appealing to me.
  16. All I remember from the Shadow Dragon localization is that they rhymed Manakete with Parakeet, and up until then I had been pronouncing it "Ma-na-ket-ey". So at least some good came out of that game. TO's English script was great and I'll fight anyone who says otherwise. Though I'd say the more anime-styled it is the less they should try the whole middle-English prose thing, so it's not a great fit for FE.
  17. I can't decide whether IS is cool for hiring artists to draw the characters in their FE13 outfits, or cheap for not bothering to make them unique ingame models.
  18. Interesting, though frankly just about any translation of her name would end up awkward to pronounce. Man, I'm getting really curious about this mystery. I can't stand not knowing the name of my future daughter.
  19. I suspect her official name will end up something like Unun, unless the fact that her name is grammatical gibberish is somehow important.
  20. If you're talking about how it saves to the support library, it's probably similar to how it saves the rest of MU's supports: the most recent applicable MU overwrites whatever came before it. I wish.
  21. Nice, I was wondering if the conversions would be character-specific or just equivalent exchange, where a lot of scrawny mages inexplicably get Fighter and Barbarian in their class sets by virtue of their mother also being a scrawny mage. Still happens to Loran though.
  22. Most of my choices seem to be based on how much I like their daughters, is that creepy? Edited to hide my shame.
  23. Man, until this thread I had totally forgotten that lolicon was still something that bothered normal-folk. Oh well, won't stop me from marrying Nono and having two lovely dragon daughters.
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