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Posts posted by Irony

  1. It's better than or within spitting distance of the base growths of most of the Birthright cast. Well within the variance necessary for Sakura to randomly turn into a Strength monster and beat another character you'd expect to be stronger than her. Unless you're Hana/Kagero/Azura you're not comfortably outside that most times. Sakura also comes in at a lower level than a lot of units so if you game her levels to any extent on Normal/Hard or buy Aptitude online get lucky she has a higher chance to outperform (or underperform). She has >20 levels to make up <20 base Strength on Ryoma. It's unlikely, but it's not impossible, especially if Ryoma helps her by falling behind his expectations. It just doesn't matter in practical terms because of the Raijinto.

    The real Sakura growth that's pretty incredible is that 45% HP growth. Makes up for the 0% from Shrine Maiden and jumps to 55% on promotion. If you switch her class to something with actual HP growth she can get pretty bulky thanks to coming in so low-level.

    Sakura actually has higher strength than Hana, Kagero and Azura. And yeah, I put a lot of effort into making her good, and I guess the RNGoddess liked that? :)

  2. Seriously though, Sakura has a pretty good str growth. She actually does well in physical classes. Shes just a great unit, period.

    Yee. I like her in her base class tbh because she gets Mikoto's outfit on promotion and im usually needing her to heal stuff. But yeah, she'd be great shit doing that. She also makes a good mum for Rhajat. Best for Rhaj, actually. I have a Sakura!Rhaj whos kinda thwomp and has the maddest mag in the army.

    Yep, Sakura is a pretty good unit. :D

    I married her to Jakob in my run, as I thought Strategist might be good for her, plus a Dwyer that has access to both Jakob and Sakura's base classes could be a pretty good healing unit, what with Renewal and Live to Serve. :)

  3. Lol that RNG. I always preferred making Sakura an exorcist over war priestess for a 70% mag gain vs a 40% str gain.

    I have to say what happened to you is uncommon but not rare or normal.

    I decided to make her a War Priestess because Bows/Yumi are pretty good in Fates, plus I really like the Class design. :) I just wasn't expecting Sakura to have more strength than Ryoma and Hinoka and the same amount of strength as Takumi. Oboro is the only person with a higher strength total.

  4. Sakura averages 23.25 str as a 20/20 Priestess.

    Ryoma averages 28.8 as a -/20 Swordmaster.

    Your Ryoma is more or less average, while Sakura is noticeably strength-blessed.

    Wow... That's actually crazy. XD I now just have this mental image of Ryoma struggling to lift heavy weights, and Sakura lifting those same weights almost effortlessly. XD

    Sakura actually has a quite good Str growth.

    With luck, it's no wonder she ends up like that.

    Here's a fun fact:

    Her Def growth is actually higher than her Res growth.

    Really, Sakura can be anything, a physical or a magical attacker. With luck, she can even be a tank!

    Sakura is the good kind of balanced unit.

    I knew Sakura had a good strength good, but I wasn't expecting her to have more strength than Ryoma of all people! XD Now, if only she had a legendary weapon...

  5. I'm playing Birthright, and I decided to put Ryoma's Raijinto into the Convey, as I was curious as to what his actual strength stat was.

    Without the Raijinto, Ryoma has 24 strength. He is a level 14 Swordmaster.

    Sakura, a level 11 Priestess, has 25 strength. That is the joint second highest strength total in the entire army. I did not use a single energy drop on her. I promoted her when she hit level 20 in her unpromoted class. And no, I haven't reclassed Sakura either. She has just been a Priestess and her unpromoted class.

    Is this normal?

    Edit: Pictures, to show that I am not making this up:


  6. As long as nobody says that Sakura sucks, then I'm happy. That lass is stupidly good in my current playthrough

    I think the only units I've had serious issues with over the course of Fates are the ones who use Shurikens or Daggers. They can double enemies, yes, but their attacks are really weak. I'd prefer killing an enemy outright to weakening their defences and lowering their stats.

  7. One word. Azama. Honestly, this guy is a jerk. I was originally planning to use him a lot more than I ended up doing, but then I got his C support with Hinoka, and it made me not want to use him. He's still my lowest levelled character, even though I am trying to use him a little more- but just so I can get Mitama.

    I'd have Garon change so he's more in line with...well, Garon. Its weird how they wrote a pretty interesting character in him, then tossed that character aside to focus on him just twirling that evil mustache of his.

    That would be a win for everyone. Garon would be a better villain, Xander a better Camus, Corrin would come off smarter in conquest, Nohr as a whole would be more interesting and Hoshido would get less complaints about being goody two-shoes.

    I haven't played Conquest, but I like that idea.

  8. At least it's for me. The times I want the RNG be at my favour the most, i.e due to bad placing, mistakes often leads to my characters die. Other times when I want to kill a dangerous foe my character miss at the most crucial moments which leads to their eventually deaths. Also those times when the enemy has less than 20% hit chance score a major hit is also a freaking pain in the arse...

    I suspect that the RNG this time around round down rather than up...

    Ouch. That sounds rough. :(

    On my end- I once had a character with 3 HP in a Dual Guard Stance be attacked by 4 enemies. Dodged the first one. The Guarding partner proceeded to block the next three attacks. Another time, two characters performed a critical attack when they had a 8% and 3% chance of doing so respectively after I asked them to in the same map.. On Shiro's recruitment map, Shiro dodged an attack that had a 74% chance of hitting him.

  9. Hmm, looks like someone is getting a taste of Fates's RNG.

    And about Laslow and Selena.

    Neither are bad, but Laslow makes for an amazing rally bot, because of his personal skill.

    Wait, the RNG in this game is against the player? I've had some incredible luck in my run of Fates (actually better than my usual Fire Emblem luck, which is notoriously bad).

  10. that picture's fake dudes

    it was made as a fake on someone's deviantart

    That's why I asked. I checked the Wiki, Google News & Tumblr- Didn't see any official news that Gumshoe was back. Wanted to see if it was real or not.

  11. So, you know the whole Apollo vs Phoenix thing, and there's only one reason why I could see Phoenix as the prosecution...

    Someone close to Phoenix (such as Maya or Trucy) are going to get murdered. I am not okay with this happening.

  12. I'll agree with this; that installment definitely has some high highs and low lows, the ending being particularly bad. However, I never found the Investigation spin-offs particularly interesting. This is, of course, a very subjective thing, but I found them lacking any tension, and since it's Yamazaki who wrote it, the cast is bloated and far more quirky than in Shu Takumi's games.

    Also, dramatic banadages. That man loves dramatic bandages.

    Yeah, Ace Attorney vs Professor Layton has really low lows, but also amazing highs (I'd say the aftermath of the second witch trial is the best bit in the entire game). The writing WAS amazing for that bit. :)

    I would agree with you to an extent with the Investigations series. I consider Ace Attorney Investigations to be the third weakest game in the series (with Dual Destinies being the second weakest), due to Turnabout Ablaze dragging on for a ridiculous amount of time (I'd say it's the weakest final case in the entire series, basically because THE MURDERER DOES NOT KNOW WHEN TO GIVE UP, but the concept was good) though I did like the other cases in Ace Attorney Investigations. On the other hand, I haven't played it, but I've watched sections of Ace Attorney Investigations 2- and man, if I could play it, it would easily be my favourite game in the entire series. The cases sound interesting, the main villain is brilliant, and the supporting cast sound really cool. :) Plus, you can play as Gregory Edgeworth, which is always a good thing. :) But again, it's a subjective opinion.

    Also- am I allowed to be that one person who likes both Shu Takumi and Yamakazi's writing? :)

  13. I want to play Ace Attorney x Professor Layton, even though I'm admittedly bad at both series of games. How do you guys rate it in terms of all PW games, including AJ and EI?

    IMO, I think it's the weakest game in the Ace Attorney series for multiple reasons (e.g. The ending of the game is kinda weak compared to the rest of the game, some of the characters aren't that memorable, and there are a few other things.) I'm not saying that it's a bad game (some of the writing in the game is absolutely amazing) but I just think that the main series and Ace Attorney Investigations I and II are better games.

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