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Posts posted by Irony

  1. This is incredibly detailed. I was basically about to drop my Sniper, but opted not to after some support and this. Now I'm about to battle Hollow Queen (didn't know that opening the door automatically triggers the battle with her, as it didn't with Berserker King, and promptly got rekt at Lv20) and I'm really glad that I didn't, since they have such high evasion. Been training and questing with Wufan and taking full advantage of her Circles. I'm tempted to pull in an arcanist or at least try Subclassing my medic with Arcanist, as for the first time in gaming since paralyze in pokemon, I feel like Status ailments really really help.

    I'm wishing that there was a reliable way to restore TP though, and feel like I should stray from making a second TP-heavy class (even though they all are oops) until then.

    My party is now in the 23 range (+/- 1) and I'm basing my plans on grinding with Holy Gift until I hit about WuFan's level...+1/2 probably. Considering I didn't get any link skills on my L (and only got Sonic Raid to Lv2 so oops), I'm going with Double Strike and Parry instead. I maxed P.Break and M.Break and got proficiency/expertise so I don't feel like i'm doing poorly with him. I just think that he's a really straight forward DPS-reduction who runs around with overall slightly above average stats. Got Revive Lv3 on my M so at least I can run with fun on that, and my S is pushing a crit build since I ended up going for Lock-On and the arrow skills (Flank/Steel), but I backtracked and for 3 in Arm&Leg binding, which are holypissballrific godsends against these hollows. F is pretty standard and my D is pushing for Waltzes for front line support with Attack / Guard / Refresh / Regen alternation, situation depending. I played with Wiglaf and that was my introduction to Sambas which are basically L links from what I can tell and I sort of regret not going Link at this point, and also feel like after getting 22 points in on my dancer, that it's too late to jump back and push for Sambas.

    I noticed there's a Retire/Rest though. Do those restructure your Skill Points and offer a skill point benefit, or just the former?

    I recommend getting a couple of more levels before fighting the Hollow Queen- I was around level 28-30 when I finally defeated her.

  2. Handheld RPGs- I've beaten a bunch of them, and I think I can work my way around them fairly well.

    Rhythm games maybe? Only played both Theatrhythms and Rhythm Thief, and I did well at them (In Rhythm thief, I actually got the max score in one of the endless mini games...)

    Puzzle games too? I dunno... Just give me puzzles and I'll try and solve them.

  3. Current Impression of me?

    @Shinpichu- I don't really have one. There are a lot of historical figures that I look up to and admire. For example, whilst I don't always necessarily agree with Ludwig Wittgenstein, I do admire the fact that he changed his views of Philosophy (compare the TLP with his later work), or Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole, for being badass females whose work led to developments in modern medicine. I dunno, there's just a lot of really good historical figures.

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