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Posts posted by Irony

  1. What's it like where you are at the moment?

    @Cannot remember- Probably Japanese history. Obviously, I know a ton of my own country's history, as well as Germany, Russia and China in the 20th Century and I'm learning a lot of Medieval European History. It's just... I don't know. Japanese History sounds really interesting.

  2. Ok, I'm gonna try and do this. I will say that I have two number 1 games, so please don't make me choose which one is better.

    1) Xenoblade Chronicles and Radiant Historia- Both games are truly amazing, and have incredible characters, amazing plots and beautiful games. Whilst Xenoblade is better objectively, Radiant Historia means a lot to me, which is why I cannot decide between the two.

    3) Golden Sun: The Broken Seal- I love this series so much. Started with Dark Dawn, then got a bootleg copy of the original. I now own, and am playing through, legit copies of the Original and Lost Age.

    4) Chrono Trigger- Again, another RPG Classic, and one which I'm enjoying very much.

    5) Final Fantasy Tactics A2- I actually really enjoyed this game. So much content and the battling was really fun! Plot slightly weak, but ah well.

    6) Ace Attorney: Trails and Tribulations- Nostalgia talking, but the Ace Attorney series is amazing. Characters are good, the cases and the writing are excellent and it's so fun! :D

    7) Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume- A slightly controversial choice, I know. I am only on the second chapter, but the difficulty is good (though that difficulty spike in the hardest version of chapter two!), the characters are interesting and battling has proven to be rather fun.

    8) Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones- First Fire Emblem, and one which I really enjoyed.

    9) Virtue's Last Reward- Love this game! Plot, characters and puzzles were really good.

    10) A Link Between Worlds- Suprisingly enjoyed this game!

  3. Hey irony, now that u changed ur name u ain't in my guild anymore. Oh well.

    Awww, Dang it! :( To be fair though, it's another two and a half months before I can finally play this game. Soon I won't need to play in spirit?

  4. F.O.E=F%cking Overpowered Enemy

    This comment in a nutshell. I still remember that fight in EOU where my low levelled team went up against three FOEs at once (and one of them was a Shiny...) Won, but barely.

    Oh, FOEs. . .they're avoidable, if you're patient. AND WELCOME TO OUR WORLD! I hope you enjoy both games, then pick up EO2U, which is a vast improvement from EOU!

    But they are still as annoying as heck. And EOU2 still isn't out where I live... :( Lucky.

  5. Where in the world would you like to visit?

    @CooledEvergreen- You know, it is kinda nice. The locals are nice, there's a lot of good views, the food is good and there's enough for all of us. There are some things that suck though.

    You've heard of our self-proclaimed 'leader of Mechonis', Egil? Yeah, he's kinda crazy and wants to destroy Bionis, which sucks. I've been on holiday to Bionis multiple times, and it's beautiful and the people are nice. It'd be a shame to see it destroyed, all because of Egil hating Zanza.

  6. So I'd like to personally thank Boron for convincing me to invest actual $ into not one but two Etrian Oddysey games, EO 4 and EO Untold (today's eShop sale helped).

    Stay tuned for thoughts, as I'm getting them on eShop tomorrow when i port everything over to my new 3DSXL


    I'm spoiled on absolutely nothing aside from a couple of classes in the franchise so prepare to nosedive into a new dimension!

    Welcome to the fandom! I hope the FOEs don't get to you!

  7. A game that you haven't played, but you like the look of?

    @Sylveonzoroark- Well... I could easily start with the Sims 3 for the 3DS... Man, that game sucked.


    When I played my first Zelda games back in 2011, I remember hating all of the ones that I played (Zelda I, Zelda II, Minish Cap and Four Swords Adventure Anniversary edition) bar Four Swords Adventure Anniversary Edition. So, I pretty much hated the entire Zelda series for a while. However, recently got and beat a Link Between Worlds, which was in my 3DS for a long, long time.... So, I might try those games again (especially FSA Anniversary edition and Minish cap). But for now, I'm a fan of the series. Oh yeah, I also watched an entire Triforce Heroes LP, and really enjoyed that as well.

  8. Halloween or Christmas? (I.e. Which one is your favourite?)

    @Tristei. No, but I want to. Problem is that I don't want to emulate any game that I play.... Which means that:

    1) Become fluent in Japanese (I'm learning, so it's possible)

    2) Buy a Japanese NES/SNES/Wii U (I think they're on the Japanese virtual console???)

    3) Get all of the games.

  9. The Canadian dollar is extremely poor right now so everything is at least 25-30% more expensive than it was about a year or two ago. That puts the price in line with the exchange rate, however my salary hasn't changed to earn 25% more so my purchasing power is eroding away and I find it very hard to make impulse purchases. I can't stomach paying $70+tax on Disgaea 5 or $60 for EO2 or $100 for Twilight Princess.

    ...ouch. :/

  10. Ok, that's good. :) Ok, I have two EOIV Guild cards (long story) and one EOU Guild Card. Let me find one of my EOIV Guild Cards and then I'll share it with you. :)

    Edit: Here it is! This is from my old Guild, which I sadly lost when I was transferring my data from my old 3DS to my New 3DS. I cannot remember this guild's name, but their airship is called the Skylark. The guild members on there are Blade, Mjonir, Daanish, Afya and a Nightseeker whose name I cannot remember...


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