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Posts posted by Irony

  1. Your Opinion on the Shadow Dragon?

    What game series do you enjoy?

    @Xyr... That's a hard one. A lot of games I tend to enjoy tend to be single games. Game series that I like though are the Ace Attorney, Etrian Odyssey, Fire Emblem (no, really Fantasia? ;) You are on a Fire Emblem forum after all), Final Fantasy and the Mario and Luigi series. There are others, but I cannot think of any more off the top of my head.

    Pretty much this. I don't really have a favourite Video Game series- I just like a lot of different ones.
  2. What game series do you enjoy?

    @Xyr... That's a hard one. A lot of games I tend to enjoy tend to be single games. Game series that I like though are the Ace Attorney, Etrian Odyssey, Fire Emblem (no, really Fantasia? ;) You are on a Fire Emblem forum after all), Final Fantasy and the Mario and Luigi series. There are others, but I cannot think of any more off the top of my head.

  3. Are you looking forward to starting your Ace Attorney journey? :D

    @Xyr- I guess you own a DS/3DS? :) Anyways- start with the original trilogy (That is: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (literally- start with this one first- I didn't, and it was really confusing), Ace Attorney: Justice for All (this is the one I played first...), and Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations). You could either buy the complete trilogy on the 3DS eshop, or you could buy the 3 DS games seperatley (bad wording is bad, and for that I apologise). These three games are considered to be the best games in the series, though the others are amazing as well.

    I don't mind graphics, though some of my favourite games have not so pretty graphics (Radiant Historia for example is probably one of the two best RPGs I have ever played... But most graphics lovers wouldn't consider the game to be "graphically amazing". I loved the art style and the graphics in Radiant Historia btw)

  4. Here are my list of reasons to play/ watch Oliz's LP of Ace Attorney:

    1) The cases are amazingly well written. They are both funny and sad at the same time- Think of the series being a roller coaster of emotions.

    2) Memorable Characters. Miles Edgeworth, Maya Fey, Phoenix Wright, Franziska Von Karma.... I could list so many characters, and most of them are lovable. The bad guys are also amazing in this series...

    3) Fun gameplay- I have enjoyed playing every single game in the series, as the Gameplay is simple, but solid.

    4) Perfect difficulty- Not to easy, but not to hard.

    5) The Music- enough said.

    6) Voice Acting- Olizandri is really good at Voice Acting these characters (IMO). :D

    7) Olizandri is playing these games really well. He isn't making any stupid mistakes (e.g. Presenting the wrong piece of evidence at the wrong time) and he is noticing the contradictions really quickly.

    Here are my list of reasons. Would you consider it?

    @Xyr- as a gamer, I love playing games with really good storylines (such as Ace Attorney and Virtue's Last Reward), and I especially love RPGs. To be honest, I play most of my games for music, plot, gameplay and/or characters. I don't play for graphics.

  5. You you consider playing Ace Attorney (or at least watch Olizandri's LP of it) if I pestered you a lot? :)

    @Xyr- Fantasy- Probably Radiant Historia or Xenoblade Chronicles.

    Mystery- Ace Attorney or The Room series (for iPad)

    Sci-fi- when you said genres, I thought you meant books... So whilst I've read a lot of Sci-if books (my favourite probably being Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy) I've haven't played any Sci-Fi games really... :/

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