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Posts posted by Irony

  1. Are you a bigger fan of Japanese or Western RPGs?

    @shinpichu- I haven't really played WRPGs much, as I only have a 3DS at the moment (though does Runescape count? Because I played a ton of that as a kid). So my answer is that I only enjoy JRPGs at the moment, but I'd love to try out some WRPGs when I have the time, money and the console to play them on.

  2. /in + filler

    also r u srs even outside of skype chat 3 people still wish me happy birthday

    after i'm dead

    Sorry about that. Happy Birthday! :)

    Thank you guys! Wasn't expecting that, and was hoping that Monde or Lettuce would win (though both of you did extremely well :D) , but I'll take it. :)


    (Ps- I would have commented during these games, if I hadn't been fast asleep...)

  3. I understand that Cloud Strife hasn't really been on a Nintendo console (even though he has appeared in 5 games on various Nintendo systems) but:

    1) Final Fantasy really started on Nintendo (even though the first Final Fantasy game was actually released on Multiple consoles) despite the fact that it only really became 'famous' I guess with VII.

    2) Cloud is Final Fantasy's most iconic character.

    Therefore, I think Cloud does deserve a place. I will also say that I was amazed and really happy when he was announced, as I really wasn't expecting him. Also... If he is in Smash, does that mean Final Fantasy VII is coming to the NX? That would be awesome!

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