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Posts posted by Irony

  1. Favourite FE character?

    @SSbardock84- Favourite FE character....hmmmm.... From games that I've played, L'Arachel, Ephraim and Inigo. From Path of Radiance (which I'm watching a on LP of)... I dunno, there are a lot of characters in that game who are awesome. Probably Elincia, Marcia, Ike, Volke, Bastian and HAAR... (Yes, the caps lock is necessary)

  2. How many do you own?

    @Sylveonzoroark- does this include DS games that can be played on the 3DS?

    If you don't include DS games- it's probably around 15 3DS games or so (my backloggery says 23, but I sold quite a few games on my backloggery list a while back in an attempt to buy Xenoblade and a Nintendo Wii.... Which didn't happen because of the new 3DS and the Xenoblade remake. I also gave a few games to my sibling, along with my old 3DS.). All of them, bar 3, have been beaten/completed.

    If you do include DS games- probably around 50-60 games (my backloggery says 65, but again, I sold quite a few games on my backloggery list... For the same reasons as listed above). All of them, bar 11, have been completed.

    This is a rough estimate- I'm not near my game collection at the moment, so I don't know for sure. I'll probably PM you the correct answer when I can actually count how many games I own.

  3. Doesn't have at least 4 games she's looking forward to next year.

    Does Fire Emblem: Fates count as more than one game? If it does, then the fact is incorrect. If it doesn't, then you may be correct.

    I'm looking forward to:


    Bravely Second

    FE:Fates- Birthright, Conquest and Invisible Kingdom.

    I don't know when Legend of Legacy comes to Europe, but I am slightly looking forward to that as well.

    EDIT: WAIT- I forgot a couple. I dunno if they'll come out next year, but:

    Ace Attorney 6

    Zero Escape 3

    Final Fantasy Explorers

    Hyrule Warrior Legends.

    Plus- I still have a couple of older games that I want to buy second hand, so yeah.

  4. Should know that I only have the Username ready for the new theme, and I'd love it if people could help me decide what else I should use for the new theme.

    (Which is why I'm starting earlier than planned. I want that username so badly (like really badly) and I want to use it before someone else does)

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