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Posts posted by Irony

  1. Easy, you watch one Direct, someone else reports on a different Direct, another person reports on the third one.

    Though, you all are lucky that you get to see the Direct live. I'm not going to be able to view it until around 7:30 tonight (roughly when I'm getting home from work)

    I'll take the EU one. It might be not that long a report, and I've never done anything like this before, but I'll try.
  2. Oh my word, if there was a sequel, I'd be behaving like that Nintendo 64 kid. XD In all seriousness, I love Radiant Historia. Borrowed it from a friend 3 years back, and really enjoyed it. Sucks that I had to give it back... Especially because I didn't buy myself another copy (mainly because of expensiveness, partially due to the fact that I don't trust Amazon). Sigh... I miss that game...

  3. I question my sanity... After killing irony... How ironic? >.>


    @Irony- Sorry about the "inconvenience" ;P

    It's ok. I'm finding it hilarious that the concept of irony has been killed in these games. I guess no one can have an ironic death now? I am so glad I changed my username to this.

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