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Posts posted by Irony

  1. Any Anime that you want to watch?

    @shinpichu- There's a quote/poem thing carved into the walls of the Tower of London about 4 years ago. I cannot remember all of it, but it was so clever... These are the only two bits that I remember:

    "It is better to be in the house of the morning than the house of feasting, for the heart of the wise is in the mourning house."

    "There is a time for all things, and the end of a thing is better than the beginning."

  2. Fire Emblem Fates, Zero Escape 3: Zero Time Dilemma and Ace Attorney 6. I'm also looking forward to Persona 5 and Genei Ibun Roku #FE's English release although I can't play them, but I'll check out some playthroughs.

    I'm also hoping that Shin Megami Tensei IV Final somehow comes available in Europe next year... I'm playing SMTIV now and it's pretty great, so another game in a same setting sounds awesome.

    This as well! :)

  3. I only played two games that came out this year, and both of them were amazing.

    Can I do joint GOTY for 2015?

    If so- I want to say that Xenoblade Chronicles 3D and The Room 3 were my GOTY.

    Xenoblade Chronicles 3D- Offered a bucket load of content, a good story and brilliant voice acting. I put about 130 hours into this game, and I still haven't done all the side quests and stuff (I have defeated the final boss though)

    The Room 3- A lot shorter than Xenoblade, but it's beautiful, is really well made and is challenging. I still haven't gone for the other endings yet, but I will do. (Getting them all is a Guide Dang It! Though...) It also has a really good plot, even though it's only told in letters from a mysterious man. Play The Room and the Room 2 before playing this one though.

  4. Stop saying Golden Sun. The series just put out a game about a year and a half ago.

    It was more than a year and a half ago that Golden Sun: Dark Dawn came out- Dark Dawn came out in 2009/2010? So it was 5, nearly 6 years ago, if my memory serves me correctly. Yes, they did release the original two games on the Wii U Virtual console, but that doesn't mean that they put out a NEW game a year and a half ago.

    Golden Sun does need a revival- Dark Dawn ended on one hell of a cliffhanger, plus there were aspects of that game that kinda sucked. Reviving the series would mean remaking the first two games, reworking Dark Dawn to make it better and releasing a new game that resolves Dark Dawn's cliffhanger.

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