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Gold Vanguard

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Everything posted by Gold Vanguard

  1. It's a remake of FF10.Square Enix announce it a few months ago.
  2. Yes, what she said. Anyways I think Roy rapier should have more uses, or be more powerful because when it breaks he becomes useless.
  3. What are her parents doing nowadays?
  4. And remember the media never blames bad parenting for bad behavior in kids, just blame video games.
  5. So pretty much every old game is getting an HD version. So far there's -Devil May Cry HD Collection -Jojo's Bizarre Adventure HD version -DBZ Budokai HD Collection -Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Collection -Metal Gear Solid HD Collection -God of War HD Collection -Jake & Dexter HD Collection -Ratchet and Clank HD Collection - The Ico and shadow of colossus HD collection - Sonic Adventure HD Collection Any games you want to get an HD remake?
  6. Uh yeah there these things called parents who love you(Most of the time) and will do anything to keep you safe. But I kinda feel for her, getting harassment her whole life and such. Also sorry if I sound a bit mean but the main reason bulling lives on is that people don't stand up for themselves. If you show them your nothing to play around with then they'll stop bothering you. If you don't show any signs of courage they will continue to mess with you.
  7. Sorry but Who and what are you referring too? I want to give you a "Umad Bro?" but I won't take the chance.
  8. If it followed her for that long shouldn't she had told someone?
  9. Granted but 2 more take there place. I wish I was a moderator.
  10. What items are going to be sold in those shops by any chance?
  11. If more bullies talk about there problems instead of taking it out on others then we would have less bulling in school(Although its probably not as simple as that). What I learn't throughout school was that if you stick up for yourself they would stop messing with you. If they continued even after you stood up for yourself then its time to tell an adult.
  12. It reminds me of that one level from FE8, you know the one where you first meet Joshua.
  13. Don,t you dare forget about meeeeeee!!
  14. I'm liking Fairy Tail right now except for the fact they keep teasing with the endings. Also rewatching Salior Moon. I just now notice how long it takes for them to transform, and it takes forever!!
  15. Why is it that every time I buy a bag of chips it's always half air half the actual chips? I pay for the whole bag not half of it!
  16. It happened to me once, went on for about 2 mins. Hey does this glitch appear in Radiant Dawn?
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