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Gold Vanguard

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Everything posted by Gold Vanguard

  1. Sup, how ya doing?

  2. Sup, how ya doing?

  3. So does everyone get a little conversation with bosses? Also are enemies stronger or weaker?
  4. So what do you people think of the new DMC? In my opinion, I dislike it. I mean they could have name this a completely different game and it would have been just fine but nope Capcom just had to reboot DMC. Its not like the story ended yet ,we still have DMC2's cliffhanger.We also don't have a true backstory to Sparda yet. My reason you may ask? Two reasons, 1:The characters......... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-gjfQ_abjo The characters look...how should I say it,"Lame". Dante. the main character, was a cool, pizza loving, take no crap/taking names kinda of guy. Now in the world this game is in he's a smoking, complaining(don't know if I used the word correctly) emo. Like I said haven't played the game but it yet but from the trailer thats all I see. His brother, Vergil was a don't give a crap about no one, killing everything badass. Trailer, the exact opposite. 2: The name Really if this was a different game then no one(including me) would say anything about it. The game could attract both new and old fans to capcom without pissing on one side of the group with changing beloved characters. Its like if Sega turned Sonic into teenage boy in Highschool, see what I did there? I change everything about the Sonic series but the names. So what do you think?
  5. I see, no wonder it appeared twice.

  6. I see, no wonder it appeared twice.

  7. What he said. Also try creating a work session for your self in the mornings to keep yourself awake. Like washing your face, listening to some energetic music, etc.
  8. Well since I didn't see a topic about this I was wondering who would you want as president?
  9. Back, so anyways to update the list -The fate of the world is usually left in the hands of teenagers with hormones(I sense some inside confilct between the group). -Defeat=Friendship. -Getting punch through mountains is childs play -"Tis but a flesh wound" - I know I said this somewhere before but HAREMS, HAREMS FOR EVERYONE!!! -When a villian turns good they becomes weaker for some strange reason. -New villian appears, new villian beats up strongest characters. No one can stop new villian. Main characters comes and uses new technique they learned, villian is now dead.
  10. You three, wait what?

  11. You three, wait what?

  12. 1:Think of an idea 2; Make idea into a topic 3: ??? 4: Profit!!!
  13. Well I have but its mostly for Fighting games. The other was DMC4 and some RPGs.
  14. Simple, I give you my friend code then you give me yours. Easy right?
  15. "Bro Fist" Awesome dude!!

  16. Nothing, just reading old topics.

  17. Weird, I had a dream where I was in a dream....
  18. Knows Water Ponds is the most useless Yugioh card.
  19. Whenever I read your status update I think of the James Brown song.

  20. Whenever I read your status update I think of the James Brown song.

  21. I want to know since the only way I keep up to date with shows like One Piece is through Youtube videos and reviews.
  22. For me this was Vandread. At first I thought the anime was going to be about fanserivce and what not, but after watching a few epsiodes it showed to have a decent story and interesting characters.
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