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Gold Vanguard

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Everything posted by Gold Vanguard

  1. And this is why I carry bug spray with me.
  2. Knows this is the movie 2012 in a nutshell
  3. Can you really tell? If the person is lying then tell them there wrong and give them the real information. If there right then tell them there correct. I'll start with something simple.......I invented peanut butter. Am I telling the truth?
  4. Knows Mizer the best character in Yggdra union.
  5. Comw in my van....I have blowpops heh heh ehe!
  6. Should come in my van....I have candy.
  7. I heard U liek Path of Radiance?

  9. That is so not true..............now give me back my damn star or I will burn your house down!!
  10. Hi there ^_^. Yeah Ygddra Union is pretty awesome. But we all know Mizer is better.

  11. Knows I won't be on Serensforest for awhile.
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