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Gold Vanguard

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Everything posted by Gold Vanguard

  1. Should order Pizza......with extra cheese.
  2. Should take a nap and drown all there troubles in sleep.
  3. Should think more about the postive things in there life to get the negative feel out of them.
  4. Should not worry about the past and future and should think more about the present and enjoy life.
  5. Is not feeling bad. How you doing today pal?
  6. Aquaman, defender of the sea. Summons fish to uncolge he toilet.
  7. Who do you think is more badass? I say Batman becasue come on!!! Tony may got the armor but Batman is the goddamn Batman....nuff said.
  8. Wake up. Invite friends to play some brawl and Kirby Return to Dreamland. Go to park to play. Go to a chinese restraunt. Play some football. Mastarb.....I mean master Street Fighter X Tekken. Go to bed.
  9. Yay someone other than me who likes Shadow Dragon!! Nice to meet you pal.
  10. mean hardly anybody knows about them(Those that do were told by others).Even those that do know are supose to keep it a serect.They sell rare items at somewhat high prices. You need a VIP card to enter the shop. And to top it all off there hidden it such odd places that it would be almost impossible to find it without help. So how do they stay in business?!?!
  11. Can't touch this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzfXNJmQ9T4&feature=related
  12. One word.........................WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't hate on Petshop because he was a bit OP.
  13. PSP version since I heard its more balance.
  14. It looks confusing but I like the art stlye (It has a sorta Disgaea feel to it) but confused on if I want to buy it or not.
  15. Nope. My grandma -_-. Lacks epic mustache avatar.
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