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Gold Vanguard

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Everything posted by Gold Vanguard

  1. I have no idea how to. Is there like a video or a guide to show me?
  2. Ok so this is my first trying rom hacks and I don't know what the flux(Sorry bad joke is bad) to do. I already download Nightmare.
  3. Welcome. Also you I heard U LIEK PATH OF RADIANCE?
  4. Was there a reasons as to why he did all that stuff? And where the hell did he get all those guns and explosive from?
  5. And this is why I wait for the Blue-Ray DVD.
  6. I would go with Krom. I like Paris better but i'm afraid he would be to much of a Ike clone.
  7. Sephiran Class: Sage Level:20 STR:16 MAG;50+7 SKL;42 SPD:44 LUCK:44 DEF:31 RES;42 Weapons:Thoron+, Goddess Staff Skills: Magic +2, Concentration, Magic Expert, Lance Slayer, Vengeance I'm scared now.
  8. Wait is his arm a swprd or his he holding it? Also who are the enemeis with Ike on that map?
  9. ...........I have the weirdest boner right now....
  10. I have the same problem, takes me over an hour to sleep.
  11. I have to say Zephiel. Zephiel:" So you have defeated me...But my will shall never die" Only a badass can die and say words of such epic level. Valter, the Moonstone: I am Valter, the Moonstone, Grado's finest general! And you're just a corpse who does not know he is dead."
  12. Its my parent's car. But sometimes I like to call it mines.
  13. I have a huge ant nest somewhere in my yard. They always get into my house(mostly my room) and annoy me. Hell I can't even sleep at night anymore .One time I was laying down in my bed ready to go to sleep. While I was dreaming I flelt something biting me,I woke up and look under my cover and found a crap load of them on my leg. To make it even worse I found a buch of them living INSIDE MY CAR!! WTFI can't even get in my car anymore??! Ants want I do to you?
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