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Gold Vanguard

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Everything posted by Gold Vanguard

  1. Did I mention that the sith have PANCAKES?!

  2. Join the dark side,we have cookies!

  3. Oh so you think your Mag freaking neto huh? Were yo curly mustache?!!

  4. Through fire and flames, listen and your ears will thank me later.
  5. Things that I like would be.... -That big sweat drop that appears on a character's head. -Long hair badass trench coat character. -Spikey hair. -The lone wolf. -Idiot main character. .-That character that always eats alot and is never full. -EXPLOSIONS EVER WERE .-Old pervert sensei. Things I dislike.. .-Ms.Fanservice. .-Flashblacks. .-Having a Flashblack during battle. .-Random anime power up. .-Pretty rich boy. .-Mary and Gary sue. -Static character. -Tsundere. -Girls that can't stand up for there selves. -Cat ears.
  6. I smell some Final Fantasy characters. Maybe Lighting from FF13 or Cloud from FF7.
  7. There was that one level with the octopus. Besides those DKC water levels with the sharks are fun.
  8. I just go to sleep and think about my life.
  9. It dosen't sound right to me, Snoop dogg sounds better.. Whtas next 50 cent changes his name to 75 cent?
  10. Not just the n64 but the most there mostly hated for that fact that they kill the pace of the game. also the TMNT water level in where you had to get pass theElletric see weed.
  11. I see what you did there. And I guest that also mean any Zelda game with Water temples if i'm correct? Anyways Conkers bad fur day( if you stayed in the water to long you would drown and die.(and the wholelevel is under water) Star fox 64(you had a slow sub that gets hit by almost anything.)Sonic 3 hydro city.(anyone that plays sonic knows he can't survive under water for to long.and that he needs a bubble for air. But the bubbles are so stenth away form one another you might've dead in pretty soon. And that's some from the top of my head. Also I don't if chemical zone from Sonic 2 counts but the. Eggman battle was tough.
  12. List the long dungeons or the water temples?
  13. Or there long and boring. I can deal with long dungeons but water temples....read my last two posts.
  14. I find them mostly boring and having to switch to the iron boots back and fourth is annoying. but mostly because if you fell in the ater 5/10 there was something in there that can kill you.
  15. In ever Zelda game...no in every game PERIOD I hate water temples. They take along time to complete, most of the times the water was dangerous, and the bosses were usually hard(Majora's Mask).
  16. I second this. I hade no idea he had a second form. Final Fantasy 13-w final boss is awesome. The loud music, 3 final bosses, it was hell.
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