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Gold Vanguard

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Everything posted by Gold Vanguard

  1. Yeah I was comparing it to the GBA archers nearly god awful.
  2. Says my threads are dumb. That hurts man....that hurts right here..
  3. Are...are you even man anymore? That computor's bro will come back for payback.
  4. What did he do to you? All he does it open tabes for you and help your life and in return you kill him!! You monster!!
  5. People that lie about there life to make themselves look cooler.
  6. When I walk out my front door there was a bat laying upside down my front porch. Yes a bat, where the heck did it come from?
  7. 7 speed for a archer at level 2!! Thats a godly unit!!
  8. The fourth one sounds like the Black Knight SO much from POR. The only way to beat him was that you prayed he didn't use Luna becasue if he did, your FLUXED. That or if Ike used Aether.
  9. Knows to never use a master ball on a legendary. Instead use it on a Geodude.
  10. Knows Hyper beam is better than Solar beam.
  11. Knows there are four Ninjas hiding in this thread.There there but you just can't see them.
  12. Come and tell tales of your fancy adventures. I shall begin then. I once open the door for a lady while cooking a mean tea while vacuming the livivng room while carring to the pet.
  13. Where you able you choose from 4 different characters? Cause if it is the I might know what the game is.
  14. I know all with my all seeing eye of....... of...lucky guest?
  15. I check through the internet and have found nothing. I thought it was Batta the beast but he was just a mini boss. Where is the final boss?
  16. Di Brando: Viillian that you hate and is glad when they die. Souther: Gosh I love that do...um anyways Sympathy like character. Bowser: A villian that seems the most human. Even if he fails he won't give up and will not stop until he reaches it.
  17. Knows this is an average Pokemon trainer reaction.
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