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Gold Vanguard

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Everything posted by Gold Vanguard

  1. Knows the typical GMFAQ user would have comeback with a troll comment.
  2. 0 + 0= 0 Knows thats how many fucks I give.
  3. Is a tentacle monster. Hey by any chance are you going to japan?
  4. Welcome. Just don't hit on any trees with a skirt on them and we will get along just fine.
  5. Is this the center of life? Internet memes!?! My brain hurts.
  6. What makes a good antagonist in your book? I say for one... 1.Reason:Every villain has a reason for there actions. And when they do it should be justified. If a bad guy is going to rule the world or destroy something then they need a reason to do so. If there evil just because they can then thats......well I have no problem with this but it makes the villain less realistic and gives little character development(Most of the time.). But a villain can still be badass without reason.(EX: Ganondorf from the Legend of Zelda series.) 2.Sympathy:" Oh no, the bad guy caused world hunger,killed alot of people,and kicked a puppy!!" "No worriers the heroes have save the day and defeated the bad guy!!" But in the end even with all the bad things they done, you sorta feel sorry for them. All they ever wanted was attention since there parents never loved them. You get the point, if you can feel sympathy for them even with all that they done then the writers did something right.(EX:Sephiorth from FF7,Gigas from Earthbound,Lyon from FE8.) 3.Likeable villan: Ok this guy is a douche but at the same time I respect him for his actions and such he's a nice douche, but he's still a douche.If you still like them no matter what they do or how low they go then thats a good thing(Sorta...kinda...maybe(EX: Hades from Kid Icarus uprising.) Your thoughts. Also 3 may or may not be associated with 2.
  7. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
  8. If you were amrican you would end your sentences with in america....in america. JK welcome here friend.
  9. Knows poison is the wrost Pokemon move ever.
  10. Knows Nomad Troopers are better than Snipers.
  11. I just finish the series a few weeks ago and seeing that picture gave me nostalgia.

  12. At least your Roy can take a hit. That chapter in where you have to fight Murdock was hell. Roy got one shoted by nearly all those damn Wyvern Knights.-_-
  13. I can't now,he promoted. But even with the seal sowrd he still sucks.
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