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Gold Vanguard

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Everything posted by Gold Vanguard

  1. Thanks to you I now remeber the dungeon theme from Link to the past. That song haunted my childhood. Word of adivce....don't play it a night!!
  2. ts where you use Ogmua to the fulliest.
  3. Does not have a friends code in there signature.
  4. My innocents was killed when I found yaoi of Sora and Riku.
  5. Yeah, there all fun and games until you hear a 10 with a mike.
  6. I have to say Final Fantasy. Man I never seen people so stuck in the past then the FF fanbase. They either love the 1-6 seires and hate the rest, love 7-9 and say the 10th killed the seires, You get the point they can't accept change.Don't even get me started on the Soinc fanbase.
  7. Knows awesome is the most overused word ever.
  8. Wait isn't it all ready in Far from fourms? i had no idea it was in general if i'm mistaken.
  9. Think of any movie,show,video game,book,etc and rearrange in anyway you like. I'll begin Harry Potter and the garden of weed.
  10. 1. Kefka 2.Sephiorth 3.Soinc the hehgog 4.Mario 5.Ike 7.Link 8.Ganondork 9.Pit 10.Squall
  11. Needs to be a demon with bright yellow and pink colors.
  12. Mines has to be Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2. Does two are the first games I ever spent the most time on. Whenever I got home from school I would play Kingdom Hearts. I looked up cheats, ask friends, etc. Then when KH2 came out I was joyed. I spent damn near 3 weeks playing that game. ah the good times. Aslo super Mario world.
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