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Gold Vanguard

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Everything posted by Gold Vanguard

  1. Its happens every single time!! "Looks up Fire Emblem Ike' Results: Yaoi of him and Soren. Looks ups Fire Emblem Lyn" Results:Yuri and her doing very naughty things with dudes from FE7. The list goes on and on and on. Why do these images allways appear? I mean I have no problem with them it just gets annoying. Hell one time my dad thought I was looking up porn.
  2. I LOLOED with the one with Shino. Also the one with wishblade is so damn true!!!
  3. Well why can't they remake both of them? The 3DS is full of remakes and ports.
  4. No wonder there are some many zombies in FE8. They all failed so hard at a easy game and they just gave up.
  5. I mean why? Do they teleport to some unkown place with all the other dead Fire Emblem characters go to?
  6. Dammnit!! I can never look at Ike the same way again without that song playing.
  7. Well the game could be both hard and easy depending on what you do. The monster level up with you so you could either stay at low levesl and beat the game with the best weapons or you could level up to 100 and have a challenge.
  8. That game has so many mixed feelings. So people love it while others say it was the worst game ever made.
  9. Sorry I didn't double check my topic. I meant to say Ike and of.
  10. Did he go and find new lands and started new colonies? Did he wander the world and died? Or did he find himself in Smash Bros Brawl?
  11. Well Roy is our boy. Yes I went there.
  12. To me it was my fav becasue it was the 1st Fire Emblem I played and it introduce me to the series.
  13. Damn you!! I played all the ones you named execpt 1. Anyways which one was your favorite? I know mines was Path of Radiance.
  14. Welcome dear friend. Tell me how many Fire Emblems have you played?
  15. 4kids.......uhhhh!!! get that evil off the SerenesForest!!! There evil....turning Riceballs into sandwhiches.
  16. You know wha............t I think Morgan Freeman should voice ALL the male characters and Justin Bieber do all the female characters.
  17. I say 4 because look at Kid Icarus Uprising voices. They were some of the best i've seen in a Nintendo game.
  18. Whenever I go on to youtube or any others site thats has anime videos and the voices are in english people always bitch about and in up starting flame wars. Why do people hate ENG dubs so much? There not that bad.
  19. Man those skill make Aether look like nothing!
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