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Everything posted by sleep

  1. A supporter with Draw Back + Klein won this map pretty easily. - Klein steps forward to ORKO the blue mage though the wall, then gets pulled back a space (by Peri) to safety. - The red mage uses its turn to run out in front of the armor knight, which leaves it open to getting ORKOed by Klein the same way. - Zephiel and his armored buddies take a ton more damage as they advance one space at a time but can't quite reach Klein to hit him - Waiting in back are Hector and Serra, who spent most of their time supporting Klein with Spur & Hone Atk, and Hector ends up walling the enemy green & blue armors for kicks once Zephiel dies to many arrows. Yeah, there are definitely a few combinations of strong ranged attacker + Draw back and/or dancer that seem to work really well here. Once you can pick off or bait out the mages it's pretty easy to abuse the enemy armors' single space movement.
  2. Peri's a notable magekiller in that at level 40 she'll have like 10 more Res than Def. (I'm using the gamewith calc + my own unit) That +Def could help her survive a round with certain archers and sword units, but let me recommend Peri on the basis of handling a couple common arena units really well: Robin and Tiki. She's been a staple of my team there because she counters them so strongly, and Threaten Def has done work to push a few things into kill range too. For the record mine's 5*, -HP/+Spd. Addendum for pull-related stuff: Looking at all these orbs that the game's giving out, I think I just want to save them? After getting one 5* from the focus I feel like I'd be pushing my luck, and I'm also curious to see who pops up in future banners.
  3. I had the weirdest luck a few days ago on my last pull of the Sanaki/Klein/etc focus: I also spent 40 orbs on the new Elibe banner, ended up looking at all ten red/blue/grey picks, and...
  4. Here's an Eirika, newly available at four stars: Name: Eirika HP: 17 Atk: 19 Spd: 8 Def: 6 Res: 5 Weapon Skill: Silver Sword Assist Skill: Pivot
  5. Huh, checked back a page, it does seem like he's popular here. I'm a fan of this entire focus, though, I'll be crossing my fingers for Eldigan or one of the blue mages before it ends.
  6. First pull of this focus came out really nice, got 5* Klein and a bunch of all-new four-stars (Eirika!), especially since the only repeat is the 2* Donnel I had tucked away. Even if I already have Takumi, Klein's Brave Bow + Death Blow seems great? +Spd/-HP should work, too.
  7. Summoned a 5* Klein: Name: Klein HP: 17 Atk: 16 Spd: 3 Def: 5 Res: 5 Weapon Skill: Brave Bow+ Assist Skill: Special Skill: Chilling Wind
  8. I mean, these are only the first few chapters of the story. We'll get more eventually, and finding out what's going on in Veronica's kingdom looks to be a big plot point.
  9. I own all of these as 20+ 4-stars, here's their 5-star Lv.1 preview under Upgrade Potential: Name: Virion (with Silver Bow) HP: 19 Atk: 16 Spd: 7 Def: 8 Res: 3 Name: Hana (with Armorslayer) HP: 19 Atk: 16 Spd: 10 Def: 6 Res: 4 (Life and Death is unequipped) Name: Laslow (with Silver Sword) HP: 20 Atk: 20 Spd: 8 Def: 5 Res: 5 Name: Raigh (with Raudrwolf) HP: 17 Atk: 15 Spd: 6 Def: 5 Res: 7 (HP+3 is unequipped) Name: Selena (with Armorslayer) HP: 19 Atk: 14 Spd: 9 Def: 8 Res: 5 I also happened to record that Selena's four-star stats if you want that data relevant to the bane/boon:
  10. So after 25-ish 3* and 4* summons from Deep Devotion I was determined to get a 5* from the focus before the increased chance resets, took one reckless last shot with my leftover free orbs from Lunatic story mode, and...
  11. Turns out Peri was my best option: leveled her up to 35, she took 10 damage from one-rounding the red sword fighter, and when the green mage moved in to blast her for 50 damage, 32 res left her with 1 HP! I love the little monster, she's my most recent 5* draw from like two days ago, too. From there Olivia dances Peri to safety, the turn ends, and Narcian dies screaming as he does 0 damage to Roy. I actually think I should've moved Roy up and shoved Olivia down a space to help outrun the mounted mages, but things still worked out. The next turn the green mage ends up one space left of where Narcian was, (forgot to screenshot) so Roy moves up and left exactly into range 2 of where green's standing to keep it from chasing down Olivia. Luckily the AI prioritizes attacking and can't resist leaving the green in the one attacking spot to ding Roy for 2 damage instead of moving it out of the way for the blue to hit him for like 30x2. The three ranged enemies formed a neat little line around the one attacking spot, with the blue up front for Takumi to pick off, and Roy finished the rest.
  12. Exactly how much bulk does Robin need bait and survive that first round on the Hard version? I've got a level 28 4* (28 HP/19 Def/13 Res) that can't take it right now, and I'm wondering if a few levels would make a difference or if I should just settle for my 2* Narcian. Robin/Roster: I'm pretty sure I don't have another unit that could handle it -- Peri's got great Res but 24 HP and wouldn't survive the Archer. I already tried having Takumi kill the red sword fighter round 1 and get pulled back by Nino, but because he killed the archer too the blue cav moved in to finish him. Edit: After posting this, it occurs to me, could Peri get danced in, KO the red sword, and get out after one hit from the green mage? I know the blue mage has Swordbreaker, could someone remind me if the green one has a skill that'd be a problem for her?
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