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Everything posted by MJThom_2009

  1. The way I do it sometimes fail: I say the opposite of what I want like I don't want the focus summon or I say I would probably get a 3 star
  2. I was watching someone's stream that he was with team Lyn and now he's like: I hope Ike loses So now he's on Camilla's side
  3. No need to worry about Rein+ quick pluse https://twitter.com/riskedbiscuit/status/902026758316318720
  4. Finally, a second chance to get Julia, I met want another Ike, Ninian, and never did get Genny
  5. Found this one during the second tempest trial:
  6. Gatrie, just give him SpeedBring 4000 and he'll do with 30 stray dogs WCWY think would say "You will all die, in the dark"?
  7. Those match-up can be ****** up, especially with that one map based on Mystery of the Emblem where you start in the small center
  8. My recent pulls are suck cause I kept on getting the same characters I have and not the focus ones especially the latest Prince and Princess summons
  9. Just recently I was trying to play advanced arena and I faced a team that uses two Lyns but I manage to beat them. Seriously they should try to make you use only unique characters
  10. I was not sure who to pick but I had no choice since he's in the top 20 Day 13: Roy
  11. Day 12: Mist(Radiant Dawn) One more day and I'm not sure about the last decision
  12. Well it had to happen sooner or later Day 11: Ike
  13. Looking at the top results, only two of the characters made it on the top 20 on each gender, but I will if I could vote for Ike
  14. Day 6: Navarre Day 7: Ares and forgot about her......... Day 8: Titania
  15. Time to keep up with this topic, I up to day 3 now Day 1: Soren Day 2: Takumi Day 3: Lilina
  16. I did plan on nominating on the last day and few of the characters I was going to nominate are there Takumi, Lilina, Gerome, Navarre
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