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Sidereal Wraith

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Posts posted by Sidereal Wraith

  1. Banned for thinking Corum, Hawkmoon, or Erekose are better aspects of the Eternal Champion then Elric. Also that Tempus Thales and Kane are better at being brooding immortals then Prince Gaynor the Damned.

  2. Nothing, but seeing that today is my birthday and I’ve been yelling at the clouds to get off my lawn all day...wait..what was I talking about? Oh yes, anime. Seeing that I’m a cantankerous old man now, anime just doesn’t do anything for me anymore. I want more from my entertainment than just fan service and boring characters with the depth of a swallow puddle, see TMS #FE. As I’ve stated before I have spent the last three years reading everything from Moorcock to Robert E. Howard and even Thomas Ligotti as of late. I find these authors to be more appealing to my old man tastes rather then flashy, shiny, new anime. Now where’s my whiskey?

    15 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

    What do you have against anime my man?


  3. I’d like to see a Fire Emblem that took inspiration from some stories/series from the Western fantasy canon. Not Tolkien or Lewis, but more along the lines of the works of Clark Ashton Smith or Robert E. Howard. Both of these authors penned some great fantasy stories, such as Smith’s Zothique or Hyperborea Cycles or Howard’s Conan/Kull/Bran Mak Morn stories. That or just stole some ideas from Thieves’ World I guess.

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