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Sidereal Wraith

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Posts posted by Sidereal Wraith

  1. 3 hours ago, DragonFlames said:


    @Wraith Happy Birthday!

    *Lifts up head in a drunken stupor*

    Thanks, Happy Easter to you too! Oh hi Mr. Cactus, I didn’t see you there. How was your trip to Italy?

    *Collapses back onto the ground*

  2. *Crawls out from underneath a mountain of empty bottles*

    You kids these days and your Japanese cartoons and your optimism and your happy sounding music and your friendship is magic and your waifus and your bonds of friendship saving the day and your...

    *Continues his nonsensical drunken ramblings*

  3. FE: Three Houses is sitting in the hard drive of my Switch which in turn is gathering dust. I’ve been feeling strangely nostalgic for the FE series recently and I’m toying with the idea of playing it. I’ve only spent about an hour and a half playing Three Houses so I think it maybe time to beat a route or two.

  4. (Recent)
    Elric of Melnibone, The White Wolf: 

    I read Moorcock’s Elric Saga at a low point in my life and felt that the main character resonated with me. Before brooding anti-heroes were cliche, Elric helped to popularize them in the 1960’s. Despite being labeled as a ‘drama queen’ by some, his struggle with morality and trying to do what he feels is right makes him feel very human. Fighting against destiny, only to get screwed over by it yet still going on despite this makes him an interesting character. Plus if Elric didn’t exist you won’t have Geralt of Riveria, Drizzt Do’Urden, Arthas and a whole bunch of other similar characters.

    Kane, The Mystic Swordsman: 

    On paper I shouldn’t really like Kane seeing as he is an evil immortal, murdering his way through history. Yet the way in which Karl Edward Wagner writes him as a character endlessly fascinates me. Wagner is able to make him a interesting character despite being irredeemable evil. Perhaps having a character who is the protagonist of a series and evil is novel, but Kane’s attempts at empirecraft and domination represents some of the most engaging fantasy I’ve read in a while.


    Martin the Warrior, Champion of Redwall:

    As much as I enjoy darker stories and morally repugnant characters, some times you just want an unambiguously good guy as a protagonist. I always enjoyed the stories of Martin because he was a character that despite all the tragedy he suffered in his life, he continued to fight for the people of Mossflower. I felt bad for Martin because he lost so much throughout his adventures, the women he loved was killed, he felt abandoned by his father, and never really lead the happy life he deserved. Despite being a mouse he felt very human and was always someone I could see having my back in a tough situation.

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