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Sidereal Wraith

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Posts posted by Sidereal Wraith

  1. A story that harkens back to the older games. No friendship is magic, no children when it doesn't make sense for the story and less cliché anime tropes. I just want a good old fashion war epic, with interesting and likeable characters experiencing the dual themes of fellowship and tragedy which has been missing from the series since Awakening. 

  2. Honestly I'd be happy if no characters from the other games showed up. Anna making a cameo as a merchant is fine, however I'd prefer not seeing her as a playable unit. It was interesting in Awakening being able to have her as a PC but it felt like an afterthought in Fates,  even if she was DLC. Due to the fact that Three Houses isn't directly tied into any other games (as far as we know) it would be best if the new cast could stand on their own two feet. Before Awakening characters didn't show up in other games unless they took place in the same world, and I'd like IS to go back to this ethos. 

  3. I've never really understood the appeal of the Tales Of series. Although it is regarded as one of the bigger JRPG series out there, I feel that most of the games embrace the tropes and cliches of anime way too much. The series as a result to me comes of as decent, but nothing special. Thus I wish to pose the question as to what makes the Tales Of games special to you?

  4. 2 hours ago, senior firehood said:

    my heart jumped up for a second.......then after i realised that was a fake...my world goes down......but i really hope that we getting a fire emblem direct

    In the mean time why don’t you read some good old sword and sorcery literature, like Frirz Leiber’s Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser. I just finished Karl Edward Wagner’s Kane series which I’d also recommend, although not for the faint of heart.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Dragoncat said:

    I can agree with that.

    I’m one of those old fans whose been playing the series for well over a decade and yet had fun with both Awakening and Fates. By the time Awakening came out I had already beaten all the other games in the series and was looking forward to a brand new FE game in 2013. Although I enjoyed Awakening, I believe that it was all the callbacks to the other games in the series that made me enjoy the game more then I should of originally. That and also being able to marry Tiki, in the process giving her own personal story a positive resolution.

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