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Sidereal Wraith

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Posts posted by Sidereal Wraith

  1. I feel more indifferent towards Three Houses rather than worried. As someone who has beaten every game in the main line series and thinks FE is the best JRPG series around, I just got to say I’m disinterested in Three Houses. While I enjoyed myself with the 3DS trilogy, I’d be lying through my teeth if I didn’t say these games left me snowed. I’m one of those ‘old guard’ guys that felt that Awakening isn’t as great as everyone says it is and thinks that Fates isn’t as bad as many claim it to be.

    You’ve got to understand when Awakening came out I was so excited that I had my friend ship the game to me in England just so I could play it. I was just so happy to be playing a new FE game after waiting so many years. However, over the last five years I feel that FE has lost its identity in trying to incorporate waifus and the tropes of its lesser contemporaries. Maybe it’s just the fact that I’m getting old, but I just want more out entertainment these days besides ‘friendship is magic’ storytelling and waifu culture.

    I’ve spent the last year reading a lot of older fantasy literature , ranging from Frirz Leiber to Michael Moorcock, and I got to say it’s been quite enlightening. From this experience I’ve begun to understand just how dull and boring modern day JRPGs and anime really are. I’m far more interested in reading Karl Edward Wagner’s “Dark Crusade” and exploring the works of Ray Bradbury rather then playing FE, my favorite video game series of all time. Call me jaded but much like Disney Star Wars I feel that Fire Emblem has lost its uniqueness in dumbing itself down to appeal to a wider audience. Then again, this is just the ramblings of an old dyslexic swamp Yankee.

  2. Although I enjoyed the 3DS trilogy, I feel that those games left a lot to be desired. From Awakening onwards it feels like the FE series has had a major identity crisis, whether to retain its ethos as a stoic War Epic series or to use the tropes and cliches of its weaker contemporaries. The overuse of the latter has really started to bore me with its seemly endless use of fanservice and embrace of waifu culture in lieu of strong storytelling and characters. Perhaps it is just me but nowadays I’m more interested in wanting to read the works of Karl Edward Wagner rather then being hyped for a new entry in my favorite video game series of all time.

  3. 9 minutes ago, eclipse said:

    Person A imagines that the new FE will have Echoes' art style, the weapon system from Fates, FE12's support system, and kids a la Awakening.

    Person B wants Jugdral-style maps and deployment, Tellius-style classes, the shards from FE12, and Elibe-style supports.

    Person C wants Awakening's pair-up system, canto, no kids, and more cleavage.

    It would be impossible to release a game that has all of this.

    Yes, but their are several thematic ideas (the themes of fellowship and tragedy) gameplay mechanics (supports, permanent death) that tie most of the games together. Intelligent Systems will have to learn to bring together the best elements of Era of Identity Crisis (a.k.a. the 3DS FE games) as best it can to please as many fans as possible ere the game releases.

  4. 1 hour ago, eclipse said:


    Imagine you're going out on a blind date.  You know a few things about the guy (about your age, some similar interests), but the date is two months away.  Meanwhile, you really REALLY want this relationship to work, despite only knowing a bit about the guy.  So. . .you start to daydream.  Think about what he's like.  Maybe let your mind wander into "happily ever after" territory.

    Once you get an idealized version of the guy in your mind, you actually meet him.  Since he's human, and most likely not a perfect match for the ideal you built up for yourself, he's probably going to seem disappointing in comparison.

    That's what happens when people read too much into a short release trailer.  The reactions don't surprise me at all.

    Fair enough not to judge a book by its cover but this isn’t some random 28 year old guy/gal, it’s Fire Emblem. With a series that is almost three decades old at this point there will inevitably be certain expectations in terms story and gameplay. Whether Three Houses lives up to those standards or not is yet to be seen.    

    On a side note, I think that the rather bland looking art style in my opinion reeks more of generic JRPG #1,238,698,556 instead of the resplendent war epic series I know and love. Again we’ll wait and see.

    My hope is that the story will be good. After spending the last year being spoiled by the stories of famous Western fantasy writers (Howard, Moorcock, Leiber, Tolkien, Wagner, Spakowsi) I’ve come to realize just how boring and unimaginative the plots of many JRPGs really are. I hope that Three Heroes’ plot with be inspiring instead of being derivative. Less Sword Art Online more Swords of Lankhmar please.

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