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Sidereal Wraith

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Posts posted by Sidereal Wraith

  1. On 2/13/2018 at 3:09 AM, IEatLasers said:

    I’ll still be 18 then though! It’s my last couple days...

    and bein 18 means jobs and taxes and college away from home...


    well yeah I doubt I’ll be asleep sometimes I haven’t even bathed by then. 


    (PS. I shower in morning so don’t judge it’s just some nights I need to relax in a bath to sleep)

    I think you’ll find college a very liberating experience. You’ll have a lot more responsibilities on your hands but also a lot more freedoms as well. Also if you think 18 is old, try being 25, its a hoot!

  2. On 2/14/2018 at 4:17 AM, Midnight Torch said:

    Once again, all alone

    Look on the bright side, at least you don’t have a girlfriend who is trying to bankrupt you on Valentines Day. Not that I’d know anything about that... *Quietly cries to himself*


  3. 6 hours ago, NekoKnight said:

    You don't need to be evil incarnate to be considered a villain. A number of characters in Fates (Xander and Nohrrin, are among the worst) have flaws that heavily outweigh any good they do, and people who think otherwise are being fooled by the narrative downplaying or straight up ignoring their villainous actions.

    You don't get to work for a guy like Garon and still be a hero.


    The problem is during the narrative of Fates characters such as Xander and the playable Nohrrins aren’t the ones reveling in the slaughter of innocents like Hans, Iago, or Garon. However, I will concede that the problem with Xander and the others is that they capitulated and allowed the actions of evil characters to happen when rank is pulled on them. While this puts these characters under an unflattering light and makes me question them for there actions, I still think the word villain is too strong a descriptor for them. Caitiffs will suffice more for the playable Nohrrin’s nomenclature then calling them villains.

    Even when Xander and the others capitulate to allow these evil actions to happen they never condone them and earlier in the game there are instances when the Nohrrin royals subvert Garon’s intentions. The problem for the Norrhin royals is that the consequences of a war are some much larger then what they’re use to in terms of subverting Garon’s will that it becomes nigh impossible for them to do so. I feel that if Xander and the others had an the options of subverting Garon’s will during the war without the threat of getting slaughtered themselves, they would have tried. Again caitiffs but not villains. Also Elric is not evil incarnate, that would be the Lords of the Higher Worlds.

  4. On ‎1‎/‎5‎/‎2017 at 5:10 PM, NekoKnight said:

    If one is to like Pieri and think she's a good person at heart, you're going to have to accept that she's an unrepentant serial killer, past and present. Mind you, I don't think liking morally perverse characters means you approve of such things in real life, but within the context of the story, Pieri is a villain, who, like many Fates characters, has her villainy ignored.

    Yo Ghast, hook me up with those character analysis', I'll peer review your stuff.

    You think that Peri and many of the other playable characters of Fates are villains? Flawed? Yes. Do morally questionable things? Yes. Villains? No. Characters like Elric of Melnibone are goddamn villains. Elric has slaughtered untold hundreds of innocent people with his hellsword, Stormbringer, to please his patron god, Arioch, Lord of the Higher Hell and to keep himself alive. And the funny thing is that Elric is the protagonist of his own saga and saves the day in the multiple times over the course of his adventures.

    P.S. Stormbringer doesn't just kill people but also devours the souls of its victims.  


  5. The Prince of Ruins, Womenslayer, Kinslayer, Dragon Emperor, The Thin White Duke, Godslayer, The White Wolf of Immryr.

    Since 1961, Michael Moorcock's infamous Elric of Melnibone has been a major influence on many famous anti-heroes, anime villains, and edgelords the world over. Join me in traveling back through the mists of time to rediscover a character that has left an indelible mark on the fantasy genre for over half a century. 





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