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Everything posted by Lenh

  1. Lenh

    Lenh's Locker

    Tonight's mystery: what to do with the inky blackness of Kamui's spandex shirt. (Pretty much a trace, but any C+C is cool.)
  2. Lenh

    My sprites

    imo, although you might've had something else in mind. I shortened the forehead a bit and pulled the ear and whole head back to base of the neck. [spoiler=animooted] For things to do, I think you could definitely alias where the hair touches the face, define the eyebrows a bit, and round up the back of the head a bit so the hairline wraps (or makes sense somehow) with the headshape. I think he looks good enough for general hack purposes, but you can always polish things up a tad more if you're up for it. ^^
  3. Lenh

    My sprites

    Best way of explaining this case might be animating/swapping between the altered and original version. I might try it later tonight but there's two different ways of fixing it (one being fix the eyes to match alignment to the ears, the other to fix the ears and a bit of the head to match the eyes).
  4. For future reference, if it's not one of the vanilla sprites from the game (compilation sheet here), it's probably someone's work and you'd need to do some investigation to find the source. Pretty nice splices, the questionable ones aside. (best Sonia :3)
  5. Lenh

    Spriter's Guild

    All: It's been half a year, and I think safe to say this thread isn't really being used too much. I'll probably ask to have it unpinned soon unless there's enough people that want to keep it. (Just so I can rest easy about not maintaining it.)
  6. Lenh

    Lenh's Locker

    Ah man, the advice for the eyes was helpful, Toa~ Also thanks for reminding me about the missing shading too, forgot about that. Done for now I think. As long as it's not horribly huge or small I'm okay with scale being off for this guy, and the hair over the far side of the face is a bad habit that I indulged (gonna try to stray from that for later things). @ErrantShepherd, yeah it was supposed to be a disheveled collar, not a part of the two shoulder plates. Not too worried about whether those parts read as metal or cloth. [spoiler=random character blurb/bg]Cliff, a token blue-haired prince with a typical goodguy personality but little experience of the world outside his own (and how prejudiced it can be). He's in the process of making a character-building journey with someone in a similar situation by the time you recruit 'em. And he totally looks like a Roland/Baldo wearing Finn's color scheme. so original
  7. Lenh

    Lenh's Locker

    Thanks guys~ - Maybe fixed the wall-eye? I added a bit more eyelid to rebalance but'll probably keep playing with that. That eye always gives me probs, might be shading too - There's not much play for the mouth without it feeling like a plain :| face, but yeah, slight pull/wince. Gave it a revision. Torso quest continues
  8. Lenh

    Lenh's Locker

    Work in progress, hoping to finish tonight. The mouth is giving me some trouble, still working on the torso.
  9. Looks perfect for a platformer lead ^^~ (Really fond of the design and going against the typical build for a platforming char, and her(?) design's formatted in a way that it looks like she can do just about anything / is a relatively easy animation base. aw you're not going anywhere more with it ;w;) Guess on the crit side, the broken outline seems a little distracting on zoom (it's only on a few spots of brown on her ears, you haven't really used selout anywhere else so it seems odd to me). Maybe you could add an extra color to selout the entire piece (not sure if it'd look better, kind of fond how black unites everything currently but just a thought). Glad to see you're still around~
  10. Do yourself a favor then, and don't use Roy. Go ahead and look at all the mugs and collect the ones that have the attributes you want in your character. I have no idea who you actually want your character to look like, I just chose the first character in the mug sheet that I liked.
  11. It's not that you hadn't looked at and worked with references before posting, it's that you refused to do so after it'd been recommended to you by everyone. Looking at references is such a staple that saying you don't want to do that in your process (but want to end up with something stylistically similar) is pretty unorthodox. Struggling with something for days isn't a rule, but it's something that's part of the process of 'getting better at X'. I put 'one day', because a third of that's how much I'll typically give someone if they're genuinely stuck on a challenge (and it's how long I take before figuring I've hit a wall and can't learn unless someone gives me a hand).
  12. That's pretty much what you said. Spriting is work, recently random threads have popped up asking for 'tips to make this easier andIhaventevenspentaDaystrugglingonthis'. There's really nothing you'll learn until you do the thing yourself. If someone needs to hold your hand every step of the way then you really ought to look for something you have a better self-drive for. There's nothing wrong with failing as long as you learn from it, but not even taking those steps and wanting to pull someone else into taking those steps for you equates to only wasting their time/goodwill.
  13. just open up the mug compilation sheet and look for one Roy.
  14. Darin, Niime, Nergal, Lundgren Theme: Ornate attire (armor, robes, whatever) --- [spoiler=RULES THAT YOU MUST FOLLOW]No mass 'made from scratch' areas. In other words, the final result should be made of and identifiable to areas from the source mugs. Only use the set given, no other mugs. Recommended color limit: 16 (15 on your mug +1 for background). This is a flexible rule, but be cautious with your color count as a general rule of thumb for good pixel art. You are allowed to deviate from the standard FE color choices if you want to do so. Don't vote for yourself or I will cry sad tears devoid of mod power. Hosts may enter contests. Only 1 mug per member. Winner of the contest will choose the next theme and a mug, runners-up will choose the remaining mugs once a theme has been decided. Voting consists of 2 categories: 'Best in Theme' (single choice) and 'Favorites' (multiple choice). 'Winner' is the popular vote for 'Best in Theme' and the runners-up are taken from the most popular two from both voting categories. If there is overlap (e.g. 2nd place is the same participant for both categories), a weighted average of the total votes will determine the remaining runner-ups. PARTICIPATION NOTES: In the past, there has been a lot of conflict surrounding what does and doesn't constitute proper splicing techniques. This is not the venue to repeat that argument (if you're interested in it, please look at old rounds between 50 and 65). Please remember to allow participants the freedom to experiment and find their comfort zone in splicing. Give them votes when you believe they're successful, but do not use their entry as a platform to tell the world what you don't like. If you have any questions or concerns, please PM the current host. Deadline: Sunday, January 25th, 2015 Have fun!
  15. Sprite what you want to sprite using whatever methods you think will make the sprite, and then post here. Mockup/Platform templates: http://old.serenesforest.net/sprite/new_tutorial.htm Typical color count: 15+transparent Those are standards but do whatever you like.
  16. What do you want from the thread? Most people are iffy on doling out the criticism unless you asking for something specific. (And there is no 'proper' way of going through a WIP, so that question can't really be answered.) You seem have a comment for every post on what could be better for your own sprites, so as long as you have that forward drive you're doing well . Imo you'll get the best value on feedback when you think you're ready to call it complete or just can't get any further with it on your own. Priestess is my favorite from your latest bunch, face seems fine. The cloth shading seems a little rough: it might be because the tone you used is a little too light.
  17. Toa's beautiful wins Best in Theme with 12/24 votes! Mew's dashing wins Popular Choice with 19/24 satisfaction rating~ Toa will get to choose next theme and a mug. Mew, Leviathan, and singularity will get runner-up selection. Great mugs from everyone this round!
  18. Lenh

    a gallery(?)

    Imo keep on aliasing those trim lines and defining the shape until you've polished it to your liking. I did a bit of playing around with that: the shading is flat but I'm just defining the mass and curves at this point. The armor doesn't really look like it'd have a lot of shadows, but I could be reading it wrong. To make a shiny finish I think you'll need to add another shade and/or reference a lot of curvy/similarlyStructured chrome/metal finishes to find where your horizon/reflections should act. - You don't need to have a continuous white line for trim. Just as long as you shade it with nearby tones a line should still come out looking like a line. - Try to avoid jaggies (where a curve will be 1pixel-2pixels-1pixel-2pixels-etc). The clearest example was on the right OPV pauldron.
  19. Joshua, Klein, Eirika, Zephiel (FE7) ; (use at least 3) Theme: long-haired pretty blonde boy --- 2 days to vote!
  20. Passing off one of Lufia's Battle Themes as an original recruit theme and asking to get paid for it isn't exactly the greatest start.
  21. I've gotten it as well, ad redirects me to a new page when it loads, can't go back through the same session. Thanks lemode-mgz.com
  22. Sounds like you're withholding a story in hopes of keeping it a Magnus Opus of your making, but in the same you're not showing the willpower to develop it into the final product you want it to be. Go ahead and post the whole thing. How people treat the human-dragon hybrid concept in FE is usually interesting to me.
  23. The theme isn't a requirement, and entries will be up for voting unless someone specifically doesn't want theirs in the theme category (since sometimes the topic is more reinterpretable than others and/or the theme can be difficult to fulfill). In my case, I decided to let go of 100% adhering to the theme because that's where it went (did start with the intent of a Lucius-type, though). I'm just hoping people have the discretion to judge for Best in Theme with the current theme in mind.
  24. Ah yeah, the gig is up~ Might as well do the full thing with the suggestion. ^^; FE4 has beautiful men.
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