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Everything posted by pichupal

  1. And I'm probably slower then the average player. From the end of 8B. Can you tell I heal-spammed? Having him this high (Level and Staff-rank) at 8B probably isn't average, but I treated the healers like staves had regular exp gains in the early chapters. I also sold off some potions to have enough to buy an extra Flux and Light tome, so he got more healing to do in 8B. Then the next few chapters all had shops and gave you money... darn. Asher's higher level did make it so he could survive a couple of hits though, and could actually be used offensively - although I didn't in this chapter. Part of the reason he's this high is I used Lia more in the A route (she got the rosary), so I decided to give Asher more resources this time around. That being said, if he didn't reach B Staves, I probably would be using Karen, although she might be hard to use in 11B with all those Wyverns flying around. Maybe I'll do 11x with her.
  2. In this post, Gabriel, your friendly dark mage, gets a GAIDEN CHAPTER. [spoiler=Route B Spoilers... and the Best Gaiden Ever.] Casualities of WAR! Gabriel and Katrina run off with the ship, leave everyone else to drown. Let's look at Renair's Gabby's Journal! lolololol Haven't finished the chapter yet. Some other part B problems are Karen - who maybe would have joined at a decent level if Lia/Asher didn't benefit from super staff exp. Melissa didn't have that problem because there are more deployment slots for her to fit in to, and she doesn't have to deal with Dracos+Fog in her Chapters so she's easier to keep out of harm's way. Most of the other new characters seem balanced to me, although I feel Bellona should at least have C in lances instead of D - Inori gets a B in swords, for comparison. Not that I know anything about balancing a game. I do wish I knew where those secret promotion items were, but but doesn't really hurt me too much - still using Asher, even if he hit his level cap. Also, a lot of Part B chapters seem to REALLY hate Katrina. Reinforcements always seem to spawn near her or go for her. She ended up dying once for me because keeping her alive was making each chapter double as hard. I'll comment more once I actually finish B. And I don't think it's crazy hard. Harder, maybe, but in the good challenging way. Getting this gaiden was a pain though compared to the part A one, since there's a turn limit. And rain. And lots of wyvern reinforcements. Which chapter was 7A again? Arcus' chapter? I would say practice good item use and be more defensive then normal - it was sorta challenging but really not that bad once I stopped rushing too much. And Pillar = tree. Back to exams...
  3. www18.atwiki.jp/fireemblem3ds/pages/582.html Fixed :)
  4. Javelins always come back to you, but only around 25 times.
  5. Niconico Redirector (If you don't want to sign up for an account) KromxRufure(Watashi ver. - if that matters to you) http://www.nicovideo...atch/sm18480480 (Link to post on redirector)
  6. It almost looks like they just had Basilio, but then they took his hair away from him to make Flavia.
  7. This one. But seriously, someone might consider my choice this spoilers so... [spoiler=FE13]The rondo in I~Because (FE13 - Final Boss) is probably my favourite small rendition of the theme, but the FE10 E3 one is good too. Can't remember some of the other ones right now though. Starts at about 2:30. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdNYgHiNg7g
  8. No! Not Mariabel! I--- ... Gaia :)
  9. I don't know how to hack, but would you be able to use the Male/Female Tactician text changes to manipulate it? It would still have the issue of having two sets of text to edit though.
  10. Oh, something I forgot to mention... The bgm in 14A has this really odd note that's held for a really long time, but that might just be me. And Adrian still has Nils's flute music on his map animation - although I have no idea whether hacking can fix that or not. Back to playing part B studying Differential Equations...
  11. You can back work them from this, but I can't seem to find the page of their actual growths (this lists the caps for the regular characters and the modifiers and best/worst stat for spotpass/DLC). They're pretty much My Units using various different BEst/Worst xtats which modify their stat caps and growths. And average stats are pretty hard considering the reclassing system - each class has a growth rate, and each character carries their own modifiers, so even if you don't reclasss, each character would have two promotion routes with different growths. More info can be found on SF's FE13 section. You could also do a modification of Markyjoe's Avg stat calculator if there's a specific pathway you want to find, although not sure how well it would work. I could try doing something like this for Awakening, but after my exams are done.
  12. So those one space Villages were always labeled as Houses? That seems a little odd, but whatever. Really can't remember at all what they were like. It threw me off because I didn't expect to recruit people at first, but unlike the actual FE, I visit every house in hacks. Wasn't all that clear, but I was talking about this:
  13. Oh, so I guess I just missed one. Getting 8Ax wasn't too hard, but maybe I got lucky with the NPC army getting to the boss to help out, and Renair having the Lancereaver can't remember its new name with her. I wasn't really all that clear :/ I meant to mention on how it's called a house before you visit it, and a village after. It's pretty minor though, soyou could just ignore it. I actually can't remember what chapter in FE7/8 the one square villages came from, but maybe I'll see if I can dig up a sav and find out for myself. Thanks for answering!
  14. June 16th. Sol/Sort. The low speed Social Knight will always be in my party.
  15. Well, this was a fun studying break... [spoiler=Route A Spoilers + Screenshot Dump] Not a lot to say, but it was lots of fun going through, really nice and polished and stuff. I apparently missed... two promotion items? The ones not in 14A. SO good at FE. Although some turns are me obsessively protecting Katrina, finding out ChesterxCrowe A wasn't complete,super dragon paranoia and ferrying Chester everywhere to open things. That chapter was sorta annoying more so since I'm bad at this. I also had poor planning and ran out of Anima magic, so Amelia was half-dodge tank for a while... I also overestimated the Dragons. Took me a while to figure out why Amelia was so good despite normal-ish stats.... Very few enemy units get decent RES, even most mages seemed to have close to equal DEF and RES. Or maybe that's just me? Other things..... You get WEXP from everything though. Like seriously... Hard to show, but it even pops up for poison damage. I know it happens with the bard too, but this was sort of surprising :/ Was the House/Village thing always there? I never really noticed before. One STR away from actually killing him. He runs away with his potion and I couldn't get a one percent crit to happen again. Can you actually do anything with those guys? Not a big deal, but I totally didn't notice the armoury Seren was standing on for a while. Just used Arcus's prf, so the Steel Lance is flashing for whatever reason. Not a big deal, but sorta weird. I know they're talking about the OTHER jailbreak, but it's odd considering you just saved Enjorlas from prison. I WANTED TO USE YOU... :( Unintentional favourite part of the game was Erk and Serra Enjorlas and Melissa. They're so nice to each other when they meet up...then... SUCH A MEANIE ENJIE. But yeah, I'll probably go through B soon. Had lots of fun with this. Keep doing whatever you're doing. The CGs are pretty too. I would want to help out with the patch, but I can't hack or sprite or anything - but I can at least help playtest :). BTW, do you have a list of the support conversations that are currently in the patch? Wanna see all of the new ones if I can. EDIT: Lumi's DoF banner links here, but the others don't. Any particular reason?
  16. 'Make-n' is short for make-nai (lose+negative), so it means 'I won't lose'. Maybe someone with better Japanese could check to make sure. Pretty obvs, but the dashes are there to separate the root verb and the negative. That, or taken literally his name is Chrom Maken.
  17. The finale is FE6. Looking forwards to the stories and hopefully we'll think of non-violent says to coerce you into working on it :) I'll be waiting on January 9th... to 12th. But do your schoolwork too. NAGNAGNAG.
  18. pichupal

    AVATAR hack

    Where's Pontifex and Magic Seal? 0/10 But seriously, this looks pretty cool.
  19. ?qU lɘvɘ⅃ Oh, and the game freezes there... forgot to mention. Other then that, I like the difficulty despite how bad I am at Fire Emblem. .sav if you want it. http://www.mediafire...ck33391g1fsu1sc
  20. Seems fine to me, although the thief on the left won't generate unless you make that merc move by putting someone in that merc's range. Didn't seem too hard, but I think the thieves need an escape point. Sharla wasn't really useful, although she could double the thief with 100% accuracy, which was pretty much her only purpose. Managed to get the two treasures beating the thieves not letting them wait, although I decided to get the Iron Sword from the thief instead of the 3000 gold because I could do this. Think Poalski's RES needs nerfing, but it's sorta irrevelant if it's in the middle of a story. I wanna bow. Think you'll need to activate Fortify each turn, but maybe you could cut down the staff usage to one, and then spawn reinforcements so it only pops up like every 2 or 3 turns? I don't know a lot about hacking, so not sure what would work for whatever suggestion you got. Or progressively increase the amount of healers with Physic, which could double as a penalty for taking too long to replace Fortify?
  21. Then...then... who's posting right now? Starting to play it now, pretty nice so far.
  22. Go Earthbound! I'll definitely try to keep watching this. Can't wait for NessHORAC's dad to show up. Honestly, the Mom and Dad are pretty awesome. Cookies! All that inventory space. How many Cookies did you have to abandon? And everytime I got a new character, I was like, YEAH, MORE INVENTORY! If DOGA=A DOG, then HORAC = ROACH.
  23. And don't forget that that bonus is cancelled if the enemy has a weapon triangle advantage. The power of the advantage is decided by the better weapon. (If A-Swords vs C-axes, the A Row is used in determining the triangle effects). Advantage Side Advantage Side Adverse Side Weapon LV Bonus Bonus ED +5% Hit -5% Hit CB +10% Hit -10% Hit A +1 Attack +10% Hit -1 Attack -10% Hit So if you're a sword user, Chrom, with A in Swords. Against a C-rank axe user, you can get a bonus of (1+3) Attack and 10% Hit, and your enemy will lose their weapon rank bonus (-5% hit), and the weapon triangle disadvantage (-1 Attack, -10% Hit). On the other hand, if a C rank Lance user attacks Chrom, he'll lose 10% hit from the Triangle, and no weapon level bonus (3 attack). His opponent, only having C rank, gains the triangle bonus of 10% hit, and his weapon level bonus of +1 attack.
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