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Everything posted by ClLoulD

  1. if you want I can copy my PoR save (chapter 28 On Dolphin) and send it you? If you want I can also Bexp abuse whatever units you're thinking of using. Just tell me how to extract the file, I know shadowofchaos is pretty good with this sort of stuff.
  2. Earth + Earth affinity is +45 avoid Earth + Wind affinity is +30 avoid I try my best to get as many of those combinations as possible.
  3. I just think Tanith comes in rather late and even if you decide to put her in the desert chapter where her flying utility would have an impact I just find it's littered with too many bow wielders for her to have too much of an impact. Tibarns group seems to be full of people needing experience and Ike's group I like to use to train Jill. I just think I would rather train Boyd or Soren than Tanith not to say that is the best choice though.
  4. This whole Marcia thing is spiraling out of control just like it has with Mia and with Jill, the experience within MM is minimal and although Marcia may be invincible until late game after promoted guess what she isn't going to promote anywhere near as fast and if you decide to use a master seal on her then ok great, but she isn't going to be doing all that stuff like 1 hitting Muarim or 1 hitting Petrine so again I ask what's the point? I could get past all this if it was possible in the short time period if it wasn't for the how under leveled this is going to make units like Ike and Oscar and Kieran who desperately need BEXP. What is the point in buffing up Marcia so much that every other unit (Apart from Titania) can't defend themselves if more than two or three enemy units show up?
  5. I never know who to give the energy drops to but I wouldn't put it on Mia as she isn't going to be 0RKO anything with it anyway and besides she caps strength nearly every playthrough unless you get ridiculously RNG screwed, anyway going back to the speedwing Issue wouldn't it be more worthwhile giving the last speedwing to someone like Soren or Boyd who can contribute more than someone like Tanith?
  6. I like how this topic has gone from being about Fiona to Sothe. Sothe isn't a bad unit and I guess he's worth training up but only because he's force deployed but then there are a lot of characters on Micaiah's team who deserve the EXP more such as Jill or Nolan like Dr. Silent already stated. I think on Hard mode Sothe's other attributes start to show like his ability to steal from enemies and although it's usually just vulnerary's the experience isn't anything to be snuffed at and niether is his meat shielding which is really useful in certain chapters like 1-3 which can really help get Micaiah up a few levels. Sothe is immediately dragging at part IV though and although he is decent enough for Micaiah's team he just really isn't doing much for anything other than the first chapter of endgame and that's if you bothered to get his knife rank up to SS so he can wield the basslard or you spent ridiculous amounts of gold on Arms scrolls for him. Useful for beginning chapters and then not really worth training up for part IV on anything other than easy mode.
  7. Isn't it 36 to double Ashera? I'm assuming this is normal mode as well.
  8. Don't worry, Kieran isn't going to make the list, he was arguably one of the best units in PoR his RD self is nowhere near as useful.
  9. I think in the first chapter you get to use the Crimean Royal Knights one enemy drops a speedwing, that sorts out Kieran's speed problem.
  10. If im not mistaken Calil is available for one chapter in part 2 and then she's available next in the chapter "Marauders" then she finally joins Ike's team for one or maybe two chapters IMO that is not a reasonable time frame especially when you have to get her to SS rank in fire tombs, I will admit she is probably really useful with Rexflame but unless you're playing on EM is it really worth it?
  11. I understand the Lethe one but I need a bit more reasoning for Boyd because he's a pretty good unit in RD once his speed get's sorted out and he almost always caps 40 strength for me.
  12. Removed some units namely the hawks and Elincia. Marcia is a maybe, I don't really use her because her availability harms her a bit more in RD my reasoning being that she comes back under leveled and in the chapters she isn't under leveled in she is really over-shadowed by Haar and in Endgame there are too many bow/crossbow wielders for her to do a lot [in my opinion] but I'll put her as a maybe for now and you guys decide.
  13. That guy who turns everything he touches into skittles...
  14. I write with my left hand and use my right for pretty much everything else.
  15. Mist Yes she's basically the same character in both games Elincia is better in Radiant Dawn because she can actually hurt things + much more availability Nephenee yes definatly Haar is nowhere near as good as he is in Radiant Dawn, he is completly broken in RD Ranulf yeah I would say so Keiran hmm a toughie... I think he's much better in PoR but If anyone else thinks he should go on the list I'll put him on. And characters who are better in PoR can't go on ^_^ otherwise I would of put Stefan up there.
  16. What about mist? She is a pain to raise in both games and doesn't actually do much when she has class changed, but in PoR she can actually hurt enemies with a storm sword + she helps Ike in the Black Knight fight.
  17. Oscar yes Titania yep Marcia errm, she's kinda missing for most of Radiant Dawn and comes back way under leveled so I'll give her a no for now Gatrie yeah definatly And finally Rhys yep, best Saint/Bishop in both games but can't do much else. Oops forgot Stefan, he is actually really useful in POR if you didn't want to train Zihark and doesn't come with just 4 chapters to go where he is outclassed by other units (namely Laguz Kings) in Radiant Dawn.
  18. Is just as useful in PoR as they are in Radiant Dawn so for example I could say Boyd or Soren as both are pretty useful units in both games, however I couldn't say someone like Mia because although she is a fantastic unit in Radiant Dawn she wasn't much stick in Path of Radiance. List so far. Boyd Soren Ike Oscar Titania Gatrie Rhys Jill Mordecai Reyson Callil Mist Nephenee Ranulf Geoffrey Zihark Ilyana
  19. What units should I use? especially on Micaiah's section, they don't need to be great for endgame because I'll probably use mostly Laguz King's.
  20. I just send Oscar south with the short spear he got from earlier, that's just me though.
  21. Is it possible to get Lehran to #1 spot without cheats?
  22. http://puu.sh/1oxWM I always wanted to get him in my first place position :) he came out just ahead of Ulki who was 66 battles behind him. Any requests for another character?
  23. Haar you serious?: Have Haar kill every enemy on a single map. READY! FIRE!: 1 Hit an enemy with a ballista. Ike brother Ike sister: Have Ike use ragnell and Mist use Alondite. Dreams come true: Cap Fiona's Skill status. Patience!: Get a Heron to level 40.
  24. Someone made a thread on it with loads of different ways of getting characters and the chests (although the chests aren't necessary) For the record, Nephenee yes, Brom no :( He'll fall behind in later chapters and besides I find gatrie to be better and on hard mode I'd be hesitant in using him.
  25. They died in the last chapter so it didn't bother me too much :). Meg is actually a half decent unit on easy mode you just have to use bexp on her at the right time and ilyana was amazing for me because she helped out so much in part 1 and then joined Ike's group for part 3 :D
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