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Posts posted by Wist

  1. I was always fond of a glitch that allowed one to remove the collision box for burrowable units in StarCraft Brood War (before it was patched). I don't quite remember exactly ow it was done, but essentially one could force the game confuse burrow orders (burrowed units have no collision boxes).

    Here's a very

    (2:03 until 2:34) with Zerglings.

    I had a friend with whom I would join 7v1 Comp Stomp Fastest Money Map games and exploit this trick on 200 Hydralisks each (or 400 Cracklings). 200 Hydralisks within a 4x4 tile area are scary... anything that enters your Hydralisks' range would die instantly. This is because no potential hits are lost from Hydralisks hanging out behind, waiting for a space to clear for them to move up and strike. The increase in attack potentialities is even more apparent with Zerglings (melee units). 400 Cracklings can raze a base pretty fast, but when they're stacked everything on the screen melts.

    Of course, such fronts are absurdly vulnerable to splash damage. But I found it interesting that, for whatever reason, the game could fail to restore the collision box but still allow all the unit's standard scripts to run.StarCraft used to have a lot of weird glitches like that. Floating ground units, sliding buildings, permanently cloaked burrowable units... some people even built puzzle maps built around exploiting such glitches.

  2. I have my hair cut about once every six months. I don't like bothering to get it cut, I actually prefer having longer hair but if it gets too long it starts to curl into my eyes and becomes too much of a chore to deal with (I don't envy anyone the work that must go into maintaining hair beyond shoulder length).

  3. mia_lover, wow, it sounds like you've had a lot of... injury in your life.

    When I was 3 and 4 I enjoyed pretending I was a car. One time, when I was 3 I believe, I was pretending I was a car in the kitchen, and I slipped. I don't know if I hit a chair leg crossbeam or the tile floor, but I had to go the hospital. I still have a scar under my chin from that incident.

    I don't have any physical scars from this crash, but I fell off my bike when I was 12. I was wearing a helmet but I landed on my head. I was taken to the hospital and diagnosed with anterograde amnesia (essentially I had lost the ability to convert short term memory into long term memory) after I kept asking why my arm and head hurt. I mostly recovered by the next morning, but my memory is very noticeably worse than it was before the accident. (This has not been medically correlated with the accident, though). don't remember this by the way. Most everything I know is from what I was told after the fact.

  4. Skyrim, at 8.62GB.

    Followed by Rewrite at 7.09GB.

    I think I remember StarCraft 2 being larger with patches, but I don't currently have it installed because I prefer Brood War.

    I have no idea what individual file might be the largest. I love to keep everything in organized though, and anything I don't use gets archived in a storage folder or deleted.

    More than 450 GB worth of music. So far I've listened to 189.8 Gb. =]

    Bloody hell. Is that mostly lossless?

    Edit: Forgot, double posting is frowned upon.

  5. For me, the worst bit about being an adult is looking back and wishing I knew five or six years ago what I know now. Academically I would have have embarked on a different trajectory. I also had so much free time as a kid and a student. I put most of it to decent use, but again I wish I had taken off with my personal projects in a different direction.

    I was never very eager to get a driver's license, get out of the house, do whatever, because I was driven by rather insular interests I could pursue anywhere (reading, language study, programming, and game modding). But it is nice to keep my own place as I want it. Being free from a school schedule was fantastic. But then I had to get a job.

    I need to give it more thought before I can elaborate on what I personally enjoy about being an adult. But there are definitely some perks.

  6. I worked in an R&D lab for two summers before university. I synthesized and tested UV curable inks (I didn't write the formulations or interpret the results), and ran diagnostics tests on industrial super-wide printers.

    It was a pretty neat first job.

  7. What to make of this....

    If it's good, it'll be great, and I might start looking more closely at the Wii U as a potential secondary platform.

    Of course it could be complete rubbish, but it might still be fun even then. I'm still a bit bewildered and nervously excited.

    Also, I offer nothing of substance in this post.

  8. In my own experience, I've generally found that as a last ditch resort swallowing a small spoonful of sugar (I'm not trying to make a joke) helps relieve the pain and scratchiness of a sore threat better than tea or tablets for half an hour or so. Obviously that's not the healthiest remedy

    If you're having coughing fits, Fisherman's Friend lozenges will certainly fix you right up for a bit, if you can stomach the worst taste known to civilization.

    I don't know about curing your ailment, though. As eclipse said, a doctor would ideally be the most help, but even that can depend on the cause. I'm not knowledgeable enough to offer anything beyond what I've posted. I hope you recover soon.

  9. If all sides involved are happy and comfortable with it, more power to them. I know this brings up a whole slew of issues, all of which I will neglect to address, but from an abstracted perspective I see no reason open relationships should be inherently deserving of legal or social ire.

    Personally, I would not be game for the idea. My position may be partially rooted in my inclination toward maintaining a small circle of close friends rather than a wide circle of acquaintances (though I'm sure many other factors are involved), but I think I would have great difficulty managing such an arrangement socially and emotionally, and that I would be less happy than if I had one close partner or no partners at all.

    My partner also wouldn't be keen on an open relationship, certainly as far as I am aware.

  10. The only card games I put any significant investment into were Yu-Gi-Oh and the Pokemon Trading Card game and Yu-Gi-Oh. I only played Yu-Gi-Oh for about half a year, but I played Pokemon for ages. I never collected cards after Wizards of the Coast stopped were no longer involved, aside from my getting a few Team Rocket Returns EX booster packs (I can't believe those cards, which still feel 'new' to me, are nearly ten years old now). I played with my Dad from 1998 until 2009, and I still maintain very strong sentimental attachments to those cards because of that. Sadly, I never completed any sets aside from Base, Fossil, and Team Rocket, but I nearly completed Jungle and I have a smattering of cards from the Neo sets.

    I'm interested in picking up another card game... but I'm not willing to invest in what could become a huge timesink at the moment. I also don't really have anyone to play with anyways unless I played a game online.

  11. I need to play Snatcher now.

    I've taken to putting cheese on curry sometimes. And yakiniku sauce in fried rice. And nutmeg, garam masala, and cumin in chicken or turkey sandwiches. I tend to just throw together what I can find so I know I've made a lot of odd dishes, but nothing too strange comes to mind right now except the one time I tried to make a wasabi potato dish (don't try it).

  12. Another US 10.5 (29cm), though with some brands an 11 is more comfortable.

    I used to have trouble finding sneakers that felt comfortable; I think my feet are an odd shape. At least they're both the same size, there was one year in high school when they seemed to be drifting apart a bit.

    Anyways, about four years ago I found the most comfortable shoe I have ever had the pleasure of slipping my feet into (for me, the Saucony Cohesion 2 -- what a baller shoe name). I wore them for about two years. Then I bought two new pairs of the same type shoe (at that point Cohesion 4). I eventually wore out the first of those pairs and I'e been on the second pair for about half a year.

    Next time I will buy fifty pairs so I don't have to put up with shoe shopping ever again. It's really nice now knowing I don't have to try shoes on, I can just go to something I know works well for me. A quick Google search suggests the current iteration is the Cohesion 6.

  13. Wow, this thread makes it quite clear who is older or younger than who.

    I remember drive in cinemas. Or, a drive in cinema, I've only ever come across one, but it was a ten minutes' drive from my mother's house. I watched something there in high school but I don't remember what it was.... I don't know if it's still in business (the drive in cinema has esentially died as a business prospect, right?)

    Anyways, the first film I remember seeing in theaters was Pocahontas (1995). I even know the theater I watched it in! It was torn down about five years ago... but when it was around it was very easy to sneak sweets into because it was in a mall and happened to be located next to a CVS pharmacy, which of course for a kid was a candy store.

  14. Many, many, many many many many people seem to replace the word "are" with "is" in spoken English extraordinarily regularly. I've noticed it in Americans (north-east and mid-west), Canadians, Britons, Australians, and New Zealanders ranging from 2 to 55 years old. After I first noticed it, I noticed it everywhere, and amongst so many people that sometimes I feel like I'm the only person I know who is steadfast about using "are" in speech when convention would call for it in writing.

    The first two years it really bugged me, but I've slowly grown... accustomed to it, though it still strikes my ear as distinctly off (I wouldn't say wrong since it appears, to me, really quite widespread amongst native speakers, and might be symptomatic of a sometimes alleged tendency toward grammatical simplification in modern English). I assume most people don't notice this because it's so widespread and I didn't notice it for ages, but I've no idea how safe that conclusion is to make.

  15. As far as I am aware, there have been no announcents regarding PCH-2000 models outside of Japan.

    Out of curiosity, and to keep the thread going if no one comes up with anything promising, what convinced you on the slimmer Vita that didn't on the original (assuming you don't have an original one)? I opted for the original one because I decided I'd prefer to have the OLED screen, probably it's biggest advantage over the new one, but of course the new model has better battery life, a standard USB socket, and I think it's supposed to have some built in memory?

  16. 8]

    And, in person, "Ah, I see", with stress on the "I", not the "see".

    I refuse to ever use the acronym mentioned in Interest's last uncrossed-out sentence. Instead I'll type "Haha". Maybe add one or two if I smile, another few if I snicker, and many more if I actually laugh.

  17. Dark_Huntress, it's nice that she was discharged in time for a holiday like this; I hope she's on the mend.

    My girlfriend is American and enjoys Thanksgiving, so I'm heading to her house tomorrow for a big dinner. I'm bringing some vegetable side dishes I just cooked, and she's preparing... everything else.

    I agree with OldMan about favorite holidays, though. I'm not too keen on the meaning of a holiday and my family's too scattered to get together for events like this, I most appreciate having extra time off work to travel or relax or what have you.

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