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Posts posted by Wist

  1. I would say some in my language but no one would get them...well whatever

    fuck is my favourite in english

    μουνι της λασπης,



    Google Translate gives an, uh, interesting ...and probably faithful enough translation for the first one.

    As Thor said, I suppose the F word is the most versatile. And when used as a filler word may be even slightly more meaningful than "like" and the like. But fuck if I have a particular favorite.

  2. I is symmetrical. The only horizontally symmetrical option is A, and the only vertically options are C and D (B isn't quite perfectly). Put together, the symmetrical letters put together spell "cad", which was derived from a Scots word. If you take the symmetrical capital letters (either orientation) from SCOTS and HELIX (COT and HEIX), remove any instances of "I" (as it's already accounted for in the question), then assign each letter alphabetically ascending values (A=1, B=2, etc), they both equal each other. So the answers A, C, and D put together equal the Helix Fossil, leaving B the only element that doesn't cancel out algebraically.

    Therefore B is the right answer. Do B, quickly, before it's to late!

  3. I'm the same as shytende. Concision and I... we do not do well together.

    And I can completely understand double posting to add onto previous thoughts or simply by accident. I've done it a few times; sometimes I report myself to ask for it to be fixed, sometimes I leave it and hope no-one notices.... And sometimes I feel like double posting should be allowed, but I suppose that would make deciding what constitutes excessive multiple posting too subjective.

  4. video games and manga do not constitute "real exposure" to japanese.

    Readng is one of the best ways to learn a language. Reading straightforward simple Japanese written by Japanese for a Japanese audience as in video games and manga is a great starting point for reading, well, Japanese written by Japanese for a Japanese audience. If that doesn't count as real exposure, I don't know what does.

    It's fine to think learning a language to delve into its pop culture is a waste of time. But don't cloud the discussion by feigning intellectual conceit with shallow pretensions.

  5. Trails in the Blaze's advice is straightforward but good.

    If your Japanese is poor you can still play through a lot of games with a basic understanding of the game's mechanics. I imported Fire Emblem 10 when it came out, and because it was so similar to oter games in the series I never felt the need to look anything up. The problem there of course is I had no idea what the story was until I revisited it later.

    If you're trying to learn Japanese through playing games, as long as there's a significant volume of text and dialogue it's not too different from learning through reading manga or novels (except you maybe can't revisit past dialogue as easily).

    The less relevant the story is to a game, or at least relevant to your interest in the game (ie, you're drawn more to the tactical dimensions of Fire Emblem than the stories), the less problematic the language barrier to your enjoyment (if you can't reerence a translation). I suppose Tohou's a great example of this. I'm sure many people are interested in the story, but I suspect many more pick it up from Wikipedia articles and just play the games as they are.

    I started learning Japanese through playing Fire Emblem and the first three Key visual novels. I passed N2 within a couple years, much faster than anyone I know who slogged through years of language classes (I claim the opposite of TheEnd: I don't know anyone who learned better from language classes than those who taught themselves). I did some formal translation work before the three year mark. But I was absurdly motivated.

    If you really want to learn a language, and you have motivation enough to make it work, just do it. Classes will only give you a cursory foundation, and they'll do so at a much slower pace than you can accomplish on your own (as long as your methodology is sound). I was surprised to see any recommendaton for formal education as a vehicle of study given how slow and inefficient it is. Is the idea is to take classes to build a foundation before branching off and learning from real exposure to the language?

  6. What a nebulous argument. This guy has no idea what he's talking about. "This is my perspective" is not a good defense for spouting generalization and generalization, assumption after assumption (which, when it's backed up, is backed up with 'this is how I interpret what I've seen so it applies universally'). It's rubbish, absolute rubbish. I'm actually angry he insisted on spending twenty minutes spouting some of his positions as grounded in fact when he's so clearly absolutely beyond bloody clueless.

    His whole argument is a vomitous Anglo-centric 'us and them' spiel. This is the problem with 'their' industry. It will be saved if 'they' change their paradigms to match 'ours'. I don't even care if his position hypothetically has merit, the underlying assumption is Japanese developers in aggregate should be focusing on catering to an imagined 'us' when in fact there is a diversity of markets in Japan and the West, and developers with different strengths and presences target different spectrums of these markets with considerations beyond 'does this capitalize on the most popular trends in America'.

    Capcom failing to make money on their mobile development venture doesn't mean they were stupid to try to tap into what he ironically demonstrates is a massive segment of the Japanese market instead of making 'Western friendly games', if these can even be demonstrated as mutually exclusive undertakings (he doesn't). Final Fantasy XIII releasing to less than stellar acclaim doesn't mean the entirety of Japanese development paradigms are stuck in a quagmire of misunderstanding that's bringing down the industry. His argument is so wide, so vague and ideological and filled with nationalistic pretension, it's empty, stupid, and embarrassing.

    I'm going to stop before I write a endless wall of text; I could dissect these videos to hell and back but most people don't read my posts anyways. I'll just end with saying that, while there may be problems with the game industry in Japan, this guy hasn't produced anything demonstrating an iota of wisdom on the topic. In short, his opinion is invalid.

    Now excuse me while I fix the American game industry by reminding developers to drop what they're doing and all make Call of Duty because that's what I've noticed the market wants most and everyone should be aiming for that market.

  7. <Hikarusa> wait
    "explore a dramatic new world"
    I hope this means they're fixing the world map
    <Wist> Yeah, that was suspicious.
    <Big_Boss> or what if
    they're sequels and not remakes?
    <Hikarusa> maybe
    <Wist> That would be interesting, maybe.
    <Hikarusa> hmm
    I wonder
    are they gonna do remakes of B&W AND B2&W2
    <Big_Boss> might be cool
    but we still have to wait a few gens for that
    <Hikarusa> maybe they will do B&W3
    <Big_Boss> lol
    press release says "fresh new take on Ruby and Sapphire"

    So may or may not be a remake?

  8. Frankly, unless you can prove that what I'm saying is dead wrong-- that equal parts of the porn industry are directed at women, or whatever shit I'm apparently so goddamn ignorant of-- then you're just as full of crap as you say I am.
    You want to fucking disprove me, how about you hand me some actual proof that addresses my so-called opinion instead of something almost completely tangential to it like his examples were?
    You provide me evidence of women who are happy in their roles as porn stars/actresses and I will concede you that point.
    But again, if you can find instances that disprove this, even for specific people or situations, by all means, refute me.

    You keep demanding evidence for any rebuttals, yet you consistently dismiss the need to present supporting evidence for your own position.

    Do you honestly think that any woman, save a few radical nymphos, would choose any kind of prostitution, whether it be porn or escorting or whatever, as their ideal career?
    But for the time being, I have no reason to assume that most porn stars/actresses that AREN'T well-known [...] are in the industry because they were anything but forced by circumstance and by the manipulative people who run the business.
    And let's be honest, is 'adult film actress' really the kind of mark a woman wants on her resume when she's trying to start her own business or whatever? I just find it hard to imagine a situation where porn actresses are benefitting [sic] from the industry they work in, because at present, I have no reason to believe they're getting any sort of long-term boon from it.
    But if lives are actually indeed being ruined by this industry-- as I have every reason to believe they are-- then you better fucking believe I'll keep talking about it like this, however 'tenuous' my experiences with porn media are.

    But sweeping statements like these are purely ideological. You preface your arguments with these assumptions, but they're not safe assumptions. They may be correct, they may not be. Until you give them weight they're empty statements. You can't make such blanket claims for a topic this complex and treat them all as given. Until you substantiate these assumptions, dredging up evidence in reflexive arguments is pointless; the burden of proof lies on you.

    By way of example, you can't arbitrarily cite Esau for mother-son incest and treat it as fact until he provides evidence to the contrary. That's not fair on Esau.

    - - -

    In response to your arguments about the exploitation of porn actresses:

    You claim porn actresses are harmed because many don't realize going into it their career prospects will be curtailed by virtue of their occupation. You also mentioned some women are forced into it. On this latter point, if for the sake of argument we assume these two claims are true, am I correct in assuming you mean personal circumstance makes entering the porn industry their best financial option even though it may lead to other situational harms?

    If so, I'd argue one of your issues with the industry is an argument it exploits social inequality, a position I think fits within broader discussion on whether the feudal class systems that linger in modern capitalism 'force' people into unskilled jobs with no room for advancement, and if this is a systemic flaw. But I don't want to pursue the point if I misunderstand what you mean. This is of course on a separate train of thought to the discussion of women being harmed "behind the scenes".

    Edit: Edited for clarity.

  9. Historically that was the case, but it hasn't been true for a while now. If you use up to date versions of Chrome and Firefox, Chrome will use more memory for the same number of tabs. In fact, of the browsers you listed, Firefox is the most memory efficient. Chrome uses more memory than Firefox, Opera, and Internet Explorer 10 and 11 (I don't know about Safari). When Mozilla switched to the accelerated update track, fixing Firefox's memory management issues was heavily prioritized.

    Edit: This is assuming you have more than one tab open at a time.

  10. Does this happen only shortly after booting up, or does the problem rear its head whenever it feels like it?

    Could you press the Memory Consumption tab heading to show the tasks consuming the most memory?

    Or, even better, if you don't mind doing so, could you install and run Process Explorer and take screenshot showing everything that's running? (Feel free to send it via Private Message if you aren't comfortable with posting that).

    You don't have to check-mark the option to have it replace the default Windows Task Manager if you'd rather it didn't (I don't remember if it asks this during installation or is simply an option under the Options heading).

    Process Explorer better shows what processes are using how much CPU. However, as it sounds like your CPU usage jumps around a fair bit, identifying the culprit may still not be quite so straightforward.

    Also, let me stress I'm not an expert, and you may be better served on dedicated forums. I'd make a recommendation but I don't know where best to recommend. Hopefully someone else has some ideas of where you can search for help if no obvious solutions come up.

  11. I've lived across the spectrum, from major metropolises to backwater sludge pits. After much thought I've cast my vote for "both are equal".

    Right now I live in the country without a car. I cycle to the supermarket once or twice a week with my basketed steed of manly valour (twenty-five minutes each way). I also cycle to work, which luckily is closer than the supermarket. Buses are infrequent, but they offer passage to civilization. And using public transportation (even if my local bus is overpriced) is much cheaper than buying, driving, and maintaining a car.

    This works for me. I prefer living in the city, but on weekdays my spare time goes into studying, writing, or otherwise hiding from society, so it's not that important to me. The city's nice because I enjoy exploring urban landscapes, not because I can't keep myself entertained.

    As long as I'm within striking distance of civilization I'm happy. I've lived in middle of nowhere towns that were truly in the middle of nowhere and it was terrible. But being in the country is the best option for me at the moment because rent is much cheaper and I owe masses in student loans. I'm also not really missing that much. People watching is harder, and I can't bum around parks, restaurants, or bookstores, but I wouldn't say my quality of life suffers out here.

  12. It could be so many things.

    The easiest suggestion I can make is to run HiJackThis and find someone who can read the log and speculate on what could be eating up your CPU. I don't know if anyone currently active here would be experienced enough to provide help, but there are plenty of tech forums with sections dedicated to helping others with issues like this. Users on those forums would (hopefully) know what questions to ask to gain the information they need to diagnose the problem.

    But I have a guess that's worth putting out there. Are you using Windows 8? A lot of people running Windows 8 don't realize they're never shutting down their computer, just putting it to sleep, and over time their computers exhibit the behavior you described more and more. If you're running Windows 8 and restart - a full, real restart - you might find the problem vanishes.

  13. Like, midnight on days where I don't have to get up before 8 the next day.

    This, or close enough. Unless it's winter, I like 2 to 3 in the morning the best. Before I was enchained by capitalist serfdom and could maintain a reasonable biphasic sleep schedule, 2 to 6 were my most productive hours (thanks primarily to the complete absence of social obligations). I also enjoyed night-time walks.

  14. I haven't confirmed this, but I believe the original is out of print. If you wanted a hard copy of the eroge version without scrounging around for a used copy, your best bet would be the "Fate/stay night+hollow ataraxia set" Assurhaddon mentioned. But 130USD is steep, it's 7600JPY new on Amazon Japan. But I assume you're not in Japan?

    You might be able to find used copies of the PS2 version, and the Vita version is still in print (maybe Play-Asia has it?), but these are non-eroge versions.

  15. I am a clean freak. I have never seen a kitchen cleaner than mine. I have never seen a bathroom cleaner than mine. Most peoples' living situations gross me out. 8[ But I think most people wash themselves too much. I know no one's going to believe me, anyone who showers daily in particularly will probably think I'm gross, but I fixed my acne problems by not using products and showering less frequently.

    I stopped using shampoo and conditioner nearly ten years ago. Some other people online have picked up on this, they switch to baking soda as shampoo and diluted apple cider vinegar as conditioner because they're cheaper and accomplish the same thing. But I went straight to using just water (and a comb, I always use a comb in the shower). After a couple weeks of gross, matted hair, it started to clean up very nicely.

    The idea is that shampoo strips your hair of oils, which makes your head produce more oils in turn making you reliant on shampoo. Also, those oils can incite acne (hypothetically). Once I stopped using shampoo my body acclimatized to not needing to produce extra oils to make up for what the shampoo would take out, and now my hair doesn't get greasy. It's also much shinier and sexier, and I don't get acne on my forehead because my luxurious bangs don't wash my face with oil. I rinse my hair with baking soda once or twice a month, but I don't think I really need to.

    The next step was showering only when I needed to. One of the many conventional prescriptions for reducing acne is to wash one's face and apply creams. But I wondered if both of these did the same to my skin as shampoo used to do to my hair: dry it out and force it to overproduce oils. So I started washing my face only once a week and I stopped using skin products until my acne cleared up. Which it did. Now I shower about every other day in summer and once every three to six days in winter (if I don't exercise). I still get acne by my nose occasionally, but it's about fifty times better than it used to be.

    So yeah, my routine each morning is shaving and brushing my teeth. At night it's brushing my teeth. I shower with water, but only when taking a shower isn't a superfluous waste of water.

    A note on estheticians: My sister used to be an esthetician (and remains licensed). Their training involves learning what products hypothetically do what to the skin under different conditions, but half their job is sales oriented and there's minimal science in their education. Estheticians' recommendations are partially informed by what companies recommend their products are supposedly good for, which never makes for particularly objective advice. I don't want to dis the profession, but I personally don't wouldn't put much stock in an esthetician's word. Then again, to put my biases into context, I think trusting a salesperson for information on what they're selling is lunacy, and I oppose privatized medicine.

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