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Aura Of Twilight

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Everything posted by Aura Of Twilight

  1. Maybe...Although its hard to imagine her without magic. Thats why I was thinking of a dark pegasus.
  2. A child molester. What would happen if you put a hamster in a microwave?
  3. I always get the hard copy. Downloading it just doesn't seem right to me for some reason...
  4. Hmm...Does any one know what class Skyward Sword Zelda would have? I'm thinking along the lines of Dark Pegasus (Because of her loftwing) or Sage. Thoughts?
  5. Huh. I've always wondered about this myself. Staff weilders being able to inflict damage is kind of pointless since many of those types of units have low strength anyway, but it's since hilarious when they mangage to actually kill enemy units with one. lol MAY THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPEL YOU! XD Badass priest go!
  6. I think many people will/ have pair up Chrom and MU because its the first time this type of thing is possible in the FE series. Sure its a bit cliche, but marrying the main character makes the player (in my opinon) feel more emersed and important in the storyline. Also, with all the implications and extras the Chrom x MU pairing allows its hard to resist. This pairing is practically canon if you think about it, regardless of how IS seems determined to point out Chrom belongs with Sumia. That's just what I think though. I know that I'm going to do this pairing at least once for sure. maybe even more.
  7. If the DLC episodes do come to Europe and the US, how much do you think they'll cost? Will the price be based on difficulty or what kind of episode each one happens to be, like Summer of Bonds? There's been DLC for other games so I was just wondering. I realize this is kinda hard to perdict, but an estimate would be nice if possible.
  8. This is cool. Wont be long before Awakening's here in the US at all. :) Now I just need to get some cash and maybe pre order it...
  9. Name: Zael (The Last Story) Gender: Male Build: Medium body type, long brown/greyish hair Class: Assassin Best Stat: Luck Worst Stat: Resistance Skills: Lethality, Limit Breaker, Defender, Luck Cry, Bow Expert Weapons: Ichaival, Celice's Divinesword, Killing Edge Lovers: Liz, Lucina, or Sairi Name: Calista (The Last Story) Gender: Female Build: Medium body type, long white hair Class: Valkyrie Best Stat: Magic Worst Stat: Defense Skills: Secluded Lady, Bonds, Rainbow Cry, Dual Support+, Magic Expert Weapons/Items: Micaiah's Divineflame, Arcwind, ArcThunder, Fortify Lover: Chrom, Federick, or Azur Name: Dagran (The Last Story) Gender: Male Build: Medium body type, brown hair, sideburns(?) Class: Hero Best Stat: Skill Worst Stat: Resistance Skills: Sol, Holy Shield, Wrath, Defender, Sword Expert Weapons: Mercurius, Ragnell, Hauteclere Lover: No one
  10. Aww..that sucks. Guess I'll just have to image what he looked like before the eyepatch then. XD That aside, I came up with a few more themed MUs. Name: Light Yagami (Death Note) Gender: Male Build: Medium body type, brown hair Class: Sorcerer (Because of the power of the Death Note) Best Stat: Magic Worst Stat: Attack Skills: Vengeance, Crimson Curse, Lethality, Gamble, Holy Shield Weapons: Goetia, Bolganone, Arcwind, Thoron Lover: Sariya, Tiamo, or no one Name: L (Death Note, duh) Gender: Male Build: Medium body type, closest color to black hair Class: Trickster Best Stat: Skill Worst Stat: Luck Skills: Lucky 7, Counter, Acrobatics, Luna, Accuracy +20 Weapons/Items: Ragnell, Levin Sword, Mystletainn, Fortify Lover: Liz, or no one
  11. Name: Yurick (The Last Story) Build: Medium body type, white hair, eye patch Gender: Male Class: Grandmaster Best Stat: Skill Worst Stat: Defense Skills: Magnificent Flame, Vengeance, Magic Square, Fiery Heart, Slow Start Weapons: Brave Sword, Falaflame, Thorhammer, Rexcalibur Lover: ??? Name: Syrenne (The Last Story) Build: Adult body type, long red hair Gender: Female Class: Swordmaster Best Stat: Attack Worst Stat: Magic Skills: Secluded Lady, Miracle, Astra, Vantage, Wrath Weapons: Sol Katti, Silver Sword, Mercurius Lover: ???
  12. Um...Hello there. :) Looking forward to the holidays by any chance?
  13. This...when I saw this on the news, I cried. 26 victims, 20 of them innocent children...children! What that gunman did is absolutely dispicable. I don't care if he had mental problems or whatever, the fact of the matter is that he commited mass murder. Why has the U.S had so many of these shootings the past few years? I know the world isn't all sunshine and rainbows, but still, why?? Nonetheless, my heart goes out to the victims and their families as well as the whole community itself. What a tragedy...
  14. Hypothetically speaking, if Gamestop did announce a pre order bonus, would the people who'd pre order it before hand still get it?
  15. Haha. I have the same birthday as Jerome.
  16. Yeah...That was pretty much the same for me. I thought the DB sucked because of how hard it was to level them up and that they kept dying. There were a lot of awesome characters I barely used, like Mordicai or Michiah. If I remember correctly, in my first few playthroughs Haar, Tibarn, and Ike were the units who had killed the most.
  17. How long does it take to beat the game with/without all the special features (DLC, Spotpass episodes..etc)?
  18. It'll probably be playing for love for me, considering how hard it is to get wifi out in the middle of nowhere...can't excatly be a competitive player without it.
  19. I liked the way magic was handled in FE 9 and FE 10 personally. It made things more challenging and each mage playable unique. For example, Ilyana was a lightning mage and happened to be the only one able to use Rexbolt. Heh, goodbye dragons.. But I guess that's just the way the cookie crumbles. Awakening makes up for it in various ways.
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