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Posts posted by Rei

  1. [23:48] <Rei> What is a Missingo?

    [23:48] <Collete> no,I talk about Konata in Luckystar

    [23:48] <Rise> <3 Rei~

    [23:48] <`-`> WHAT?

    [23:48] * Hika-kun is now known as Sync_The_Badass

    [23:48] <`-`> Missingno is the best screen-name ever, indicative of the best Pokemon ever.

    [23:48] <Rei> hmm

    [23:48] <Rei> Uh

    [23:48] <@Nightmarre> Eru9a08aw46u

    [23:48] <Rei> PLEASE READ

    [23:48] <Sync_The_Badass> Missingno is a glitch Pokemon from the first three generations of games

    [23:48] <Rei> I SAID MISSINGO

    [23:48] <Rei> dumbasses :/

    [23:48] <Sync_The_Badass> Ah

    [23:48] <Rei> [23:47] <Missingo> :)

    [23:48] <Rei> See

    [23:48] <Rei> No N before the O

    [23:48] <@Nightmarre> Missingo is Doom being an idiot and misspelling

    [23:48] <`-`> I see now.

    [23:48] <Rei> :/

    [23:48] <Sync_The_Badass> :)

    [23:49] <Scout> MISSINGNO is

    [23:49] <Scout> such

    [23:49] <Rei> Seriously...

    [23:49] <emeraldfox_09> Missingo is a lame Pokemon.

    [23:49] <Scout> a hilarious glitch

    [23:49] <Sync_The_Badass> Missingo is the embodiment of Doom's idiocy

    [23:49] <Snow_Storm> Missingno is not even a Pokemon!

    [23:49] <`-`> It is more than a Pokemon.

    [23:49] <Rei> wow, since you guys didn't even catch it until I had to point it out...

    [23:49] <Rei> I think you're as bad a doom :/

    [23:49] <Sync_The_Badass> FUCK

    [23:49] <`-`> It is a reasonable mistake to have made.

    [23:49] <Sync_The_Badass> I DIDN'T PUT GUY BACK IN MY PARTY

    [23:49] <@Nightmarre> No it isn't

    [23:49] <`-`> I think. T_T

    [23:50] <@Nightmarre> NO MISTAKE IS REASONABLE

    [23:50] <`-`> What about the extra r in your name?

    [23:50] <Scout> nyoro~n

    [23:50] <@Nightmarre> But now I must leave

    [23:50] <emeraldfox_09> You can restart Hika.

    [23:50] <Rei> So?

    [23:50] <@Nightmarre> That's deliberate

    [23:50] <Collete> Emerald!

    [23:50] <Rei> I asked what a Missingo is

    [23:50] <Rei> and you guys say Missingno

    [23:50] <Missingo> lol

    [23:50] <Rei> Seriously

    [23:50] <Missingo> YOU DONT KNOW WHO I AM

    [23:50] <`-`> Missingo is a misspelling of Missingno, the best Pokemon ever.

    [23:50] <Collete> Missingno is no missing

    [23:50] <Rei> I think Doom just fucking mindgamed you guys

    [23:50] <emeraldfox_09> ?

    [23:51] <Rei> I think Doom just owned you... How do you feel?

    [23:51] <Missingo> lol

    [23:51] <`-`> I secede to Doom's brilliance.

    [23:51] <Collete> he doesnt owned me

    [23:51] <Missingo> I just did

    [23:51] <Collete> nobody owned me!

    [23:51] <@Nightmarre> Doom isn't capable of owning, if he does own, he did it unintentionally

    [23:51] <@Nightmarre> But

    [23:51] <Rise> Rei: <3

    [23:51] <@Nightmarre> I'm leaving now so play nice

    [23:51] <Scout> <`-`> I secede to Doom's brilliance.

    Wow guys, Doom owned you with mad mindgames...

  2. Well you don't need to know why he/she is there. In Brawl tourneys I try to use one character throughout (with the exception of wi-fi tourneys or large tourneys) and worry about the strengths and weaknesses in how I play as that character, not how the character is usually played (for example, Diddy's a bit of a wildcard because everybody uses his bananas, and if your enemy can control your bananas then your screwed, but I play Diddy without bananas, so my weaknesses and strengths are going to be different than the typical Diddy).

    Your Diddy will get destroyed then. All of the good Diddy Kongs utilize his bananas with his glide toss to piss off their opponents and rack up damage. The reason why he's placed on the tier list is because he has said bananas. He is also amazing at controlling his bananas and picking them up with dash attack which has almost no lag after the attack. Plus, his bananas combo into his D-smash or F-smash pretty easily after a glide toss.

    Well he was 4th when it came out, and Weegee was 8th. With the exception of the original Melee tier list, the top 5 has always been Fox, Falco, Sheik, Marth, and Peach. They've just been changing order. Also, Sheik was number 1 until July '06, almost 4 whole years after the first tier list came out. Tiers don't change very quickly, and even with metagames growing as dramatically as Melee's did, characters still don't drift too far from their original spots.

    Sheik was the best before they realized about really advanced techs in melee. It all depends on what is discovered in the game for the entire community. It can change quickly if someone finds an AT that really changes how the game is played.

    Marth wasn't high in the tier lists at all in Melee until Ken picked him up. Then it was developed by a ton of other players, and I personally think he deserves a top tier spot just from what M2K shows in huge tourneys against top players.

  3. Now, this is a story all about how

    My Marth got flip turned upside down

    And I liked to take a minute

    Just sit right there

    I'll tell you how I pwn noobs all day using Marth's forward air.

    In the west side of Altea born and raised

    On Final Destination was where I spent most of my days

    Short hoppin' and gimpin' and tippin' all cool

    And takin' some random online scrubs to school

    When a couple of noobs

    Who were up to no good

    Started qq'ing in my neighborhood

    I powered up my Wii and they all got scared

    They said 'You're not allowed to use Marth cuz he has a broken forward air'

    I whistled for a smash ball and when it came near

    I broke it with a fair and all the noobs shed a tear

    If anything I can say this final smash is the shit

    And I thought 'eat this you qq'ers LOL CRITICAL HIT'

    I put down my controller 'round seven or eight

    And I yelled over vent 'Yo homes brawl ya later'

    Time to eat dinner, but never despair,

    I'll be back on tomorrow to spam some more fair

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