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Posts posted by Rei

  1. Honestly, I don't remember any scenes in any games that involved animal cruelty at all. This chalks up to parents being retarded and leaving children to their own devices.

    And seriously, these kids need counseling; I was absolutely horrified when I accidentally crushed a lizard at 8 years old (and back then, I was super afraid of those things), so to be able to hang a kitten at 6 and 7 and not feel anything is an instant signal that somebody needs to do a better job parenting their children.

    No, they're probably basing things off of the violent nature of the game, which they think doing all of this killing would be fun. That's what the people blaming GTA are probably thinking.

  2. I've heard that the length of that is more than enough to satisfy. Most is apparently all in the width. Maybe Hika's a bit too wide...?

    It's still short and it's a combination of the two really... But still... HES A FREAK!

  3. So it's 336 pixels long, 226 wide... 72 pixels per inch...

    so your penis is 4 and 2/3 inches long and 3.138 inches wide.... What a short and stumpy Penis you have there. Obviously erect since you capitalized the first and last letter :/

  4. 19 days will be enough for us lol

    impossible lol.

    Lets say an average of 2 hours per DVD (usually 3-6 episodes per anime series, and movies and OVAs can range, but are usually around 2 hours I'm pretty damn sure I'm understating the average, but this is to make calculations nice and easy lol)

    1200 DVDs * 2 hours each.

    2400 hours.

    24 hours in a day.

    100 days to watch it all pretty much non stop.

    Excessive, maybe, but I can blame my father for the Otaku blood in me. Though that same weekend his wife shot her first deer, so in the same basement we watch anime, we also skinned, and cut the meat off of a deer lol. Venison yum... It's not like he has absolutely no life... These days his free time consists of hunting with friends, playing Sins of a Solar Empire, or watching anime. Well, that was while I was there at least. You can probably scratch the 2nd option XD.

    So yeah... It runs in the blood...

  5. Also, don't be afraid to say things like "You need a lot of work" or something of the such. But just lay off the insults and it should be all right. Also it's a good idea to give pointers.

    edit: dammit, didn't see Fox's post.

  6. You can give criticism without the name-calling you know.

    Anyway, I do agree that it wouldn't be worth $10 in my eyes, but what people buy is their own business.

    Insults really don't work well on getting the point across by the way. It just makes the other person angry and then they ignore your points.

  7. Well, the kids at my work are introduced to some pretty violent things, and they play pretend guns, and other things. Oh, and they're like 4 years old. And they say some pretty weird things, but I let it go most of the time since it's like when kids used to play cowboys and Indians. Though some of the older kids do say some stuff I don't want to be hearing, especially from a grade-school kid. Of course, these kids have rich parents and probably do play several M games, but it's not my domain to tell them what they can and can't play at home. If the child is mature enough then I wouldn't mind as much, however, most children aren't mature to not change their behavior that was from a show, a movie, or a game. Parents tend to trust their children a little too much in my honest opinion. But anyway, to get back on topic, yes, this could have been several other factors to lead to the children taking the life of a kitten. It just sounds like the blame game to me, unless the kids admitted to the game being the cause, which isn't likely at all.

  8. Though this article doesn't make sense with the controller.

    The boys had apparently used a wire from the video game controller they were playing, Grand Theft Auto, to hoist up the kitten

    Uh... Grand Theft Auto is in the form of a disc... If anything it's the wire from the controller to the GAME system. But they automatically point to Grand Theft Auto. I don't agree with parents letting children ESPECIALLY THIS YOUNG play games like GTA (I would say highschool+ for M Games). The reason may have not been GTA, hell, the controller could have been the only "rope" they could have found.

    I didn't read the links, cause TL;DR, but I don't see how it can be automatically linked to the game. Like, the kitten could have been really pissing off the 7 and 8 year old, and that may have been the reason. Though, the reaction of killing the animal may have been a result to being exposed to things such as GTA.

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