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Posts posted by Rei

  1. And I suppose Sakurai, the epitome of competitive game-making (for he put tripping in Brawl) instantly knows what's better for his game than everyone else.

    In all honesty, though, this originally got a LOT of crap back in Smashboards. Glad to see people on this forum aren't that purist and close-minded.

    I'd rather not get into the hacking ordeal, but this looks really sweet to me. Competitive players are actually having FUN now, like with Melee.

    We have more fun with melee in general :/...

    And the only hacks we allow in tourney for the most part are infinite replays, music swap, and no trip.

  2. It's a pretty damn good RTS. It's about conquesting a star system (Or multiple). The games can take awhile, but it's really fun. It's like Master of Orion 2 turned into a real time strategy instead of a turned based.

    Here's a battle

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