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Posts posted by Rei

  1. I went to my first Melee smashfest and got wrecked and ate pizza. It was cool.

    Wait, did you go to Sypher's. I missed it cause I'm in Culpeper right now. He called me XD

    Does anyone know why Dr. Mario is 4 places higher than Mario on the latest tier list? It doesn't seem to make much sense.

    Better F-air. pills > fireballs. better at comboing characters like Marth and Sheik. Overall stronger in general.

  2. So I'm assuming something is wrong with the ACP keeping the date at Dec 02? Things seem fine on my side, but this is a very peculiar problem. Nothing I've seen on any of the sites I've administered (Isn't that right Jeffy-poo? ^_^) though Jeff's idea to order them by post ID will help for keeping them in order definitely, but that's only a partial solution, I guess we'll have to deal without flood control, but ask the members to be mature enough to not post every 5 seconds?

  3. It's "sign a virtual petition to make Sheik good in SSB4", AKA Super Smash Brothers 4. I never edited it; you just didn't read it right. There is and never was a 6 >8U

    Yeah, the edit was a minute after posting.

  4. And people are like "OMFG TIERS ARE FOR QUEERS." Though you see the people who get the top places using those characters since they're mostly equal skill, except for M2K being better than everyone else. Though against other good players, he needs to use Marth and his other best top tiers, just because they're better.

  5. If you mean you can beat any of us in an Ike ditto you are probably correct. If you mean your Ike vs any of our guys, what's your next tournament? I'll MM you for snack money. :)

    I dunno when my next one is. I didn't go to C3 due to shit happening for me. You go to MD/VA tourneys too? I'm not going to Chu's this weekend either. Spending the weekend with my Father.

  6. General Spoon, you don't need to repeat yourself. I'm sure everyone heard you the first time.

    Besides, if nobody's commented on it, it probably means nobody cares. I could be wrong though...

    For the most part, you're right.

    And banning guns altogether is a dumb idea. I think we've already established that.

  7. Actually, I like Renault. (Hur hur)

    For older men, he counts and so does Orson... and Oifaye... But that's it. I think.

    EDIT: And Finn, Shannan, Alvis (of course), and Deu (Shut-up. He survived. I AM NOT BIAS!)

    Yeah, Renault is good as an older man, as is Oswin. Though if I were to go for someone younger. It would probably be Hector.

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