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Everything posted by Sundus64

  1. I will finally have my freedom after I finish my final exams, that's where I can do whatever I want, wish me luck peeps!

    1. Kay


      Good luck!

  2. Calling something marriage does not make it marriage. Marriage has always been a covenant between a man and a woman which is by its nature ordered toward the procreation and education of children and the unity and wellbeing of the spouses. The promoters of same-sex “marriage” propose something entirely different. They propose the union between two men or two women. This denies the self-evident biological, physiological, and psychological differences between men and women which find their complementarity in marriage. It also denies the specific primary purpose of marriage: the perpetuation of the human race and the raising of children. Two entirely different things cannot be considered the same thing.
  3. I speak English alright it's just that I didn't know what that guy was up to but now I get it, thanks bud.
  4. I can't help but go CRAZY for a new Zelda game whether it's like with Toon Link or Adult Link. But theres a new Zelda game coming out this 2013 holiday! I heard it's gonna be a sequel to A Link to the Past and from alot of fans I heard like everyone loved that game! I downloaded the trailer from the 3DS eshop. I can't wait for it because it's Zelda! What story is gonna be? New characters? New villan? OMG so curious! Who else heard of the new game?
  5. I can't help but go CRAZY for a new Zelda game whether it's like with Toon Link or Adult Link. But theres a new Zelda game coming out this 2013 holiday! I heard it's gonna be a sequel to A Link to the Past and from alot of fans I heard like everyone loved that game! I downloaded the trailer from the 3DS eshop. I can't wait for it because it's Zelda! What story is gonna be? New characters? New villan? OMG so curious! Who else heard of the new game?
  6. Freeakin Ocarina of Time dudes thats like the THE Legend of Zelda. Me and my bros grew up with that game. I also loved Minish Cap that game is what made me a Zelda fan.
  7. So the best way is to stay in my spot? What if BK comes up to me? .........Where do I get a hammer?
  8. I hate when ppl on the forums use high vocabulary and quote saying stuff thats hard to understand and barely makes sense.......
  9. School is Frustrating me!

  10. I like drawing and coloring and adding shades and stuff like that.
  11. I have CS3 Portable I got it from a friend through her thumb drive and it works perfect with XP.
  12. That exactly what I meant, can someone show me how to install? Btw- love your signature, Charlie.
  13. Hey I am Sundus welcome to the forums tell me if you are a Zelda fan.
  14. Okay so Ike and Zelgius agreed to fight one lives and one is dead and I am freakin scared out of heck like what matters in this part? Strength health skills? What sucks is that there is a barrier that my other units can't help. And the internet isn't very specific so how did you peeps handle it?
  15. That's it? All I do is just download. Do I have to go to processes like um.......well processes like you download it then you open the file and do some stuff. Get what I mean?
  16. My brothers, when I was little they use to play their N64 as if it was like a sibling things, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, especially Zelda (Both MM and OOt) and they'd always play Sonic on the computer and whenever a friend comes over and they kill Ganondorf the part when Link gives Zelda the Ocarina the boys would be like ''NO LINK! Don't do it!'' Lol then After I came back from Yemen in 2002 my brothers all bought video games and I watch them play. It's just something I have to do in every day when I was little. Either watch them play or play by myself then I began to like the Nintendo characters and anyone who plays Nintendo I liked them then in 2006 I loved Princess Peach and bought MY FIRST DS Lite and then boom Video Games had been everything to me. I always talk about them in school and every year I get interested into new series. First was Mario, then Legend of Zelda, then Soul Calibur then Fire Emblem now Kid Icarus. Lool.
  17. Hey Prax since you are good at drawing and coloring I mean first you draw by pencil right? Then you color on Sai? Share if you may...
  18. I have Photoshop but people say GIMP is better and free and I heard the tools of GIMP are better and I am the type of person who likes better things so...Can someone give me the exact link and directions on how to download GIMP please? Everytime I search I end up downloading the wrong thing soooooo thanks in advance!
  19. So wanna buy this game, thank God for buying-games-off-the-eshop-instead-of-going-all-the-way-to-gamestop-and-find-its-all-sold-out
  20. So as you all can see I am writing a book and here is the main character Sundus Alexandra. It took me like 3-4 months because of school and other things but I finally finished it today. I couldn't make it like the Fire Emblem coloring so I don't know what you call this kind of art. And feedbacks on coloring would be nice I am just learning. So here is Suny Alexandra! Is it small?
  21. Omg Soul Calibur 2 (even though I have it its cool to see other people play!)
  22. ?????????????????????????? That came out of nowhere...........
  23. Lilina because they've been friends since childhood I think its a cute couple like that in fantasy stories. I don't get how people wanna vote other characters sheesh it's just a poll if you don't wanna vote then don't no one is forcing you to. MODEDIT: merged a doublepost that sat around for a whole month lol
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