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Everything posted by Shugey

  1. Beat the demo. I'm not sure it was smart to end the demo on a looping chapter with a shop and free promotion items.... While I didn't find it on the file I won with, I used my old file(which still has Beta the Beetle for some reason) and got the N. C. Card which is useless because I don't feel like examining every tile ever. It was really good, writing is as silly and hilarious as usual, unit imbalance is as great as ever.
  2. 1.2 shouldn't have that issue. Alternate solution: Win faster.
  3. There is no Ether Sphere in Chapter 10. That only happens in Hard Mode, which isn't even supposed to exist. You can get one normally later if you do a certain sidequest involving Emblem Weapons.
  4. Chapter 6 is a nightmare. How do you open the door?
  5. Just do what I did and add .ups to the end of it. It worked fine for me. Its nice to see that this hack is back again, as Chapter 5 is hilarious so far(Dath noooo!).
  6. I just noticed something that makes no sense to me...
  7. I meant miserable as in "look at all of this stuff I have to record and edit and manage" as opposed to "oh no that chest shoots fire"
  8. Do what you want Marc. if you don't feel like doing it anymore, don't. We'd rather have you not do it and be happy than be miserable doing it.
  9. Speaking of units not being available for final chapters...
  10. Damn it. I give up then. Sorry.
  11. Do images have to be a certain size? I think this may be too big...
  12. If you need any images from the Finale, I can get them for you as I have an extra save at Finale Part 1, so I can get pics of late-game stats, bosses, convos, etc.
  13. I.... won't be submitting anything. I'll just watch and whatnot. Although I guess I could help make sure that the submissions aren't buggy.
  14. Thanks. Actually, I still can't find them. I'm having characters stand on different grass spaces and trees, but nothing's showing up. Am I being an idiot, or is my luck bad because the items are randomly found?
  15. Where's the Baldo Scroll and Leo orb in Pent's Tale? I can't find them.
  16. Question, how is Hard Mode accessed? I know its a glitchy mode that's not supposed to exist, but it still seems interesting.
  17. Hey Blazer, I am sorry if I offended you. While I didn't follow this hack before it was released, I understand that this game took a while to make and was not easy. I haven't hacked a single Fire Emblem game and have to experience actually creating a game. While TLP isn't perfect, it is still impressive and fun to play. While I may not agree with some design choices, I feel that overall the game is pretty good.
  18. You mean that the character that is not exactly plot essential but still speaks a lot and has a posse of powerful characters, a tragic backstory, and must be used to beat the game is an author insert? What a concept! /sarcasm
  19. Because only Kelik and Shon are allowed to get legendary weapons with meaning. Shon has an excuse, as the weapon and promotion item are tied together and slightly plot important. Kelik has no excuse besides blatant author favoritism.
  20. Unfortunately, Shuuda gets outclassed by Kelik and Tekun later on, and Inanna has to compete with the two wyverns.
  21. She's a healer. I don't think she really needs HP.
  22. That's how I got him with 60 HP. No one else in Siegfried's mode (besides Cia, I guess) needs Angelic Robes that's worth using.
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