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Everything posted by Shugey

  1. What do you mean, Custom tact? I put in info for my guy. Also, after Chapter 7 you are transported to 7x which has no dialogue, a unique map, and the boss is Paladin Beyard who is unreachable due to doors you can't open as you lack keys.
  2. Did two wyvern knights just come out of nowhere and kill Seymour before he could even reac? I mean I can deal with lots of reinforcements and having some move instantly, but when you pull two wyverns out of nowhere onto the middle of the map just to spite me, that's crossing the line. Still enjoying this game, but I must say I dislike trial and error things like this.(This is 8B, btw)
  3. I liked it, although the enemies didn't always heal an injured unit, and never used the Fortify staff. I know this is sort of the AI's fault, but it makes it so that the difficulty is probably easier that intended. All I did was send Shigeid and the Mercenary guy up to the boss with the Elixer, had Shigied crit the boss, and then won. I felt no obligation to get the treasure, as it is just a demo and the thieves don't move after pilfering the goods. Unit balance was fine, although the Pegasus Knight was rather useless to me.
  4. The only CGs in the current demo were for when you take too long in one of the Onduris chapters.
  5. I'd like to help, but I can't hack anything at all. So I guess I'll just see how this project ends up.
  6. Nah. That's what save states are for.
  7. Something I noticed that should probably be addressed, Reaching the Heavens is slightly flawed. In order for the game to count Shon killing Pellenore, Shon must initiate the attack. If Pellenore attacks and Shon kills him in retaliation, it doesn't count. I noticed it when I played, but just loaded a save state. I'm not sure if you are aware of this.
  8. It's sad to see this end. Oh well, it had to sooner or later.
  9. Why would I want to arena abuse? Was the the effort I put into Shon truly useless in the end?
  10. Now I can finally see how bad the rejected ones really are. Wow, I can now see why they were rejected. While I can't get Vaati's Revenge working, the other two work fine. And they are awful. The first one is just a lame dialogueless map with one range FOW that just ENDS after some time. The other is about Batta, Glass, and some other people trying to kill Lyn. It has some dialogue in the beginning, but the end is literally just "GOOD JOB. THE END." It is super luck based and nearly impossible, as reinforcements come out of nowhere.
  11. What do you mean by balancing? Is Logan usable now?
  12. So what exactly does Version 1.3 even do? Is it just minor bugfixes?
  13. Speaking of axes, who will be the first axe user? Considering some of the reclassing that has been done, I'm half expecting it to be Lucius, claiming he wants to seem more manly. The hack is cool so far, I'm liking the humor. I wonder what Chapter 4 is all about.
  14. Working now. Thanks. I'll post my thoughts tomorrow, I'm kinda busy right now.
  15. Stupid Mac won't properly patch the game. Not your fault, it just happens sometimes.
  16. I think Arch isn't going to make us kill off characters in this.
  17. Lorenz x Roger. Newbie knight with no real experience of battle and a general who has seen all kinds of wars.
  18. Wendel and Wrys. They can have old people discussions, like about their back pains. A less silly one would be Castor and Rikard, as they both have money issues, but handle them differently.
  19. Leopold's death quote is the issue.
  20. Nothing important. Its the last part of the game, a few stat boosters and weapons are kind of useless considering how the last 3 maps consist entirely of bosses.
  21. Boah should replace Malladeus as they are both useless old people that nobody like. At least Boah gets killed in the sequel.
  22. What is going to happen to Xane? I imagine he will become our Bard.
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