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Everything posted by Othin

  1. For what it's worth, I'm pretty sure I restarted more times on my first time on Lunatic Ch2 than on my first time on Lunatic+ Ch2 just from how much better I got at the game throughout my first Lunatic run. Same goes for the rest of the game through Ch9, which is as far as I played in Lunatic+, although it doesn't count quite as much for the later chapters since I was actually playing sidequests on Lunatic+. Not quite sure why I stopped, but I plan on cutting through it pretty soon on the American version, once I unlock it again.
  2. Well, it cuts out the money which would go to physical retailers, so Nintendo would make more money from the digital downloads even if the physical games were free to produce. The thing is, lowering the price for digital downloads would really hurt physical game sales, which could cause problems for physical distribution in general if any physical copies are inevitably an unnecessarily expensive option.
  3. Let's say you have Vaike as a LV20 Warrior. Being promoted, it counts as LV40. So when he reclasses to Berserker, he'll get 20 internal levels. This on top of being a LV1 Berserker, which counts as LV21, means he'll count as a LV41 unit. Meanwhile, if you have him go from a LV20 Warrior to a LV1 Barbarian, he'll still have those 20 internal levels but only 1 class level instead of 21, so he'll count as a LV21 unit.
  4. Oh, you have to shift around your actions so that Frederick isn't doing everything? What horror.
  5. Yeah, Lunatic mellows out for a bit. Then the enemies all promote and you're fucked.
  6. 1. It's complicated. Reclassing into a promoted class will lower Exp gain, but reclassing into an unpromoted class increases gains. So you want to reclass unpromoted units as fast as you can, but it can make sense to hold off on reclassing promoted units if you're not in a rush. Of course, reclassing a promoted unit into an unpromoted class will really increase Exp gains, but that's pretty much always a very bad idea because of the lost stats, which you're especially unable to afford here. 4. Replaying them is cheap, but they can be nice as added sidequests if you limit yourself to one completion of each ingame. I do recommend buying the full set for the reduced price while you can just because it's a great deal and the DLC is all pretty awesome, especially for postgame messing around. You're not going to be geting any use out of Roy in Lunatic, though; by the time you can feasibly beat his chapter, you should have Gregor, who's just better. 6. Probably possible but don't expect him to actually benefit you in any way.
  7. Promotions don't affect internal level. Say you have Vaike as a LV10 Fighter. If you promote him to Warrior, he'll have no internal levels; he'll just be a LV21 unit. This is the same no matter what level you promote him at. Meanwhile, if you reclass him to Barbarian, he'll have 5 internal levels as a LV1 unit, and therefore gain Exp as a LV6 unit. Or more, if you level him up past 10. Basically, the game doesn't care what levels you had before a Master Seal, just a Second Seal.
  8. Wait, what? I don't remember having Luna+ trouble on that chapter, at least not as a major issue. The maps get way less obnoxious after Ch2 because you actually have a preparation screen, anyway, even though that's when the skills that actually matter start showing up.
  9. Exactly. I have Kid Icarus: Uprising as the one physical game I need always plugged into the system, with FE13, NSMB2, Crashmo, and a whole bunch of awesome retro games installed into the system. Don't need any other items ever like this.
  10. Aptitude is so much better it isn't funny. There's no sense in having Donnel pass down anything else ever.
  11. Lynette/Kellam, mainly. She's +Def; with Kellam's further bonus, everything tinks her on HM, and she rips right through them in return. More recently (as of Ch15), Panne/Vaike. I reclassed Panne to Wyvern Rider immediately for absolutely terrifying results; even before promoting, she had far higher stats than a promoted Cherche. With Vaike's Str, nothing stops her.
  12. Money worth is relative. There are people who really want the symbol on their system, don't care about having a physical copy (digital is honestly more convenient), and have the cash to not really have to worry about a $300 purchase.
  13. MU is pretty much always the best first promotion pick because of higher Exp gains, fast access to Rally Spectrum, the best skill in the game, and just being the more powerful unit overall.
  14. Underdog, at the cost of Aptitude? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. 1. Blond (pale) 2. Red 3. Blue 4. Green (yellowish) 5. Brown 6. Pink 7. Tan (pale) 8. Purple 9. Dark grey 10. Light grey 11. Pink (darker) 12. Light blue 13. Teal 14. Light green 15. Light brown 16. Light pink 17. Blond (darker) 18. Light purple 19. Red (darker) 20. Orange
  15. I don't think it's physically possible to complete Lunatic as a first playthrough without stabbing out both your eyes. You want a challenge? Don't do the grindy stuff you just did. You have your policy of not using arenas or towers or whatever else: stick to it here. That simple.
  16. Seems to be lower activation rates go first. As for within a given activation rate? Well, if you unequip skills from a character, they go into that character's "skill storage" where they're sorted according to some ingame order, in which they're all grouped together, and with the lower-activation rate ones first on the list. It's probably a safe bet that the ingame order is the priority order for all the skills, so for a character with multiple of those skills, you can just unequip them and the ones listed first should have higher priority. Unless I've got it the wrong way around and the lower activation rates are at the bottom, in which case go with that, but I don't think so.
  17. Panne as a (Taguel 30 --> Wyvern Lord 1) is a LV21 unit with 15 internal levels, and therefore gains Exp as a LV36 unit.
  18. For unpromoted, as soon as you can. For promoted, probably after learning your LV15 skill.
  19. Yeah, it's just trading activation rate for an effect you really don't need. I don't recommend it.
  20. How can he expect us to kill the monsters... when they are ALREADY DEAD? Hah, he was one of my favorite characters even in the Japanese version, and I'm liking him more and more with every line.
  21. Keep in mind: a third-gen Morgan will, in postgame, be considerably stronger than a second-gen Morgan in general, due to inheriting stuff from three first-gen units rather than two: her caps will be increased by Sully/Sumia's modifiers, and she'll have a much easier time getting Lightning Speed since she won't need to inherit it. So I'd recommend the Aether build for that reason alone.
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